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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Sorry, I don't know what else to tell you. 1.5.3 is the exact same as 1.5.2 except for the changes to the GPP_Secondary and aesthetic changes to Grannus. If you cant get it to work, its something you are doing wrong. I just ran it perfectly in 1.3.
  2. It is compatible, make sure you have the latest kopernicus for 1.3, and the GPP_Textures.
  3. Sounds like you don’t have the latest GPP installed. OPM was moved around the sun in 1.5.3.
  4. Just install GPP_Secondary.. all the information you are looking for is in the readme.
  5. Look through the readme and read what GPP_Secondary does.
  6. You can use google and find the answer rather easily. That’s easier than waiting on someone to reply here google is a much better search engine than the forums. For free fonts I use dafont.com
  7. Stop forcing dx11. Read the known issues in the OP before posting, not just for this mod, but for any mod.
  8. Have you tried it in 1.3.1? I’m pretty sure it works perfectly
  9. That is what EVE does and allows other mods to do like SVE. Its the only plugin that does it.
  10. So for anyone that wants to play GPP but cant handle the performance loss with visual effects (EVE, Scatterer), go ahead and install them, and give this cfg a try: HERE Just drop it anywhere in your GameData folder It removes all volumetric clouds resulting in much better performance. Like, a lot better performance. The only downside is the immersion might be lost a little, but it's worth it if you want the extra frames. I use it, and I have an amazing pc. Its just nice to have that overhead if I need it, and it keeps my video card happy Enjoy!
  11. @umeeo Just install any visual pack you want and drop THIS cfg anywhere inside your GameData folder. You will need Module Manager. NOTE: I think Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements, posted above, uses volumetric clouds to get it's atmosphere effects, so this cfg is not recommended if you choose to play that particular visual pack, or any other pack that does uses the same technique.
  12. you know, when you edit the page, you can double click the image and set the size parameters? just saying.. lol I found this to be funny though
  13. There is an option to do it, if you know your way around the EVE GUI. I’ll write up the patch to do it later today
  14. You could try GPP play it on hard, 2.5x scale or bigger, if you want a challenge. Good luck figuring out your next play through!
  15. EVEs cfgs and textures are basic representations of what EVE can do. SVE is a higher quality pack of textures than what EVE provides and has custom scatterer atmospheres for the stock bodies. It is more demanding than default EVE, though. Best way to see the difference is to try it yourself.
  16. Pretty cool! But I would use a different host for the download and screenshots. Media fire is not allowed in the forums
  17. Not without the EVE plugin, so no
  18. How many threads do you have asking this question? Like I said in the other thread with a similar name, EVE is the only mod that lets you add clouds. You would have to develop your own plugin if you want something different.
  19. There is no other way to add clouds besides EVE, unless you know how to write your own plugin to do what you want.
  20. Maybe you could with the right kind of noise, you could make something happen. Triggering it during a specific event though, I don’t know if that is feasible. Perhaps it is though, I don’t know squat about implementing something like that
  21. I don’t think the position or texture can be changed on the fly, if that’s what you are asking.
  22. Are you using the latest release? v1.4 is the only version compatible with 1.3.1. If you updated KSP, and didn’t update BARIS, that may be your issue.
  23. Space engine textures can look good and are a good jumping off point, but they tend to all look the same to me. What I would recommend is a mix of what you see above. Take the space engine textures and modify them to make them your own. The gas giants in SE are total crap though in my opinion. this is a super simple tutorial for gas giant textures by @ModerndayLink that I found. The tutorial is for Space Engine I think, but it can be used for KSP as well.
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