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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. I've had it with numerous other parts outside of USI mods, so it's a structural problem in KSP I think. Will keep your nodes in mind.
  2. Haha, and less chance of them all being destroyed? I had a large Mun base once... after a few days of game play I went to check in on their mining on to find a few pieces of wreckage left. So savegames will not help there. Apparently parts get stuck under the surface and then just disappear or jump up and exploded when you switch view to them. I tend to keep bases in orbit and just have a few landers on the surface, haven't lost any so far so seems to work better. Only drawback is that drill just stop working right after I leave sometimes, so I come back 2-3 days later with 0.11 resources in the container. KSP could be so much fun if not for all the bugs with the standard program. [edit] Maybe Rover can mod KSP into his own, working, version: Umbra Space Program.
  3. Hi RoverDude,

    I'm a great fan of your work and am always amazed by what you produce. Right now I'm using a coupe of your mods and am trying to figure out how to get a self sustaining colony with your LS mod. Together with your MKS/KA mining mods you make an excellent setup for kolonizing.

    Myself I like the real rockets and have been looking into making a realistic rehash of your mod (for personal use) for a life-support based on food/water/air and also transforming actual compounds into the required fuels. Seeing as I can only mod .cfg files and maybe there is interest, I would like to ask if you could have a look at my idea?

    It's basically to harvest Hydrogen (space+atmosphere) and CO2 (atmosphere), optionally in combination with mined Water, to create all the necessary parts for LifeSupport (water and oxygen at least) and fuels (LF/Ox/MP/LH2). As you know, besides "Supplies" we need water to drink and air to breathe, and most fuels can me made with the compounds C/O/H. I was planning on reconfiguring some parts (cfgs) as compressors (HydrogenGas to LiqdHydrogen, Oxygen to MonoProp/Oxidizer, CO2 scrubber that turns CarbonDioxide into Carbon and Oxygen which can be used to make other fuels and recycle Oxygen for LS), but maybe in the hands of someone that knows what he is doing, it can be made into something that is actually any good ;) and not just a hack-job.   It's a complete loop from mined resource to intermediate resource to LS/Fuel component with exception to food which will need input (love your fertilizer/dirt/organics loop). It's basically MKS-Ultra ;)

  4. I'm still hesitant to build anything of a surface as all my bases keep being destroyed by KSP physics when I am there or while I am away. Put too much time into making bases, landing stuff, aligning, only to discover the entire base blew up for some unknown reason. This is not a USI thing, just a KSP physics thing.
  5. I have some things with this mod... 1.) The Dumbo reactor can be placed on an object, but after that it can not be removed. Likewise if you place it next to something (not attached), you can never pick it up again. 2.) Dusty Plasma reactor makes the system super slow, like the cpu is freaking out. The only one of the reactors that works without glitches is the Pebble Bed
  6. I have the three main engines aligned with CoM, need to throttle them down until the whole things starts to lean back, then throttle up to keep it straight but not tip over. But after that the thing starts turning sideways and there is no holding it. They have all the parts and introduced the engines in 1.0.5, but basically you are unable to use them in a real shuttle simulation without resorting to improvised boosters etc. That is just funky and I wonder why they bothered with the special parts for the shuttle (slanted engine mount, new gimballing engines).
  7. Kerbin around 1800-2000m/s in a shallow angle. But even on Duna it heats up to about 75-80% of the full temperature bar in no time.
  8. Option 5 = Hyperedit I sent one up in 3 sections, PITA but not a real issue. Send it up to 100km, assemble, fuel up and send to higher orbit. After the first two ships done that way I just use hyperedit as it takes a lot of time and adds a lot of parts (docking ports to join up the sections). I use SSTU which has 6.25m tanks, added 8x 3.75m asperagus boosters and four extra boosters on the extending arms of the Starlifter. No struts with KJR, just lots of launch clamps and a prayer.
  9. Downloaded the new version, but it's basically broken. Clouds dissappearing or only half the screen etc. Scatterer no longer works in combination with EVE either.
  10. Since today I notice any forum search I do send me to activity and shows huge chunks of text for relevant topics it finds (ie the entire message without formatting of any kind). This is hugely annoying, added to the fact this new layout has more useless space than you know what to do with to start with.
  11. Ok, tried several ways to make it work, but this thing will not launch the way I do it. Tried to search on the forum, but all I see it shuttles modded in 50 different ways to make it work. Is there any way to get an actual realistic shuttle off the ground?
  12. Rover, on a sidenote... will you be releasing mods like the minisub? Or is that just for personal use? Would be cool to explore the seas of Eve.
  13. The "rework" threw me off, went looking in the parts folders if I was going blind or something. Is the part pricing (career mode) made purposely higher than comparable stock parts? The engine clusters are sometimes 5 times more expensive than the same thrust value stock engines.
  14. I'll check it out tomorrow, would be cool if the right engines are used instead of the "yeah this one looks right" method.
  15. I really don't know what the actual engines were and if sstu has them (or similar). might be a next step to refine these builds.
  16. it wasn't as much about efficiency as making them look right . I can do the whole mission on a single Ares I in the kerbin system probably. The first SLS I made did a round trip to duna; It's about the size of the Ares 5. On these Ares rockets the second stages on both were half full when I dumped them, so yeah, way too much for the kerbin system For career or just Kerbin sandbox I use asperagus staging and smaller stages. not as realistic looking though.
  17. There are tons of stock build, so I figured I'd do something different The FASA mod actually has all the parts for those rockets I think, it focusses more on the Gemini/Atlas style rockets and also has some ICBMs in there (with fake nukes and all). My upcoming Saturn V will use FASA's Apollo parts as they are absolutely gorgeous. I could definitely do some of the earlier rockets like the Atlas (Gemini missions). (yes, the LEM is upside down, it would not attach on the top in the hangar) The Apollo capsule with parachute cover jettisoned and flotation devices deployed. A++ modelling.
  18. Yes, no, it's with EVE + Scatterer mods for atmospheric effects, but it is Kerbin etc (not RSS)
  19. F5 F5 F5 Did an entire Ares I and Ares 5 Lunar mission tonight. Was a blast, and almost lost all my kerbals on the earth return when I zoomed past earth as I forgot to do the last burn to get into the atmosphere. Took a whole aerobraking orbit and one half more to lower the speed down (no fuel left) before the capsule fell to Kerbin. Apollo 13 all over again Loving this mod to bits. The new fuel tanks with integrated drone core is super, one less part in my Ares V. Now to add a reaction wheel and lose 1-2 more stock parts Ares V Ares I
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