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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. OMG, the "next mount" button position is not jumping around anymore... I luv you, Mage!!!
  2. Mage. Don't fret, like I said "thank god for hyperedit". I'm sticking to stock RCS on my new builds and will hyperedit new ships into place. It's not about those 30 seconds of effort, but keeping track of what changes I make to which mod and which version and keeping that all in mind when a new patch comes out. Better to just not use them and replace them to not increase the risk of deleting ships when I forget something with the next patch (like changing the LH2 file name, gheghe). I'd be happy to make a list for price points vs. stock engines as a startingpoint for you to balance them and help out that way. Just thought that making that list and sending it to you might seem rude as it is YOUR baby. PS: That Delta IV looks too Kerbal, yegh! I just fill all the tanks to about 2/3 so the boosters jettison before I reach the Mun Same with the Ares I, it's filled 1/3 of the way to keep it looking real, and still be able to make orbit with that little J2.
  3. Yes, LEM is upside down, just a test. These are the FASA parts. If you want a real looking Saturn V, FASA is the way to go.
  4. Dumping entire space stations into orbit just to watch them burn is rewarding in it's own way though Re career: I tend not to use any engines as they are all too expensive, and seeing as a new version comes out every week (which is a good thing), it would mean going through all the files to change the prices to balance them out again. The fuel tanks and CM/SM are about the only thing I used besides the ports and RCS. The tanks are only for lifters, so no biggy if they change, but ports and RCS go on long-term ships. Thank god for hyper-edit. Sandbox gets boring after a few hundred launches, there is no motivation after a while (been there, done that, crashed it into the ground).
  5. Most mods are WIP If I have to wait for all of them, I'd be playing stock, and what's the fun in that
  6. Might I ask for 3.75 and 5m versions as well, or compatibility with TweakScale? Looking nice so far!!!
  7. Damn, half my career-save uses the 5-way rcs. I already replaced every vessel that used the old docking ports with Clamp-o-trons a few patches back... Back to just stock parts for career mode I guess.
  8. Just found out Kethane has new management to keep it alive Will try it out!!! Background mining/processing is a big must I think, one of the reasons I tend to use Ore/Karbonite as I don't want to timewarp to fill huge containers of it.
  9. @hieywiey You should try the World of Tanks forums, they are as toxic a cesspool as the game-chat. You get flamed for anything and if your stats are not good you might as well not say anything because you will get flamed even if you are right or try to make a positive comment. Mods there don't give a flying Kerbal about it either, it's like WG want that kind of crowd. It's refreshing to see a community where everyone gets along, even if they don't agree
  10. I use tweakscale now, but two 400% radial chutes on each booster looks plain aweful.
  11. How about a part for this mod that is a scalable inline part with drone-core and integrated chutes? This would solve adding ungodly looking chutes and drone cores, increasing part count and complexity.
  12. Launching stuff is most of the fun. Why eliminate that?
  13. I think around 4K is the max, after that you explode. Tried it a few times with reentries after getting killed a few times coming in at around 9000m/s
  14. Crashes (just using US probes pack) every few minutes.
  15. @wasml those mods are not supported anymore and buggy as all kerbal atm.
  16. I could not get it to mess up last time either, it only does it on a rare occasion. Have not had it in ages here. Got it, regarding the models and fuels. Thanks!
  17. Mage, see my dec 8th post on github on issue 94, symmetry mode was specified at the time.
  18. The link gives a 404. I don't use RF, it's outside the scope of the mods I use and do not see a point installing it just to use LH2. RF goes well beyond just substituting LH2 for LF. Re the 2nd modular tank: wouldn't a texture set have been adequate, as the only difference is the placing of the pipes on the outside.
  19. Mage, wasn't there a 1.3 textures version? For the life of me I can't find it anymore, only 1.2.
  20. Let's worry about them ever pumping out 1.1 first...
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