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Everything posted by XOC2008

  1. Will there be any plans to add something like a procedural oblong shape to the mix? I like the Firespitter shape but for some purposes it's too skinny, and doubling up to make it wider doesn't suit me since I like as few parts as possible, so the ability to scale one, make it a little wider or even skinnier, would just be perfect.
  2. Malfunc's Armory. Wraithforge. SM Armory.
  3. Here's some WWII planes using some AP engines as well as from some other mods: (The Corsair and Black Widow use the 4-bladed P&W 2800 proxy from SXT I believe.)
  4. No, you're right. Something maybe along the lines of the Retrofuture parts but stockalike. Still taller than 1.25 if you consider the engine booms being 1.25 in size. Plus the hump.
  5. 1.25 might be too small for a P-61, but it wouldn't have to be much bigger. I tried to make something using the Firespitter oblong parts but they're still just a bit too skinny.
  6. So on suggestions, what about something midway between 1.25m and 2.5m parts in the 1.5m range? You could make some nice P-61 fuselage/cockpit parts that have that oblong shape rather than just round.
  7. You've made one of my dreams come true sir. I hope someone adopts that into their mod!
  8. Scratch that. I made it work, but I had to go into the cfg and move some stuff around. Something in the organization of it must have been messing it up but I couldn't tell you what.
  9. Not sure why.. but the falcon cockpit won't appear. Everything else is fine though.
  10. I know Scoundrel planned to add a medium bay, that would probably have both a small and large bay in one piece to fulfill the F-22-type- role. But as he is busy doing government work, he hasn't been at the mod in months. TMasterson is doing upkeep in Scoundrel's absence.
  11. If Blackheart isn't making anymore mk1 cockpits, I know Stryker's Aerospace has a radial bf-109 I think, and there's coffee industries but you'll have to do a search for it.. I'm on my phone and lazy.
  12. Are you planning to add to, or just maintain the mod? If you plan to add to it I got lots of suggestions.
  13. Pretty sure the medium cargo bay hull and the ramp tail are still there and have the same module = strut issue as other parts.
  14. As long as it's a current firespitter there shouldn't be any issues. What problems are you having exactly?
  15. It's not terribly difficult, there's only a few parts. Grab the hull, slap the island and tower on the deck, slap the engines and rudders on the bottom and autostrut everything. Boom, you have a carrier.
  16. Say, have you given any thought to making a quad-50 turret like you'd find on a P-61 Black Widow?
  17. Some stuff you have to check the cfg files for. If it says module = strut it won't load so you need to change it to module = part.
  18. Oh man, I forgot the most obvious thing: You made a Chinook rotor, are you planning on a Chinook cockpit as well?
  19. If you're taking cockpit suggestions, how about an SU-24, SU-27, SU-34, MiG-29.... I so love me some Russian planes.
  20. Yup, Fantom Works with some tweakscale patches. Had to edit the cfgs on the cargo section and tail too as they said module = strut instead of part. That's cool, just figured I'd ask. Now I just have to hunt down a 6 bladed prop for my ac-130j.
  21. @blackheart612 Since you made the C-130 engines, are you planning to make the C-130J 6-prop versions as well?
  22. Wings and engines make my AC-130U happy. Excellent mod, and great additions.
  23. To whomever continues this mod.. when you get to the P210 engine (I think that's what it is), the 'afterburner' engine, could you make it a true dual-mode dry/wet engine?
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