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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I've finished almost 1k words on C5 of Infinitum. :D

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    1. legoclone09


      And I'm 15 words and procrastinating on my entry for the KSP contest right now.

    2. Spaceception


      Well, good luck with the contest, are you listening to music? It helps me concentrate. :)

  2. So what do you guys think of the storyline so far? By the way, for anyone wondering, my outline is almost 30 chapters long. Also, I'm working on C5 now, 300 words done
  3. Imagine if in those 5 days, a high period planet transited
  4. Can't believe I only just saw this thread. Congrats! From what you're 'saying', it sounds like a lot of fun (The flying is at least, right?), good luck on getting your degree, You can officially declare yourself as some of the only people who can claim they reached for the sky!
  5. I still can't really believe he's serious. Curious to see where this goes though.
  6. After long searching in the LMC using Space Engine, I have the Kelrak's homeworld, and Sigma Prime. Behold! http://imgur.com/gallery/q1EPy http://imgur.com/gallery/yp4do Now all I need to do is find a system with at least 3 habitable planets to serve as the Nova system
  7. Maybe there's something in that payload we don't know about...
  8. Where? There isn't a Livestream on their YT.
  9. This just happened. I can't wait for this to fly
  10. Congrats for becoming Global Moderator! :)

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  11. I have a new laptop! :D


    Space engine, KSP, here I come!

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    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Spaceception
    3. Spaceception


      I have four candidate systems for the Kelrak home system in Infinitum :D

      They're all binary systems with either a K/M or M/M stars, and habitable planets with less gravity than Earth, now onto Sigma Prime candidates!


      I am creating an empire!

      Or something of the sort.

    4. Spaceception


      I've decided on the Kelrak's homeworld/system, and in search for Sigma Prime candidates, I found a ringed Eve terra lookalike.


      ESI .971

  12. Well, it's pretty obvious that we wouldn't, but could you guys write something like My Very Educated Mother.... But for all 100 odd planets? Moons can be switched for convenience if they're around the same planet. Just for fun, if you want to.
  13. So... Learning the names of 111 (112 if Planet 9 exists) planets, how would kids learn the names of them? Would only the biggest and most important bodies be taught? And how would they be memorized? My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pumpkins, or some variant is used, but how would something similar apply with over 100 objects to learn? And this obviously assumes all bodies get made into planets, including the Moons (For some reason), it's just a thought experiment. Also, I don't really feel this belongs in the sci/space thread, but it the mods feel it does, go ahead and move it. Obligatory video Discuss.
  14. Here's a video on biosignatures. Also, could that 'false positive' where the lifeless planet and moon has completely different atmosphere compositions, but they look like they have life anyway since the signal is blurred, happen with the TRAPPIST planets since they orbit so close, and we could read false signatures with those worlds, or could we discern the compositions with multiple transits?
  15. How often would that happen? Would the star completely dip below the horizon? And how long (Could) it last? I understand we don't know enough about the system yet, but with what we do know, would they have something like days and nights? Also, I think I'm assuming correctly that it would have the greatest effect on the equator, and least effect on the poles, or am I wrong?
  16. Er... You guys are much better at other languages, I speak English, and I can count to 10 in Spanish
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