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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Yeah that’s a way, but I hope it will be fixed in a future update too. Thanks!
  2. @Ger_space In the current release of KK i can only get one ground station in GPP. Doesn't matter if I enable/disable them in the settings. Nothing changes it. Makes getting around a pain. EDIT: Disregard above. As far as I can tell, disabling them does work and brings back the ground stations ONLY when you disable them in the settings before starting a new game. I can't disable them in the middle of a career. If I'm wrong please let me know. Maybe KK can make that configurable so mods or planet packs can set that to either enabled or disabled with an MM patch, depending on what their needs are? EDIT: choosing to disable them at the start of a new game isn't persistent. At some point the tracking stations always disappear.
  3. Have you not seen the “bounce”? Landed on anything, completely shut down, and crafts leap off of the surface upon load. I would watch the whole video posted above to get an idea.
  4. It works. I used it all day. Double check that you are installing correctly. You need the latest Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, and Module manager. Do not use the ones that come bundled with RSS and make sure you have the textures.
  5. That’s normal as the version file is not updated. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.
  6. Yeah I noticed this too... I figured I was doing something wrong, but I see it’s not just me.
  7. They do work. The issue is now Scatterer, it’s how KSP implements their stock sun flare. You can fix it using kopernicus and creating a confit with this in it: @Kopernicus:NEEDS[scatterer] { @Body:HAS[@Template:HAS[#name[Sun]]] { %ScaledVersion { %Light { %sunLensFlareColor = 0,0,0,0 } } } }
  8. I dunno but I loved it lol i mean, I know the song and movie, but this was hilariously random lol
  9. Save your images as dds L8 format. It’s lossless. I would have to advise against DDSconverter, unless you absolutely have to use it. There is no control over the type of dds format you save in with it. If you don’t have photoshop, use Gimp and the DDS plugins for it.
  10. @JPLRepo so you did indeed fix the shiny issue, but it looks like Scatterer, when run next to RB, brings the issue out again. Not sure what can be done here. Ill let the dev know, but having just talked to him, I know he is taking a break from modding. Here is a sceenshot: Also, can I be nit-picky? It seems for stars, that RB reads the body name as opposed to the displayName in some instances which can result in something like this:
  11. The bounce has been around for a long time, but the insanely high bounces just showed up in 1.3.1. Rather unfortunate.
  12. That’s not right.. no and no they won’t work with GPP. I guess I’ll have to change the netkan myself.
  13. I have noticed this as well. It’s not just upon game load. You can just choose a craft from the tracking station. The craft will jump each time how this got past QA is crazy to think about. Not just wheels either, but landing gear as well
  14. It’s not just lag you have to worry about, but crashes too due to running out of memory. GPP uses over 6gb of ram with visual mods. Add other mods, especially part packs, and you can expect crashes. I wouldn’t expect crashes in the beginning of a career, but as vessels get larger and you have more going on, crashes are likely. Go ahead and give it a go, though.
  15. So its on record, may I bundle this with my mods?
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