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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. @Bandus @mcirish3 @Kerbart Thanks for the answers! Some kind of life, or updating the 1.0 announcement to 1.0.5 at least would should some life signs. It's the first thing people see when they look for KSP. Scrolling to the bottom of the page for news means it's kind of not important enough to put it on the top where you see it when you come it. The sarcasm of "still in business" went over the heads of some people it seems, but meh.
  2. More like a RO dungeon gheghe...
  3. Look I think you are not getting what I mean with "site". I mean site as in the static www content you get when you go to KSP, the page that has the 1.0 announcement. The forum is official, I did not say that, but as a lot of official game forums are not run by the actual devs, As per your point 2: As I spent a lot of time on other game forums where mods were just regular users that had been there for a long time and got appointed to official status without being employed etc. Hence "Squad Staff" could just be joe-schmoe who is a cool guy and got appointed that title to keep some order on the forums in his free time. As per 3. I don't come there as when I did there was not much to see and just the same people chatting over some coffee as all the other topics. Apparently I stepped on some toes of Squad groupies... I will refrain from posting here in the future. It's not my business that their site (not forum dangit!) is outdated and gives the impression the game is getting stale. And I won't even go to asking about any info regarding 1.1, as that is a banning offense for some reason.
  4. Snark: "Forum" is not "Site". Check the normal site, it announces 1.0 as just released. If I check under announcements here on the forum there is not much activity and the devblogs list some kind of x-mas poster give-away, so no activity there for the last month. RoverDude and Nathan are official Squad employees? Don;t get me wrong, but forum moderators does not mean Squad the company to me. A lot of game forums are run by volunteers/players that have nothing to do with the game itself.
  5. Maybe put some life back into their site then? Who are the devs here then, I don't see any in the member info column, so how do I know if I'm talking to a 13 year old in a basement or to a Dev?
  6. Seeing as their site still announces the release of 1.0 and nothing since then... Is Squad still in business?
  7. The little Soyuz can be launched form a simple 2-stage rocket, so no need for big saturn like ships. but if you want to "just because", then I have a Jupiter III craft file for you if you like
  8. Would it be possible to add markers for LH2 and other Community Resource fuels, please?
  9. Meh, all the details are lost. Why animate everything if you will hide it?
  10. In light of the Soyuz, will we be seeing the engines for the Soyuz as well (and the booster shapes) ?
  11. Mage, did you see this thread and how it animates? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/127810-wip-dangerously-shaded-stock-refresh/&page=2
  12. I have everything on max settings running with -force-d3d11.
  13. Generally I only do unmanned or maybe 2-3 Kerbals on board, but on tourist runs (where I tend to use the mk3 passenger pod as I send up 8-12 tourists at a time) the game would just become jittery as heck. I tried later with hitchhiker cans, but they have the same problem. Without any kerbals in them, they both run nice and smooth.
  14. I think I found it... It's not the Mk3 module, it's just the number of kerbals you have on board. If I have no Kerbals, the timer is green and fps is smooth. If I add 5+ kerbals to the craft, the timer is 50/50 yellow/green, if I add 12+ then the timer is yellow all the time... Hence a 16 passenger module and a command pod with 6 kerbals is freaking out my game. I had TAC LS installed and thought it might be that, but even just vanilla, the game freaks out with a lot of kerbals on board.
  15. my screenshot is how I see it on other devices, but the LH tanks are just orange. Maybe they were meant to look like that though.
  16. Thanks!!! Would be cool to see LH in the cryos (pun intended). Several mods are using LH2 these days for their engines. I love that you are doing the Ares I, it does not get enough love in my opinion, but it's my favorite crew launcher.
  17. Will you be supporting Community Resources so we can use LH2 in those cryo engines?
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