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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. no but you can use the mod navballchanger link is in this thread. I actually prefer it to what TR did
  2. Just delete everything to assure that there is no issues. So delete: -Stockvisualenhancements -EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements -Scatterer (you don't have to delete DOE as I didn't change anything in that mod) Then just copy over the new update and you should be good
  3. I am absolutely planning on doing that. the textures currently are 1024x1024 and I am going to be converting them to 512x512 when I get time. Maybe that will help. I don't think I'll be going lower than 512 though.
  4. I just went to check it out as well and noticed an darn seam in the normal map so I'm going to update again lol thanks for the feedback and support!
  5. I think I may have fixed this issue with the new heightmap. If you wanna double check and let me know I would greatly appreciate it. I just forgot to check before I updated :/ it was 6 am and sleep was calling
  6. Following downtime on July 25th a lot of 'follow user' records were unfortunately lost. I don't know if the downtime affected just 'follow user' records or if it affected all followed content for some users, but this could be why
  7. I'm at a loss without looking at how you are installing it. I use ksprc quite a bit and don't have an issue. maybe post pics of your install directory?
  8. UPDATE I really tried to take my time with this update. I feel like I rushed the others. The white Kerbin, Scatterer issue has not been fixed with this update. I am waiting on a fix from blackrack. Until then follow my instructions in the OP on how to avoid it for the most part.
  9. Yeah it's supposed to. But like I said, the kopernicus that is included in ksprc is outdated and should be the only thing that NEEDS replacing. Scatterer should be updated too but the version included will work. The only thing wrong with that version is the sunflares don't work.
  10. kopernicus works just fine and so does scatterer. double and triple check you have the most up to date versions. the kopernicus that comes with ksprc isn't up to date so make sure you delete the included version and install the newer one. the latest kopernicus includes Modular Flight Integrator. Be sure to install it along side kopernicus or kopernicus will not work.
  11. try this in texture replacer. you can use my textures for this to make it easier: remove all SVE/SVT mods rename one of my cliff face texture to this: lunar cliff face drop that texture into the default folder and look at the craters on the mun. maybe, just maybe, it will work EDIT: I just tried it and, well, its trying to do something. I dont know whats missing for it to work exactly. ill have to play around with it.
  12. What name did you save the texture that you put in the default folder? The names I gave my textures aren't the same as the names stock uses. TR might have a list of names somewhere I'll have to check The only downfall is if different bodies use the same texture in stock. If I was to change Kerbins cliff face texture then it will be the same on, say, eeloo for example. And it might break the immersion. In kopernicus I can have different textures for each body and make each unique
  13. It does use kopernicus because looking at his cfg is how I learned what I know about kopernicus. He uses texture replacer for other things just not ground textures. Scaled space textures are not the same as ground textures Sounds like you are just missing the textures
  14. Well yeah but SVE already comes with it removed. Not Installing eve separately is something I try to make clear in my thread so hopefully people see that
  15. Theoretically it should work. Typically BUILTIN/texture name is how kopernicus uses stock textures but I don't know where stock stores them or how to extract them
  16. I'm having a tough time picturing what other colors I could use without it looking like a rainbow. I could just add more blues and shades of green and maybe a little purple
  17. KSPRC uses kopernicus but it might have used something else in the past. EVE used to allow for ground textures but that feature hasn't been implemented in 1.1. I don't know if TR is capable ground textures but if it is I dont know how to use it. If I knew of an alternative way to do it I would in a heart beat. I hate the white kerbin bug
  18. Yeah it's definitely a scatterer issue and I brought it up to blackrack so hopefully he can get to the bottom of it. And I can definitely put more colors into the auroras. Currently in the detail texture there is green, yellow and blue. It is dominated by green for sure though probably because the main aurora texture is green itself. If I used texture replacer instead of kopernicus, I lose all ground textures which I wouldn't want to happen. Unless there is a way to do that with tr and I don't know about it. Scaled space would still be beautiful but I want ground textures.
  19. Didn't mean for it to come off like that I made the mistake of not hitting the apply button in the past and got very frustrated. Your screenshots came out pretty darn good though. On those rare occasions that I feel like taking screenshots, I just use hyper edit to get into perfect position, but since you actually put them in orbit manually I appreciate them even more! Yeah I've noticed that and haven't done any investigating yet. I'll look into it when I have finished working on SVT
  20. There isn't a boulder Co folder in SVE though.
  21. Make sure ALL of your mods are up to date. From what I can see some of your mods are older versions. Also how many mods are you trying to run? This may be the longest output log I have seen in a long time
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