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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. It's the thin black line at the horizon. Almost looks like an aliasing issue.
  2. well blackrack, a month and a half back said he was fixing this issue so I assumed it was a scatterer issue. I may be wrong though
  3. you can take screenshots and test at the same time. just sayin. you can hit the windows button on your keyboard and go back to the desktop and leave ksp running in the background while you upload the screenshot to imgur.com ok so your game crashed, NOW would be a great time to upload the logs! BUT before you do that, I would suggest, try starting the game up again and see if it crashes again. If it does upload the logs.
  4. LOL that's not a hole! That's the eclipse! EVE adds eclipses. so does scatterer. Also why take a pic with your phone when you can hit F1 in game and take a screenshot?
  5. It's really noticeable on the Kerbals themselves.
  6. It's not really something you can see in a screenshot. I too have noticed the strange flag like waving of the shadows.
  7. You can do this to fix the chattering mouth issue
  8. I have been wondering the same thing. I think it's a scatterer thing.
  9. Sounds like you are using a ton if mods. Expect issues. Also, it doesn't take 8-10 hours to find your "bad apple". I don't care how many mods you have it should only take an hour.MAX. for example if you have 200 mods, remove half, so 100. If the game runs, then the issue must lie with the 100 mods you removed. Of the 100 you removed, add 50 back. If the game runs fine then the issue lies with the remaining 50 mods. Of those mods add 25 back.. you get the idea. that's how to narrow it down. No need to test each and every mod. Your wish for modders to add a ton of mods to try and break/ fix there game and make everything compatible isn't going to happen. You said you have modded in the past, so you should know that modding isn't simple and takes up your time (often causing burnout). Just seems like a really selfish request from someone that supposedly knows what modding requires. Again ill just piggy back on what others have said, if you aren't willing to post logs or screenshots then don't expect support. What you are doing is saying "My game is broken. fix it" if you need some help : Also from what I can piece together, you are trying to run 2 visual enhancement mods together? I can tell you right now its the cloud.cfg files conflicting. I understand some things seem redundant and unnecessary but for future reference, in order to get better support, don't come to a thread unwilling to do what is asked in order to get help and then follow up with "I know how to mod so there is no need for this" because if that's the case, if I was the dev of this mod, I would tell you to go figure it out on your own. Go away @Nhawks17 remember your blood pressure?
  10. It's not on your end. It's the same problem we had with other planets and moons. It will be fixed
  11. In your case it didn't exactly spam the thread but it isn't the ideal way to post your logs. Some devs don't care how you do it but sticking to the dropbox links will more than likely save you from the wrath of an already annoyed dev.
  12. Every module manager file in your gamedata folder. Just don't delete the modulmanager.2.6.25.dll oh and you can go into your RSS kopernicus folder and delete the cache folder there too
  13. Alt+f10 and check that the oceanmesh or whatever it's called is set to 1 and not 4. Also it should be noted that the "fix" is not perfect and there will sometimes be flickering :/ I'm still hoping blackrack will be able to tackle that with the upcoming ksp update. Until then just get as far away from kerbin as you can!
  14. just so you know, you wont get the scatterer effect in the tracking station so that screenshot is 100% the way it should look. Go look at a view while in flight. Also the correct way to post your log is to put it on Dropbox and share the link here that way you aren't spamming the thread Dangit GO AWAY @Nhawks17 stop helping on your thread! I got this
  15. Yeah i feel you. I'm planning on getting a gtx 1070 or 1080 tomorrow. I have a 980 and it's awesome. I just have a thing where I have to have the newest thing available unless I'm talked out of it
  16. Well with the coming update it should be a little lighter and more fps friendly
  17. This is really really great. I am super excited. Am I going to have to re-do my current scatterer configs or will I just have to adjust the planetshine values?
  18. Sorry I haven't been active the last few days. My wife surprised me with a trip to the beach and a bit of relaxing. I'll get thing going again as soon as I get home! We pretty much have an update ready. I just goofed on a few little things that I need to fix. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend!
  19. Well wait until you get the new aurora oh and the new hurricane
  20. There are a few in the new clouds I will probably add a few more when I get a chance. Thing is, it's hard to make them noticeable with out making them too big.
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