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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Check out RoverDude's kontainers (USI Core), there are 1.25/2.5/3.75/5m KIS containers in there that will let you drop up to 60K volume in one cargo container. I tend to usi his MKS Kolonization parts, and drop most of them in those containers.
  2. Angel has the Buffalo and Rover the Karibou, both based on real designs. I'd favor going for station parts first as there aren't really any mods out there catering to this. As to the Buffalo, I just tend to make a skycrane to drop them on the surface, as I suck at assembling on the ground; usually takes 3-4 refill flights because of all the parts I mess up. Thank god for Hyperedit in those moments.
  3. I'm not looking for a replica of the ISS (there already is one with Community ISS, but no longer maintained), but I think the functionality for every station is basically the same. Solar panels (huge, multi-axis following, but already planned Mage sais), hab modules, airlocks, cupola/command, resource storage, batteries, rcs, trusses... Seeing as the rest of SSTU is not "Stock-alike" looking, I would love the rest of the parts to keep the same "Realistic looking" feel to mesh well with the current SM/CM/parts.
  4. When you've strapped engines onto Kerbin itself
  5. @Shadowmage Re the RO/Plumes thing: An "easy" fix (in terms of not changing your code) would be to make a modular mount to let us just mount the separate engines on and that has an interstage node should anyone want to use a cluster on a second stage. Jose can implement his RO, I can do my plumes, you don't need to rack his brain, everyone wins with the least amount of effort? @JoseEduardo Maybe for the planned Station/Satellite series down the road? It's a shame RaiderNick no longer works on his modules, he basically had an entire run of satellites and those soyuz parts. I am using his US probes pack right now just to have an excuse to launch stuff
  6. Yay, found it! hah, never even noticed it... It kind of works, but the nodes don't fine rotate cw/ccw, so it looks awkward on the engine mounts I have. Will check Necro's adapters as well.
  7. @NecroBones Just downloaded it, will check it out. Sounds like what I am after. @legoclone09 I use ProcFairings but enver saw any thrust plates or something that looks like them.
  8. Cool that you are looking into this Mage!!!! Would be an awesome way to accomodate the RO crowd and also allow real-plume effects. Is there any way to just make the plumes (excl smoke) behave like real-plume but with the standard particle effects? This would bypass the need for SmokeScreen/Real_Plume alltogether and give the effect to everyone, without the need for other mods/plugins.
  9. Only goes up to 4 as far as I can tell, really need 5/6. Will check out the latest version.
  10. Is there a mod that has thrust plates so I can mount 3-4-5-6... engines on?
  11. Do EVE and Scatterer work in combination with RSS at the moment?
  12. That was just a test without a payload, but I use the final one to lift an entire space station into orbit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7rXsdUbLpU for the current version with a very light load, just because it looks cool Sorry for the choppy editing
  13. Someone say big? This thing will lift 500 tons into LKO and not even break a sweat. Jupiter III
  14. Hey, it's a game... even if you were slacking in front of the TV, that's not up to us Enjoy, take it easy, don't burn out. Re the engines: the small ones are all for orbital stuff, very low thrust. The F1 clusters are some of the most powerful I have seen in the game, on my test rig I literally destroy the platform when I fire them up to 100% and the struts begin to wobble. Like Mage says, there are some holes in the line-up, I have brought that up as well in the past, but there are a lot of engines planned for future releases. The J2 seems like a good in-between, but it's very low atmospheric thrust means there is a hole between the low end and the RS25/F1/Clusters. Just add moar boosters (or clusters) in the meantime. btw: last version for real-plumes with the SRBs added now. I will keep finetuning while launching... and maybe bribe Jose to help with the clusters. download
  15. I get what you are saying, but lack the know-how of these configs at the moment Proof: haha, I believe you
  16. Jose, I'm lost with those links you sent. Don't know how to implement the plume stuff into that. This is all new to me.
  17. Ah, got it... can't be outside to use it. gheghe... database reloaded 101%... found the KSP memory leak!! I updated the .rar above to have the latest versions including the ISPC and HUS tank/engine parts. The HUS:
  18. Yeah, that doesnt work for me. alt-F12 brings up a screen for the unlimited fuel etc, but I can't find any option to reload.
  19. Right now the realplume configs are in their own file, I don't want to change Mage's files as that will mean updating on every new release. I'll take a look at your configs after dinner. Fine-tuning the HUS/ICPS engines right now.
  20. Nah, I am glad I can get them to work in stock Fak, I had to restart KSP like 30 times to test them and get them to where they are Installed Quick Launch just for this. I'm also at a loss how to get the clusters to use the same plumes, and why the extending engines (RL10A/B) won't work.
  21. Thanks SJS! Hmm, that number only changed the length, not the thickness. The smoke is so wide and thick you can't see the flame.
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