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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Are you using my 1.3 patch posted a few comments above??
  2. I wouldn't use that version. The cfgs for this would need to be changed a lot for that version. Try 1.2.2-4, -5 or -6 if that doesn't work post a screenshot of your gamedata and your output log and I'll take a look.
  3. Yep this is how GPP does it as well. It's a pretty cool effect. I think its does a good job in lieu of an actual axial tilt feature
  4. Yeah.. that would be a good thing to add. Scatterer doesn't play well with Module Manager and saves all the changes made by SVE, when they should be temporary at launch. So yeah, it definitely needs to be reinstalled after use with SVE
  5. Simmons hasn't been on the forum since June. You could always try: Works for most planet packs as well. I put these together since many people were complaining about not havin working rescale cfgs for 1.3. You can also find a link in the sigma dimensions OP.
  6. There hasn't ever been a "delete post" button on these forums.. at least not since I joined. Mods typically don't delete posts either unless someone was over the line or if people attack each other personally in a thread. Other than that, the closest you can get to a deletion is editing your post, and deleting everything within it. The post will remain, but the message won't be there. I happen to like the new changes, especially how much easier the forum is to navigate and use on a mobile device. What's good and bad about the update is subjective and will vary person to person.
  7. This is due to you playing on a Mac or Linux machine and all of the textures for this mod are in a PluginData folder. Remove the textures to another folder (you can name it anything) and fix the paths to the textures in the planet cfgs. Or you can convert all of the textures to PNGs and changes the extensions in the texture paths in the cfgs.
  8. UPDATE FOR OPM_Galileo Change log Fixed Neidon and Nissee descriptions Fixed smart quote symbols in science defs and descriptions (thanks terrabite3) Changes to resource cfgs. KerbNet now works perfectly. (thanks @JadeOfMaar) Download (give CKAN a day or so to catch up to the changes)
  9. Well, first, RSSVE on CKAN is a no-go. Secondly, While you are in the RSS thread, read the last couple of pages. A guy had the same issue and it was resolved. Go there to find your answers. If the steps there don't help you, take your issue up on the RSSVE thread.
  10. Sorry, it's not more obvious. My fault. This should work. Just drop the cfg into your GameData folder. RSS PATCH FOR 1.3
  11. Well OPMVO is a really good visual mod for OPM, and a new version being worked. Just gotta wait it out.
  12. Yes it works with it but since AVP + KSPRC is only for the stock planets, you won't see any clouds on the outer planets mod. You have to use another visual pack that adds clouds to OPM, which I don't think any of them have been updated for 1.3 yet... ninja'd by @Ivy
  13. Just do it against the master for now. The localization branch hasn't been touched in months and we have changed/added a lot of things since then
  14. Procedural Start This is a simple set of MM configs that make all the parts and sizes from Procedural Parts available from the start of game. Kinda cheaty, but fun! (If you use this, your secret is safe with me! ) Requires: Procedural Parts (obviously) Module Manager DOWNLOAD To Install: Once you install the required dependencies, just drop the ProceduralStart folder anywhere inside of your GameData folder. License: Open Domain
  15. Hit Esc and go to Settings/ Difficulty Options click BARIS then make your changes. You do not have to go back to the main menu ever. It says this in the window that opens right at the start of a game. Read that, and you would know.
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