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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. @Angel-125 I didn't see this in the OP, have you seen this? It came out a month ago apparently.
  2. I just built a friggin VTOL aircraft using mk2 expansion in my personal science save, I launched and landed vertically without destroying anything, and broke the sound barrier (at least, I think I did, I was focused on keeping it stable, but there were atmosphere effects going on), there's still some links to fix, but it works pretty well. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spaceception


      Yeah, I had the engines, I just didn't really know how to build it, then I watched some videos last night, and got to work this morning, and it flew quite well :D

    3. Atlas2342


      Now make it SSTO:D

    4. Spaceception


      @Atlas2342 I have a few ideas being tossed around, but I'm still not the best at planes and I suuuuuuuuuuuck at SSTOs, hopefully the mods I have will help. 

  3. I was more of a Star wars fan, than Star trek, I don't know why, I just didn't like watching it, then one day, I don't exactly remember when, my dad turned on star trek (the 2009 one) and I watched it because I was bored, long story short, I can't decide if my favorite series is TNG, VOY, or ENT. I also really like first contact, and all of the reboots so far.
  4. Awesome! And are the falcon 9s to scale, if so, WOW, it's really grown since its first flight.

    This is in science mode too! Only teir 4 tech, and the Nuclear mode has been unlocked. 

    I was launching a Duna transfer vehicle/Ike Lander  (Jeb is a stowaway), and I'm about to make the transfer to Duna. 

    I have around 2 hours of game footage so far, and I haven't even begun the transfer to Duna yet :confused:

    Ike, here I come! 


    Also, does anyone have any free programs for editing youtube videos, that even idiots like me can use?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spaceception


      It's not, it's over $60 :(

    3. TotallyNotHuman


      @Spaceception: I tried using OBS on my Linux laptop. Dunno if it's available for Windows, but my guess is that it is. It's free, too. :wink:

    4. Spaceception


      I found out that the final chunk of my data didn't record (Duna transfer, Ike landing, Kerbin return, excrementsload of science gained) so I won't be able to release that video.

      I do have a buttload of parts, so I'll show something else. :)

      @TotallyNotHuman_ it's for Windows, thanks :) I'll take a closer look, and see if it'll work for me.

  6. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's so true, but in my case, I'm just trying to figure out modmaking in general
  7. Electrical is great too, a much more powerful RTG along with Tons of reactors.
  8. Oh yeah, the OP stated that it wasn't compatible yet, but it's undergoing tests now. Anyway, everything else is pretty cool
  9. Hey there! Welcome to the forums! If you're looking for mods, I recommend the near future ones by Nerta.
  10. Ooh, interesting Well, if they have industry in the moon, do they have mass drivers? A cheap way to get something in orbit, or even an escape trajectory, but without the fuel. It also has the benefits of 1/6th Earth g, and no atmosphere, so you wouldn't need to be squished nearly as much. I could see large, modified spacecraft getting slung out of the Earth moon system, and in a trajectory to Mars to get nitrogen, eventually, some colonists will follow, and start up a base on Mars' moons (So they could leave Mars easily) controlling the robots from space, and making more out of the material on Phobos, and Diemos.
  11. Whoo! One step closer to infinity war!!
  12. Update on infinitum!!

    I'm over 74k words in, working on Chapter 20 of 22 (Or 23).

    I might be writing a new 2nd chapter focusing on Nadan's PIC on the day leading up to the infinitums arrival.

    And in writing news, some progress is being made on The Time Sleeper, I've outlined, I believe 7 chapters, and next month, the 1st draft of Infinitum should be finished, so while I'm not editing that for publication, I'll be working on a new book :) And as always, I'll send some chapters your way in the lounge once I have something to show. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spaceception


      Yeah :D I really hope I can get it published, I'm currently looking at agents now, and I found a really cool person who just might take my book.

    3. TotallyNotHuman


      Wow, congrats!

      *pops bubblyzine*

    4. Spaceception


      Too early for that! I haven't sent any letters out, but thanks :)

  13. The idea itself isn't the most realistic, so I'm fine with that I'm just going over tutorials now, I'll begin once I finish the 1st draft of Infinitum
  14. Damn, my planet would've looked so unique too. Well, I can manage without that I guess.
  15. Okay, thanks, does that mean it wouldn't work over a slightly egg shaped world? Would it not have any air on either side?
  16. @OhioBob Great tutorial! I was wondering, how would you model an atmosphere in a slightly egg shaped world, with the atmosphere extending almost like a cone on one end (like an additional 50 km)
  17. But then he wouldn't be able to keep these kickass mods updated!
  18. Awesome, it's cool to see this moving forward
  19. Ran out of likes But anyway, the real question here is.... How many banana's tall is it? This needs to be a new form a measurement stat. But seriously, this is awesome, and SIXTEEN TONNES!? Metric or Imperial? I know the two are close but isn't Metric like 90% of Imperial? Have there been any test launches for the Luna rockets? If not, When? (It can just be a season)
  20. I'm not a hardcore gamer, so I don't really know, but my framerates are pretty decent most of the time on my Lenovo laptop, they only slow when I have really big launches in atmo, I try to move the camera significantly, or when I'm in the Valentine solar system, but even then, it's still playable. Other then those, it's pretty smooth.
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