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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Also check how many Kerbals you have on board. Over 2-3 and frame rate plummits as the little animations of the in the bottom corner eat up CPU time. There is a cfg available to no longer draw those animations and get all your fps back. Another wonderful KSP glitch. Let me know if this is your problem and you need the link. ah, I'll add it anyway: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/128789-lots-of-kerbals-on-board-massive-fps-drop/#comment-2364745
  2. Hmmm... I'll try that as well, but with the portrait edit I can play normally again for now.
  3. Cool to see you are back, carbon!!!! I just noticed the dust collectors face away from the sun, is this correct?
  4. Hah, I just searched for "rs68 flame" and my kerbal Delta IV Heavy comes up in the pictures :)))
  5. Cool!!! At least one of the things I reported turned out to be not just another KSP stock frack-up,
  6. That is dry weight as I sized the MFT have the same volume of LH2/Ox as the ISPC. Tech balance: For a career and no dependencies (CTT) or your own nodes (needs more science to unlock), I'd just follow stock tech levels. Put in the small ones first, no clusters until later, add the J2/H1 early on somewhere, F1B a step later, F1B later, RS25 still later, RS68 near the end. The techtree is not realistic, but it should be playable so you can get SSTU engines that are equivalent to what KSP offers without needing to unlock twice the science. I hate using freaking skippers and swivels all the way up the tree and then going straight to unlocking Near Future engines and SSTU engines. This means I will never use most of them as I can use NF engines or the Nerv now for orbital stuff, but have been agonizing with stock engines right up until that point with no other options. The contrast should not be too big. I don;t see the techtree as a time-line, rather as a career progression (getting more science as you go from Mun to Minmus, by that time you will have 3/4 of the tree cleared if you gather all the science. I basically clear most of the tech I need by doing two runs to the Mun and two to minmus, progressing the rocket I use each time. First one is a godawful KSP contraption, the second already starts to use some other mod parts, third is a full fledged SSTU with nukes/NFprop.
  7. The ICPS is 30% lighter than the equivalent lifting tank with same engine, giving about 25% more dV. Is this intentional, or just "needs moar balance" ? Also price point needs to be balanced for the ICPS/HUS. Should I make a PR with suggestions?
  8. No issues with tweakscale on stock parts that I have noticed. I tend to use it on the legs, solar panels etc. Some mods act funky with it, but most work fine and even support it.
  9. I had a similar topic about this. Could Squad fix this please, I basically was at the point of uninstalling the game because of this (and the many other issues with ksp).
  10. Won't that freak out the game? I get "krakens" that tear up my stations almost every other time I dock in orbit with the standard value.
  11. LOL!!! Agena prototype. All three SSTU generations combined. Waiting for the Kraken, he will not approve! And is that gold-foil I see... Ooooh shiny\!!! Aaaawwww Here my Delta IV with other texture (yes, not original) and the new engine shrouds.
  12. Wow, you learn something new every day. Thanks guys, you are life savers!!!
  13. Wow, how did I miss that. Must be old age Thanks Rocket, and swjr for slapping me to wake up. I will try it right away. [edit] Yeah, that removes them and gives full fps back, so that 100% confirms that the kerbal drawings are the issue. I just can't eva now
  14. I already get noticable fps drop and lag with just 2-3 on board. With 6 in the Orion pod frame rate is at 35fps and jerky gameplay, 16 is like you have a stutter in your brain. Can't believe Squad hasn't done anything about this already, it's not like it isn't noticeable. btw: I had a topic about this here somewhere, and someone gave a cfg that removed the animations, I just tried it. It no longer shows the kerbals and fps is at a constant 60fps now (I set that limit in the settings).
  15. Is there perhaps any way to disable the Kerbal animations all together and just have static images? PS: Am I the only one that has this issue, or has everyone just accepted the drop in fps?
  16. I used to collect tourist contracts and send a mk3 transport (16 kerbals) to land on the moon etc and dump them back into the atmosphere. This is where I ran into massive lag and found out the kerbals are the cause of it.
  17. I only use 1.875" main cores for sending up small probes, second stage might be 1.25m. But anything else starts at 2.5m with the A/B series pods. 2.5m seems to be a realistic size for stock rockets, 3.75 a very good second. I have a 3.75m Delta IV Heavy that is my workhorse for sending up sorts of stuff, seconded with and Ares I setup for lighter stuff and crews. I think landing legs, probe cores and science parts are the only stock things I use. Never saw any use for space planes as they are a PITA to get into orbit and to do anything with, that a rocket can not do more easily. I've tried an RO install twice now, but textures are buggy as ... and I can't get anything into orbit (had a 25k dV rocket with 45k thrust and still did not make 70km apoapsis with a mk1 capsule before splashing down just over cuba.
  18. Re the ports... I've checked logs before but could never find anything. I have just removed basically all other parts mods, but building stations is kind of hard with only crappy stock parts. I'll rig an Orion to just be OP as fak to simulate my NF prop setups for orbital stuff (120 thrust, 4200isp running on Xenon, 16k dV whuhahahah), maybe test docking, but I doubt it will show up with just SSTU parts.
  19. I have the same thing along the progression of a carreer. The further I get, the worse it is. In the beginning it is rock-solid, huge stations, 5 ships docked, ATV in the back... little lag. Then by the time I have all science from mun/minmus and am prepping to go to Duna, I get Krakens on even small stations with 2-3 ships docked on it, up to the point that even one is touch-and-go. It;s freaking rediculous. I run a 4790K @ 4GHz, 16GB ram, only blazing fast SSDs (windows 7 boots so fast the windows icon does not even have time to complete). My GPU is a GTX 650 Ti Boost, not a GTX970, ut not too shabby either. Runs 3D shooters with no effort. My PC is not the problem, KSP is. So I now have two career saves that are maxed in science and have a fleet of ships underway to Duna and preps for Eve, and I am about to just delete them all as they are basically frustrating to play. And sandbox has it's usefulness, but without anything to do, it's gets boring fast. Running rescues, tourists and satelities at least gave me something to do in the meantime, and it;s not like it's hard to get all the science or money you need to play like it is a sandbox. And without mods, the ships just look ridiculous and god-awful. Not to mention part counts that are ludicrous because the entire game is made to be played using 0.625 and 1.25m parts it seems. Blegh... I just gave up on my latest career as of today. Sent my Kerbals out to see if they could land on the Mun/Minmus just with eva. Minmus is actually quite easy to reach escape velocity from, or just EVA and land on it. What else can I do to have some fun?
  20. I'm beginning to fear that 1.1/x64 will not solve the problems there are present right now. I hardly see any comments from Squad about this, or even acknowledgement of these bugs being reported.
  21. Fighting against KSP again today... My career save has tons of Kraken issues again when I dock, and the game drops fps like a mofo when you punt in 3+ kerbals. (bare SC-C-CM without kerbals = 60fps, with 3+ kerbals 35-40fps, add a large ship then count on 15fps). Every time I progress to the end of the techtree and start getting a nice infrastructure with bases and shuttles for moons/tourists/rescues almost every time I dock the entire stations shakes apart. I;m down to 2 parts mods now and some basic alarmclock/mechjeb/KRJ stuff. The fun is pretty much gone.
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