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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. SLS! it just has the first two satV stages combined Copy paste with rockets haha
  2. @jonrd463 I have a Jupiter III for those kinds of things (stock game). Launched an Orion CM with it just for fun
  3. Awesome work, Mage!!! will test it tomorrow. Can't wait to see the new ullage decoupler and the soyuz this weekend. Exciting stuff!!!
  4. AJ, seems every post you are asking for a centrifuge wheel . You do realize there are a few mods out there that already have these, right? USI mks, Hermes and habitat pack just to name 3.
  5. Saturn V with boosters, isn't that just an SLS ?
  6. There is a patch that adds mechjeb to any command pod, so this will also add it to your pods. I notice you are making the parts OP and even just cheat mode (fuel and electric genny, large alternators in engine etc). Basically this is just using unlimited fuel and Ec from the Alt-F12 menu. I'd love to use your parts, but anyone can turn on unlimited fuel/Ec in the menu, so it would be cooler if the parts were usable for normal careers as well?
  7. Check out SSTU if you are looking for the Orion and wanting to build an SLS.
  8. Ksp should transform the thrust with all active rcs nozzles available to get moving in the direction you want. If some are pointed at an angle it does not matter much unless you use them without SAS or have a really bad rcs ballance.
  9. BTW, will the soyuz get re-entry braking rockets as well? What I found so far on the Soyuz RCS and a picure of the rear units
  10. Couldn't you make the body/wings one part and just add the control surfaces as seperate parts? One flap per wing, one on the stabilizer, still only 3 extra parts. The body could have the bottom tail section stabilizer integrated as on the real shuttle, but that is only one part for one function, KSP should handle that properly? I will try to uncover some info on the soyuz rcs ports tonight unless someone else has the info.
  11. Re the .craft files... Would you like me to make and maintain a few ships? I can keep them up to date with each release and send a PR if a new version is required. Maybe José can maintain his Saturn V? I always have a Delta IV Heavy, Ares I, Ares V (when RS68 clusters become available, can use RS25 in the meantime) and a small ATV launcher in my saves. I tend to use Precedural Fairings, but I can see if I can use your fairings to keep the parts all within SSTU.
  12. If you use NF Propulsion you can have craft that will shuttle to/from Kerbin and be able to land on the Mun/Minmus with only a little fuel used. One ore miner on Mun and one on Minmus, and a small station in orbit of each moon (with modded, non-OP, ISRU) will give you a complete setup for career mode without dependency of fuel being launched up from Kerbin. LH2 would not really be all that practical vs the electrical engines using Xe/Ar/Li (at the cost of heat/electricity rather than fuels). The same setup can be used if you want to stick with the CryogenicEngines pack, everything will just be bigger/heavier, but still self-sustaining in terms of fuels. Mining water or ore is the same thing, you mine something and stick it into an ISRU to get something else. If you want to do it properly you will indeed need to mine for water, but if you are using LF than you would need to find both Ore and Water as you need C and H molecules. In the end it's not about being true-to-life, but having a fun experience with at least some effort required to regain your resources. Wether that is mining ore or water is really just semantics..
  13. I actually find myself looking for something realistic looking along those lines, with low part-count. Also a small orbital inserter like used on Ariane and other smaller payload, but with battery/panels/rcs (smaller, more dedicated version to the modular upper stage). Maybe Mage's modular SM might be something along those lines?
  14. Same thing happens when you change fuel-layout on tanks (not st SSTU), the KSP edit will show the old weight. You need to detach and reattach it in order for the new weight to be calculated. Seriously PITA for making rockets when dV is off by 30% sometimes.
  15. Right now I have zero boil-off if cooling is used, would it not be more realistic to have a very small boil-off even though it is being cooled? Else there is no real disadvantage to using LH2 in space as you don't lose any anyway. I need about 12Ec/s to keep a Mondo-60 cooled, which is not much, but I would expect to still keep losing some LH2. Also, might be WIP related on the nukes, but they show up all white sometimes, when I restart the game it might be another engine or none at all. And there are no FX for the Liberator.
  16. Yeah, I noticed that. I once had a version where the panels would rotate around the axis of the ship to track the sun, but the current one does not do that. Also all the rockets included with that pack are broken. I would have loved to had that Ariane/Sputnik system up an running. Hopefully Kartoffel will get his rockets back online soon so we have those back. Also the ISS is not practical for a game perspective as all the pieces are just for tshow, they don't really have any function. Right now I am digging through Chaka's mod to make a decent looking ISS that also serves the purpose (store resources, kerbals and have a science lab for career). edit: Chaka's solar panels rotate this way as well, so axially and radially, so cool! And they are properly big as well.
  17. Oh wow, look what I found today. Hidden away in the Community ISS mod. Noice!!! A one piece HTV (ex docking port) and a nice ATV where I put on Chaka's ATV panels and a docking port from some obscure mod 7
  18. Hi guys... Is this mod still maintained, and is the one on MrMike's github the latest version? OMG, I'm in love!
  19. I think that is to "add" the cooling/insulating aspect to balance it a bit. Despite having the same dV, the same thrust LH/Ox engine has less mass thus losing less dV to gravity in the lifting stage than LF/Ox. The downside to LH is the tanks being twice (or more) the volume. The poseidon is a quirky engine as it can switch between LH2/LH2Ox, and maybe with lower payloads the LH2 engines will shine even more. I can only conclude that LH is a more efficient method for lifters (10% dV benefit as far as I can tell) and orbital engines (10-25% depending on your payload/engine). It has a lot more volume as a trade-off (and boil-off), but a mentionable weight advantage. So less weight for the lifter, and less weight for the orbiter you are sending up, meaning even lower required volume for the lifter as with LF/Ox setups. Basically less fuel (mass) used, but a 3.75m tank now turns into a 5m tank.
  20. Testing LH/Ox vs LF/Ox today with Nert's new setup. It's lighter for the same dV, but twice as long The only benefit is that the LH/Ox version has a better TWR and will have some spare dV left (+280dV) on a 150x150 orbit vs the LOx which takes too long to get velocity up (-220dV), so around 500dV in favor of the LH/Ox as a LKO lifter.
  21. Yes, but if you increase the load, then the figures change a lot. I have a 20ton 3.75m Orion CM/SM/LAS combination 2x Mondo 30 + Poseidon in LH2/Ox 2935dV 60.7ton total 4x Mondo-30 + 1x Mondo 15 + Poseidon in LH2 2565dV 60.1ton total This is the difference in size with the same 4000dV (vac). The LH/Ox is 13 tons lighter for the same dV, but over twice the length. Engines have the same thrust (±20kN), the LOx has 310isp and the LH2 has 410isp. As an LKO lifter the LH/Ox setup gets up to speed faster due to 13t less weight, meaning it has some dV left over on a 150x150 orbit, while the LF/Ox version is short 220dV due to the extra weight and slower acceleration.
  22. Re the radial booster decouplers... would it be possible to direct the retro-rockets only outwards (or change the angle enough to do mostly outward) instead of forwards+out? Pretty much everything jumps forward (even SSTU boosters) and stays too close or has a tendency to come back towards the main tank. I've tried playing with force/fuel, but if I reduce force they don't throw the boosters away far enough, ditto with fuel amount, so thrust seems good.
  23. TAC supplies is 0.004t total for the A-CM and 0.008t total for the B-CM, 3x that for their respective SM (A 0.012t and B 0.024t). So 4kg for 3 dudes for 3 days, that's a can of coke per day each, man those TAC guys are stingy!
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