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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. i dont know if it will run in openGL on 32 bit. i know for sure it wont run on just 32 bit though. this pack is massive. id say 16gb to be safe. I use 32gb and i havent paid attention to how much ram this actually uses tbh if you want to test it out go for it remove as many planets as you want
  2. It wouldnt be too hard to make them, Now that i have a template all i need is textures now and i have plenty of those. Are you saying it would be too much? oh yeah very quick.. love it
  3. No need for names it looks amazing! Consider yourself hired! After looking at your work, it reminded me that i once played with the idea of adding an actual asteroid belt of about 10 or so. I just dont know if that would be overkill though yeah thats 0 inclination. i am pretty happy with it to be honest. The only thing i dont like is how Lili is a sphere when from that distance but i think its a limitation thing. oh well. it doesnt take away from the immersion for me
  4. Here is the description i have for Gael description = A terrestrial planet. Homeworld of the Kerbals. Despite their penchant for mega-structures, Kerbals make every effort to ensure that the ecological balance of their world is not disturbed, and much of the planet remains an untouched wilderness.
  5. This doesn't work for any version except the last version it was updated for and that was 1.0.2 as the title says. This revamp works in 1.1.3 however
  6. I like either logo. The scansat one makes me think ksp right away and that may be more fitting. I also think it would look good without the info table as well. Especially if it were to wind up in the OP either way I absolutely love it
  7. There is but it a process. Just use SVE as a template and transfer the values and directories over. It's not really something I can explain in a post. But ultimately you would have to rewrite the cfg again
  8. @Deadpangod3 OK, looking at that cfg, it won't work in the current eve. The cfgs are WAY different now. Take a look at SVE you will see the difference.
  9. Urania hasn't been updated since 1.0.5 and quite a bit has changed. If you swap out the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements folder with the most current version it Might work. The eve included is definitely out of date
  10. I do like the rings more. Thinking about it, having 0 inclination wouldn't be so bad. Nobody will ever get 0 inclination naturally unless they are using hyper edit. Maybe it wouldn't look so bad. That way we can keep both. Also, does the transition look bad? It kinda just disappears at some point but it's very far away
  11. I think the reason nobody is giving any input is because we cant just read your questions and determine if there is an issue in the cfgs. Include those and you will probably get more help
  12. I think I'm going to scrap Lili then. 0 inclination just seems boring to me. I must have forgotten to add the changes to the atmosphere on Tellumo. I changed so much in Tellumo and Gael that I may have just copied over it with an old atmosphere node and didn't notice.
  13. Ah. I should have known that. Ok I can do that. That didn't even cross my mind.
  14. You could post some more info. Are you making your own textures? Are you using someone else's? Do you have screenshots?
  15. I want to keep it I really do but I'm also a perfectionist. @OhioBob I'll send you the cfg
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