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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Hit F1 to take a screenshot. In your KSP folder, there is a screenshot folder. Upload a screenshot from said folder to any image hosting site, like imgur.com, and share the image here. This way you are posting much higher quality images for us to see.
  2. Sounds like you aren’t on the latest Kopernicus. This is fixed in kopernicus v1.3.1-2. It has been fixed for a while now in 1.3.1
  3. That's an issue I have never seen but it not a texture issue.
  4. Realistic atmospheres is just a bunch of kopernicus cfgs that give the stock planets more, well, realistic atmospheres. The Developer of that mod is also a developer on the GPP team, so the same attention to detail is already a part of GPP. Realistic atmospheres is only for the STOCK planets
  5. I would take this issue to the part mod dev or the tweakscale dev. The rescaled system size or GPP won't cause this issue.
  6. Yes, I suppose. Nevertheless, the black volumetric clouds happen with integration enabled or disabled and with preserveCloudcolors on or not. And for peace of mind, the preseveCloudcolor does work well on 2d textures.
  7. Here we go again. Btw, the DLC was already in development before T2 bought KSP. Let’s try not to connect invisible dots, shall we? Until KSP2 is announced, there is no KSP2. Anything beyond what we know now is the definition of speculation. Can we let this thread die now? spec·u·la·tion ˌspekyəˈlāSH(ə)n/ noun 1. the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
  8. how comment is missing question i understand that English probably isn’t your first language, but i think you are asking why Neptune isn’t there. The answer is simple; this isn’t RSS, it’s GPP. Neptune does not exist in this system.
  9. Nope what you have here is just cfgs
  10. Changes would have to be made in Scatterer and EVE. Currently there is no way to disable them in map mode.
  11. Using GPP secondary is really a choice you have to make before you start a career. Its not something that can be added or removed mid game. KSP will get confused and since you are basically changing your homeworld from Kerbin to Gael by removing secondary, I have no doubt that KSP doesnt know how to handle that and reset the levels. After all, you upgraded the buildings on Kerbin not Gael right? I see no flaw in what KSP did.
  12. @danfarnsy in the difficulty settings, you need to disable ground stations in the KK settings, and restart the game. This is a quirk that is coded into KK and I really don’t understand it and have brought it up with the KK dev. They seem to want to please a very small group of players by forcing KK ground stations on the user (GPP doesn’t use KK ground stations), but have created a hassle for most normal users. Whatever, not my mod, I will just have to explain this all the time. Lol no biggie. Nobody knows the issue and thinks it’s just a bug, but if more ppl complained, I’m sure it would be changed.
  13. Go for it dude. I can’t stop you from making it compatible
  14. Go install a Rescale! cfg and also install KKtoSD. Be sure to reinstall Kerbal Konstructs too. That will position the KK statics correctly regardless of rescale size
  15. Was just testing and I don’t get a blind spot @danfarnsy do you have Kerbal Konstructs installed? Also, do you have the additional ground stations enabled in the difficulty settings?
  16. My only request for doing these is that you take some pics of the jacket when its done
  17. Link to the svg: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ao16ru2b0xf29f9/JebsJunkyard.svg?dl=0
  18. I will have to work on the other one a little later today
  19. Link to the svg: https://www.dropbox.com/s/18kcwdho11k6jp1/Retro.svg?dl=0
  20. Shouldn’t take too long. Very simple shapes. Nothing I can’t get done quickly in Illustrator. I’ll give you the svg as well, so you can resize it to any resolution
  21. How big do you need them? I can make them for you, just let me know the size.
  22. You can go through the MM cfg and find the EVE nodes for Rald. There is nothing in GPP that would add another layer. I would go through all of your folders and check that you didnt accidentally drop another copy of the cloud cfg in somewhere.
  23. you did, but it doesn't work as it supposed to on some bodies. It works on the 2d scaled space textures but the volumetric clouds are black.
  24. You don’t need that. GPP bundles it’s own compiled version of KSC switcher. Look in the Optional mods folder.
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