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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. ok just tested and make it 10k in all directions... perhaps remove ALL other mods and place whatever other mods you use in one at a time until it happens again. other than that I don't know what could be causing the issue
  2. I won't hesitate to go 12 year old Xbox live on you Nhawks
  3. I was driving to class at 6am since I live 1hr and a half from my school so I'm typically cranky on Monday and Thursday. I just get short with people on those days
  4. Ah well I'll still see what I can do. No worries I was cranky too
  5. I was just thinking about it and you should be able to go into the old sve download and find that old texture and replace the new one and you should have the old clouds with that. I'll try when I get home and let you know. Or you can just beat me to it
  6. I was going to start working on them when I got time. It's really simple to do just a bit tedious especially with the amount planets in this mod. I mean I could have it done within a few days but some planets would have the same color ribbons. I just have been pretty preoccupied getting ssrss up and running. Maybe this weekend I'll have it done. It's a mod I use religiously when I actually play so I think I definitely need get on it.
  7. We just updated our sve. Good thing you can delete it then
  8. Make sure that it's happening in game too. Not just in the tracking station
  9. Have you done a clean install? Like, delete everything and install step by step? Don't install any other mod. See if this is happening with just ssrss
  10. We plan on including rss expanded but it will take some time for us to put scatterer on the bodies that need it. Also kopernicus expansion will definitely happen when/if it's update. What I'm most concerned with is having a 2gb download. That's a bit crazy considering how often we update
  11. Thats strange I'm not having any problem on Mars at all. Might want to post your logs. Do not post your logs directly on here, Please use dropbox for your logs and post the link here. Or if you want just send me your save and I'll test it out
  12. Strange... Doesn't seem to make a difference on my rig. I'll try yours though
  13. Oh ok. I usually don't play with konstructs but it would be cool to have those old flood lights in this mod.
  14. Is this regarding the exploding rover? Or falling through the map?
  15. I think I know whats causing it and will test and package a new update..sorry guys
  16. That jump from 64 to 128 isn't very noticeable and it creates some weird effects on Titans water in my experience. It also it hits my FPS pretty good. I have a gtx980 with an i5k. All OC'd and it still hits me pretty good at 128.
  17. @selfish_meme, how many fps are you getting with your cfg? I'm pretty sure I used your cfg in this update.
  18. I can add the haze to the moon BUT that requires more scatterer lol
  19. You want the planet to orbit in reverse or just have the clouds spinning in retrograde?
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