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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. It says it right there in the comment you quoted.
  2. I have seen It. Looks cool! There is a TR/TRR killer being developed right now... the next GPP update will be using it as opposed to those mods. That mod you posted is cool, but I don’t know if I want to include support for it in GPP. Maybe one day though.
  3. @dark_reef Yep, I can reproduce it mod free, fresh copy of KSP. My earlier complaints in this thread were with a GameData full of mods, but just for this I used a fresh copy of KSP. I also ran a fresh copy of KSP, used the same stock vessel but with Vens revamp. Same issue. Then I restarted KSP, started a new sandbox game (still with Vens) made the same vessel and no issue. So it seems the bug is inconsistent. This may explain why you think you found a solution when really it was an inconsistency. My bet is that you will see it again on another vessel later on. Thanks for going through the trouble, but your testing just proves that the issue happens with and without mods, which considering it’s in the stock game, is no surprise. Also, next time you troubleshoot, remove half of your mods, if the problem persists, remove half of the remaining mods etc etc rinse and repeat... when the problems stop, the mod causing issues will likely be in the last batch of mods you removed. Now all you have to do is rummage through a handful of mods as opposed to 60. No way should it take 6 hours to troubleshoot something pertaining to mods.
  4. I guess whenever he makes all new textures to avoid licensing issue that have plagued this mod in the past. Also, it’s not cool to pester devs for updates. This one will likely take some time.
  5. It’s worked wonders for me, and many others and I have never seen anyone else say it creates garbage before. Experiences may vary I suppose.
  6. The dds plugin for photoshop and Gimp do a better job than the dds converter that is constantly brought up in this thread. To convert a large amount of files, Photoshop can do batch conversion, so it would be easier but not necessarily faster. Gimp can do batch conversion but it’s not easy to set up (you have to write up a script). That said, Gimp saves DDS textures much faster than PS when saving manually. 221 textures is a lot though. I wouldnt blame you if you decided to miss out on a little quality for convenience.
  7. Memgraph is supposed to do the exact opposite. I would read through the OP of that mod and through the thread pages a bit to understand how it works.
  8. Well you can’t run any other version of kopernicus except the one for the version you are on, so if you use KSP 1.3, you need to use Kopernicus v1.3.0-x . If you use KSP 1.3.1, you have to use Kopernicus 1.3.1-x. I highly recommend using the latest for your version of KSP. Visual mods would not cause planets to no render in the tracking station. So his issue is elsewhere
  9. Click the red button in my signature to get the correct info he will need
  10. @Mace from Space @PhoenixSpaceIndustries You cannot post entire gamedata folders. This goes against licensing of many mods and is not allowed on the forums. Please find another way to iron out the issues.
  11. Tbh I haven’t even looked to see if those cfgs work. I would post the cfg on the CA thread and ask. Or I can later, and included any needed changes in a quick update
  12. Made KSP look better, where ever I could.
  13. SVE and SVT work pretty seamlessly with GPP and GPP_Secondary
  14. There is an option in the main menu. Sqrt I think it’s called? Toggle that and it’s supposed to fix the issue. It doesn’t seem to work for everyone though. Also, there is a test version of scatterer. I dunno if it fixes the issue though:
  15. F12 I think is for steam screenshots. F1 is for screenshot taken natively through KSP
  16. I was against CKAN for the longest time, but now that I manage all of my own CKAN stuff, I am actually really liking it. I deal with a lot less people that don’t know how to install manually. I would just download CKAN and go through the entire list of mods for 1.3.1 and download the ones you want, then the remaining mods that aren’t on CKAN, download and install manually. I was pleasantly surprised that 99% of the mods I use (over 100) were all listed in CKAN.
  17. You don’t NEED normal maps btw, but they do make the heads look better and more realistic.
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