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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Nah, bruh...KSP just updated yesterday. Give the modders, who do this on their own free time, enough time to update. The link for the 1.3 version is in the OP. Read it a bit slower. There isn’t a big “download” button.
  2. If you updated to 1.3.1, then it won’t be there because the mod has not been updated to that version yet.
  3. Probably around 40 fps give or take a few. In scaled space, you can expect 60+. you will need more ram though. 16gb minimum
  4. Keyword there is hopefully. If it’s not fixed, there is nothing we can do.
  5. The that’s an old version of SVE. The dust was removed a few versions ago due to an issue with cloud color and scatterer.
  6. I tested principia a couple weeks ago and it seemed to work ok. It recently got an update too is this the thread you got it from?
  7. Well all of his textures are also installed incorrectly... just completely disregard his install. It's all wrong. If you are using an absolutely fresh install of ksp, you HAVE to run it once without mods. This gives ksp the chance to write all the settings. Then you can add mods. Try that if it's the case
  8. Looking at your Gamedata screenshot, you don't have ModuleFlightManager installed. It come bundled with kopernicus because kopernicus depends on it. In other words, it's required for any planet pack to work. Unless he is playing on a really old version of KSP, RSS won't load unless MFI is installed. This is why copying his gamedata won't work for you in 1.3.
  9. You can use the Rescale! cfgs with this. You can find the link in my signature, or on the sigma dimensions OP https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126548-wip130-sigma-dimensions/
  10. GPP_OPM removes the body references in order to maintain compatibility with ongoing GPP saves, not stock saves. Current saves will be broken if you try and install mid stock career. Installing mid GPP career is fine, however.
  11. Play Your Way does not disable contracts. Contract configurator is needed to do that. If it doesn't work in 1.3.1, sorry
  12. Kerbal Konstructs has all of the stock models and assets for buildings in its inventory. This includes the destroyed buildings that can certainly be used as "ruins". No modeling necessary
  13. If you could just post your output log, that may be of some assistance to me. As for the color of the Enceladus, it's not wrong but a by product of the light intensity curve (bodies further out get darker). The ring shadows I'll need to fix. The latest kopernicus fixed the ring color parameter and I haven't adjusted for the fix. Titan shouldn't be black, don't know what the issue there is, unless it's in an eclipse. revert to kopernicus 1.3.0-5 or 6 and see if the issues persists. Those where the last versions of Kopernicus I developed this with
  14. Oh, it's definitely possible, and I had a feeling the request or question would pop up at sometime. I mean, we already include GPP_Secondary as an option in GPP, I don't see why the other shouldn't happen, besides the fact that free time is hard to come by right now.. but when is it not?
  15. It would be good for story telling. I'll entertain the idea, but no timetable for if or when it happens.
  16. I asked for a little more than that, but I think I see what you mean.
  17. I keep seeing you post about not having scatterer effects on gas giants. I need you to post logs and screenshots of you gameData and of the gas giants. I just ran Ssrss and have all the effects with the most basic set up
  18. I understand that, and more grind wouldn't be good, but having it as tier 1 instead of tier 0 wouldn't be too awful. I guess I would just love an art pass on the current models and assets of the buildings in general. The are very bland in my opinion.
  19. It's a bug in older koperncus versions that was fixed with kopernicus v1.3.0-8. Use the latest version.
  20. This is exactly what GPP_secondary is for all you need to do is change the reference body/orbit/SMA of Ciro in the Ciro.cfg in the GPP_Secondary folder. Put it around any star. The work is already 95% done. You can make the adjustments using MM and include it in Extrasolar. Just make sure it's done with :NEEDS[GPP_Secondary].
  21. @Mattasmack that's out of my control in terms of anomalies, unfortunately. I also agree with your stance on the barn. I would like it as a separate base, but would love for it to be usable and upgradable as well.
  22. Yes, there are other things for sure that I would like to see too, but what I gathered from this is the models and assets were complete, and probably wouldn't take much effort away from new projects to implement them again.
  23. You see these hard terminators due to how dense the cloud coverage is and how scatterer and EVE integration work. This is why it's a smooth gradient on cloudless bodies. Also, people want the colorful clouds at dusk and dawn. Gael and Tellumo are the only bodies that have the EVE integration enabled which is what causes the hard terminator. There is nothing I could do that wouldn't make it look worse and I don't want to sacrifice quality elsewhere to make something less important look better.
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