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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. You're going to have to drive it down their throats
  2. I'll be honest here, your tanks look a bit like a loaf of bread.
  3. Finally, I can make a propeller plane without the main shaft going halfway through the wheel bearing!
  4. Today, I shot a FAT-455 control surface from my prototype propeller engine into a saturn V-esque thing I built which was on the launchpad. It destroyed the lunar lander module.
  5. It's a Russian propeller design. Work as intend, tovarisch
  6. sorry for the bit of a necro, but is there a way to turn the wonky symmetry thing that editor extensions has off?
  7. "Sehkrit Dokuments" This is what I found, not sure if it's the right one buoyancyKerbalsRagdoll = 3 // Buoyancy multiplier for kerbals when ragdolling cameraDepthToUnlock = 0 // Meters below sea level before camera rotation unlocks jointBreakForceFactor = 30 // Joint break force factor jointBreakTorqueFactor = 50 // Joint break torque factor maxAngularVelocity = 30.31 // Max angular velocity of objects in radians / sec stack_PriUsesSurf = False // Does STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH check surface-attached children, and does it check a parent to which we are surface attached even if we have the requested resource (at any, including zero) amount? prelaunchDefaultThrottle = 0.5 // The default throttle level set on first launching a craft. stagingCooldownTimer = 0.5625 // The time in seconds after staging during which one cannot stage again. dragMultiplier = 8 // Global multiplier to drag And Azimech, is there an infinite offset mod for ksp 1.1?
  8. -The KSP sun is too small to initiate nuclear fusion, afaik. -Jool is slightly smaller than the earth
  9. There was this one-star contract which wanted me to build a space station in a 70,000 meter orbit above Jool. It didn't last very long
  10. What is the most furtherest english class you've gotten to? *sick burn*
  11. Misleading title, was expecting 17th century british ship-of-the-line with sails. XP
  12. I dropped a little flat turd of a probe onto Eve a while ago.
  13. I'm *pretty* sure it would push against the ship with equal force, not causing any movement.
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