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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Not that I know of, no FAR or anything, only parts mods (not even EVE or scatterer anymore as they are buggy as FA). I used the stock boosters and the ones in the video are from Procedural Parts. Each of the boosters weighs in as 10 tons full, 1.6t empty. I also get the same effect on SSTU boosters though, just not as extreme. The decouplers tend to launch the booster forward too much, instead of too the side.
  2. Your decouplers On light boosters they are impossible to balance. I mentioned this on github, but couldn't resist this example when I built the Delta II this week. Thrust 40%, force 0%, fuel 30. I've tried it with 10% thrust, 0 force and 20 fuel, but they just ram into the main section then.
  3. Do you have a link for the community ISS? Sounds like a chore in RSS, I tried it once but don't have the patience
  4. @mghslowell What parts/mods did you use for your station? Looks cool!
  5. Scary sjit when 8 boosters overtake you and intersect in front of you... Trying to make my Delta II fly properly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SERr8G7g3Og
  6. Is there any chance this mod can be split into parts? It's a huge library of parts and not all of them are used. Maybe split into rocket types?
  7. I'll try those out. That was too obvious for me as well :))) haha... Could you add the gold/brown textures to the smaller tanks? I've modified the cfg to hold other resources as well, basically I use them for all my tanks as I can switch them in-game to another resource, which can be useful for a lot of things. Near Future Construction had the option to add tanks to the frames as well, I used to use in 1.0.4 but they were never updated to 1.0.5. Now I know the hex-trusses have the same options, I am using those. The triple-fex strut is amazing to keep part-count as low as possible. As to the small size, I don't really use anything under 1.25m ever.
  8. Question... Scansat only shows a max of 75% completion. What am I missing? I used to get 100% on all objects, now all are sticking at 75%. I have the 700, altimeter, narrow band and multispectrum scanners on the probe. I forgot the big altimeter probe didn't I ? [edit] Yep, I did... faaaaaak.
  9. If launching is an issue, use Vernier engines near the top of the rocket to keep it from toppeling, and/or stabilizing wings at the bottom. Reaction wheels work better for maneuvering in space.
  10. I just found out hex trusses can be configured to hold stuff inside... color me stoopid. Now it's awesome to build stations with I'm using Procedural parts to make tanks inside the trusses, then add racks to them for surface attaching stuff. It was right under my nose all along
  11. Stars disappear sometimes, not always, but I've had it a couple of times now. Just a plain black space field. Same as the glitching from orbit, doesn't always happen. The CPU load is why I mentioned the versions, as it would enable you to maximize effects for playing on the ground (water more important than skies). Also looking towards the future where you will be making land textures The sea looks awesome though!!!
  12. Gheghe, having a blast with the new parts, Mage! That abort rocket is awesome!!! That thing will reach 16km altitude from the ground
  13. Blackrack, maybe add the option in game. The fact that you have to answer it every page should say something. I know it;s WIP, but there are more bugs now actually removing the effects we're looking for just so we can have shiny waves that I see for 10 seconds during launches. BTW: The space field (stars and stuff) is also gone when scatterer is used, plus lens flare from the sun is removed as well. Maybe use it for Kerbal Naval Program and keep the old version for the Space Program (no seriously, perhaps make a version for boat lovers and one for space lovers, so you can optimize for each?).
  14. SSTU is a complete parts mod for KSP, engine clusters, command pods, modular tanks etc, very cool. Link for some examples I built
  15. Would be cool. I'm looking for parts to make a nice supplie ship for my stations... The picture turned up in the SSTU topic.
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