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  1. Actually, yes it is possible to sink a buoyant Mk1 pod with a bunch of girders clipped inside service bays. So far I have not found an accessible section of Water biome ocean bottom that's less than crush depth, as I need all 30 parts just to make a heavier-than-water rover that can drive from a spawn point. Work continues... A few hours later... OK, service bays stuffed full of 1.25m heatshields with full ablator can sink anything. So far, there are no Water biome bottoms that you can drive to from a spawn point, that are above crush depth. Might have to revert back to looking for biome errors at sea level.
  2. Maybe I can try a rover made of girder clippium, it might be just enough to sink a Science Jr and Mk1 pod
  3. Anyone recall any tips for finding a “landed on water” biome spot on Kerbin? It’s my last Kerbin biome and my white whale standard searching results in a lot of “build a submarine” and “build a colossal raft” answers that so far, I’ve been unable to accomplish in Caveman. I’ve been scouting by airplane for biome map errors where a corner of Water biome crosses land on thin peninsulas and the like. I remember finding such spots years ago, but I think there was a biome map cleanup in later versions that cleaned it up
  4. Can we request new community fixes here? The Poodle engine gimbaling is all wrong - either too much authority range for ordinary rockets, or its gimbal rate and damping are out of tune, or something. In any case, pretty much every default-settings rocket with a Poodle is constantly overshooting and oscillating. Turning the gimbal down to 25% seems to cure it, with no downside I can find. I'm happy to write custom default patches for my own install as I did in KSP1, but it would be more helpful for the community to share these corrective fixes in a place like this
  5. If there's an easy way to read out lat/long in stock, I haven't found it. Mods tho
  6. I’ve been putting nose cones on the docking ports, even when inside a fairing, and jettisoning before circularization. Shame that it’s necessary and I hope it get cleaned up in future patches
  7. I had to install the Community Fixed mod to solve some docking problems in the current version…
  8. I hope docking, undocking, redocking etc are now stable enough to do a Kerpollo run now!
  9. Might want to look at what happens if the player sets Science Rewards to something non-default. For instance, when set to 50%, all the completion percentages are high by a factor of two and add up to exactly 200%. I don't know where the bug creeps in, but there probably needs to be a check against player settings somewhere.
  10. actual 26° 39’ 17” N, 22° 48’ 00” W. Or X=26.6547 Y=-22.8000
  11. Man, what an ordeal. Saw nothing from orbit, but deorbited over roughly the right Mun coordinates posted above. Still see nothing. Landed pretty close by the numbers, but still see nothing anywhere. Val goes on EVA, and the entire lander falls over sideways (KI) and breaks a landing leg. Val runs 5km hunting all over, saving jetpack fuel, watching the location to try getting closer on foot. Finally, she spots the thing. It's small - tucked into a crater, absolutely impossible to spot from orbit, or even from 0.5 km away on the ground. You have to be right on top of it to even see it. Lander launches suborbital, trying to get its experiment package inside the tiny biome for the sweet science. Burned a lot of fuel maneuvering, accidentally hitting full throttle in the wrong direction, but finally got there and after nearly crashing five times - landed just outside the biome circle (at 8m/s but didn't explode) then promptly tipped over. So, what the hell, it's already on its side, I rolled it closer and inside the circle and came to rest with the damaged spacecraft... Victory! Val boards, we pirouette around for a while, and get the craft upright on the three unbroken legs with reaction wheel torque. Launch, burn hard for the western horizon on bingo fuel, get a 8km AP. Skim 100m over some mountain ridges. Burn at AP, and clunk out at -1000m PE. Try to finish on RCS but nothing comes out. Spend some time frantically reconfiguring thrusters in part manager while altitude is plummeting. Fortunately Pe is over a large maria. I get the thrusters set up (they were set for docking translation only, at low power), a quick off-axis maneuver to get the Pe +2000m, and 4x warp through practically scraping the Munar surface. Finally get to AP, and am just able to circularize on RCS with only a single thruster firing prograde on H. Never did figure out why only one. Now, the crew settle in for rescue in a relatively safe 15km orbit. This was the most kerbal mission I've had in a long time. The bugs in this case played exact like gamified part failures. Absolutely loving it
  12. Are there any current KSP2 mods that provide real time coordinates? Micro Engineer? EDIT: Micro Engineer does have a lat/long position readout under the Surface tab
  13. Click-thru problems; if you position the Science Arkive window directly over a craft in the VAB, when you click in the window, it clicks on whatever part is under the cursor too Hiding unavailable experiments might have gone too far - I'm missing surface samples QQ: in KSP1 there were some corner cases where you could be splashed in various land biomes, if you found spots where the biome map was pixellated and had little errors. (I played a lot of Caveman and it was beneficial to hunt for tiny science rewards like this, lol!) Are we certain this is not possible in KSP2? Lastly - I'm seeing nothing in SpaceWarp's Mods Settings window - probably my config problem, but if you or anyone knows how to diagnose that, I'm all ears
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