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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Re the radial booster decouplers... would it be possible to direct the retro-rockets only outwards (or change the angle enough to do mostly outward) instead of forwards+out? Pretty much everything jumps forward (even SSTU boosters) and stays too close or has a tendency to come back towards the main tank. I've tried playing with force/fuel, but if I reduce force they don't throw the boosters away far enough, ditto with fuel amount, so thrust seems good.
  2. TAC supplies is 0.004t total for the A-CM and 0.008t total for the B-CM, 3x that for their respective SM (A 0.012t and B 0.024t). So 4kg for 3 dudes for 3 days, that's a can of coke per day each, man those TAC guys are stingy!
  3. gheghe, I also just downloaded the new X2 version from Nertea He is using a 15:1 ratio now though, so if you're using SSTU tanks, remove some Oxidizer to crank up your dV again due to the extra weight of the spare oxidizer now (around 25%).
  4. That is too obvious for me Nertea. I am getting old btw, just tried out the new LH2 mod... 2.5m drone core + HI-M-21 tank + Odin = 3100dV SSTO (with Tunguska you reach 4500dV but not enough TWR to lift off).
  5. @RedParadize Both patches were posted here and on Github. @Shadowmage LS: The mass is quite low and is different between the two mods. Will it have that much impact? I've not noticed anything during docking to be honest. Boil-off: Ask Nertea, he said people could use his plugin, so don't let that be a factor. Also KSPI has their own version of boil-off, also Ec based cooling. Would have been cool to make it part of CommResources so that LH2 is treated equally no matter which mod/tanks are used. But I guess it all boils down to the same thing (pun intended). Shuttle: I installed Energia+Buran, and I got it to fly in one go (and land it safely, so if I can do that first try, they thought it through). They put the CoM at an angle I think so that you can actually fly the thing as intended instead of kamikazying into the nearest building. Check it out to see how they did it. Personally I do not see any use for a shuttle and after a few ooh-aahs I uninstalled the mod. Super booster though, with slanted nose cones etc Pull Requests: LOL. Hey, if I can figure it out... btw: would the new CM/SM be ready for a sneak-peek?
  6. NP, I do the same Nertea doesn't bite though (yet that is). Nert makes some cool mods, he should make a list someday
  7. LOL, sorry. http://kerbal.nl/sstu/TAC_LS.cfg BTW: I noticed the Apollo capsule overrules these values with the stock LS patch from TAC (1 day). Only the Orion uses my cfg. I think there is a discrepancy in the cfg for the Orion (which is why I made this cfg hackjob). And now it doesn't. Something is up with this, but then again this is why I made the cfg as stated :))) OMG I figured out how Github works now... noob moment. I just made two pull-requests (yeah, I talk the talk now!). God save poor Mage, he created a monster.
  8. Nertea also has another mod called Cryogenic Engines and some new atomic engines. The NF prop engines no longer run on LH2.
  9. You, sir, are dedicated Cool to see so much thought put into this.
  10. Will anyone pick up his mods? Seems like so many good parts are going to waste.
  11. I tried it out, but everything was too close to get any orbits. The idea is cool though, I will keep an eye out on this mod.
  12. The 0.625m port docks with 1.25m ports, so no real need to have it switchable?
  13. it could be 1.850, that still fits inside a 1.875 fairing Plus I regularly fit a 10m wide part in a 2.5m fairing
  14. Check out OPT Space Planes and/or the Mk4 mod for larger structures.
  15. Nice to know it's handled and also by the same routine.
  16. Re Boil-off: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/47223-wip-nerts-dev-thread-current-nfpropulsion-balance/&do=findComment&comment=2357375 Maybe an idea to use the same system in order to get a "standard" like for the resources?
  17. Thanks, Nertea! Maybe get everyone on the same boat like with the resources themselves. BTW, how does this work in the background, ie when ships are on long trips and not in focus? Is that handled by the plug-in?
  18. Would it be an idea to make this LH2 boil-off into a plug-in that can be used on different mods... I know some other mod-makers are working on (or thinking about) a similar system. Maybe it would be an idea to add boil-off to CR?
  19. Holy sh_t, Mage. You've been busy!!! RS68: I use the tank mount as seen in the picture and then just clip the engine into the tank to it looks like the shroud. I thought it might blow up due to the heat (tried clipping the radial engines for a cool design once, but that wouldn't work due to the heat/flame), but the RS68 does not heat up the tanks. The picture was more to show off the engine clipping than to compare to your craft That rusky looks cool, will go well with the station parts later on!!! And YES on that ullage decoupler!! I've added an issue on github for the price list for engines, no clue how pull-requests work, forgive my ignanz I've also sent a patch file for USI LifeSupport on all the CMs/SMs, should you want to add it. Even though TAC is supposed to add them to every command module, it does not work for me somehow, so I also have a patch for TAC if you want. The USI gives 3 days to the CM and 9 days to the SM. I think that is about what they have in reality?
  20. Darn, that seems boring with the limited parts the game offers. But that is the beauty of KSP, you can play vanilla or mod it until it drops. I feel that mods need to be balanced though (no unlimited fuel type mods), other than that, anything I like and looks cool, goes. Mod 'til it drops. I also use LS mods (USI or TAC), for some kind of realism, but also to give some extra missions to fly in order to resupply stations etc. What else am I going to do with the Contares ATV/HTV, right? Delta IV Heavy with Orion (EFT-1 mission), made only with parts from SSTU.
  21. I'll check this out. The short distances sounds cool as I hated the long journeys.
  22. BTW: Delta IV Heavy with the new RS68 done right Well, not using other mod-parts at least. Just offset them into that mount type.
  23. Angel, I am getting a lot of these errors: [Warning]: File 'C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WildBlueIndustries\DSEV\Plugins/PluginData/DSEVUtils/Settings.cfg' does not exist note the / and \ are mixed in that link. also tons of these: [ERR 21:38:57.653] Input is null. See the attached logs.
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