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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. SSTU is a complete parts mod for KSP, engine clusters, command pods, modular tanks etc, very cool. Link for some examples I built
  2. Would be cool. I'm looking for parts to make a nice supplie ship for my stations... The picture turned up in the SSTU topic.
  3. it had a blue gemini capsule. http://www.foundation3d.com/uploads/general/2014/02/13755-03-464458.jpg
  4. Angel, I saw a picture of a gemini CM and apollo SM with your logo on it. is this an upcoming mod?
  5. Screw IVAs Just need the parts Why hasn't Angel released those parts in a mod? They look awesome and I use his containers and Buffalo rover as well. Also a shame the US-Probes/Skylab mods are no longer maintained, they had some awesome models in there. They keep crashing, else I would still use them.
  6. Seeing as Rover updated them, I doubt they will work. Or do you mean to pull the textures and copy from the existing ones?
  7. Would it be possible to have a version without the water effects (ie the old version)? If I am in orbit and look (camera) beyond the horizon with over 50% of the screen, the entire screen glitches out with the ocean texture.
  8. Hi Nick,

    I loved your parts packs, but see they have all been closed down. Did you pluu the plug on them?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. raidernick
    3. Jimbodiah


      We missed you!

    4. ThatOneBritishGuy...


      So does this mean Klockheed Martin SP might get revived or is that a firm no?

  9. I keep getting crashes with this mod, but don't really see anything in the logs that means anything.
  10. My telescope keeps blowing up (the camera) after 10-20 seconds, even when I have the damage turned off. Is this normal?
  11. "It's Kerbals!" - soylent green
  12. Mechjeb is awesome, Mechjeb is life. The game would be tedious without it imho.
  13. Warp drive activated at 100% while aimed at duna. one kerbal now stuck at duna's core (I could see light at the bottom).
  14. Can you guys mine rock? It's not showing up on my potatoroid.
  15. Nice white is fine, but I do love the FASA apollo CM/LEM though with the shiny texture and detailing. I just uninstalled them as I was getting tons of errors with that mod (15-20 lines per second). Too bad it's so buggy, I really loved a lot of his parts like the capsules and the launch clamps (hint, hint).
  16. No, never needed one. Orbital velocity is already so low and atmosphere so thin that it hardly heats up. Make sure the heavy part is on the bottom, or it will flip over. You can use drogue chutes to keep the craft upright (you will need a few extra though as the atmosphere is so thin. I always carry some spare chutes on my powered landers just in case they topple over or something else happen, chutes will save the day a lot of the times, but you need a lot if you are not using engines to slow down to non-destructive landing speeds (<10m/s)
  17. Don't know if this is relevant... or if you'd rather I post it on github... My debu log shows these: [Log]: [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: ART ship, command [Warning]: [CurrencyWidgetsApp]: No live widgets to Despawn! 4x [Error]: Input is null and also: [Log]: DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for PotatoRoid 4x [Error]: The hull has more than 255 polygons. This is invalid.
  18. Hah, you mean the cfg hack I made? So I just captured (cough hyperedit cough) a class E asteroid and attached the four fuel hatches, power supply, two mining drills... but Rock does not show up as a resource and is not mined. I sent up a hacked fuel tank to contain rock, but still nothing is mined (laser are running, power present etc). Does it need another mod/plugin like regolith? BTW: You weren't kidding when you said the asteroids got bigger! A class E looks like the size of Ike now Correction... space is created and can be assigned to the fuel hatches, but no rock is showing up. I was only looking at the value for rock like with the old version. - Space allocation still goes per 100 units, could this be increased to 1000 as it is excavated quite quickly anyway? - The Xenon tank is filling up with xenon by itself which is coming from the laser miners (about 0.05/sec each)
  19. Nice work Rover, thank you! Will there be other versions of the fuel hatch, like for monoprop, ore, water, substrates etc?
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