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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. Just had an idea for a little feature I'd really love: a button on the big map to set it to the current SOI planet, instead of using the list. When using a planet pack the list can get quite long and hard to find the planet you want. The button could even be on the small map, to 'view on big map' or something. And re the mohole anomaly, last few times I've checked, the anomaly has been at the north pole properly. But I'll try the different projections/resizing it it I notice it again.
  2. I really like the idea of more tailored configs for the ISMs! I hope you post them some day
  3. Quick question - is a larger or smaller number a higher priority?
  4. I know that [x]science recently added compatibility specifically for dmagic orbital science experiments, but unsure as to if it was a hardcoded one specifically for the orbital science parts or a general one for the science animate plugin...
  5. Speaking of experiments, I've been having trouble with the electrostatic and gamma ray experiments when using [x]Science's 'here and now' buttons to activate the experiments. After activating them once via [x]science, it says 'no more samples can be collected' on further activation, even when using the part's action menu.
  6. @Booots I've made a better icon which actually works in 38x38 and 24x24, though there's no on/off variation. Feel free to use! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/klquk2q6xeamcf7/AAAHaijUAeowsJet4FTXU-fSa?dl=0
  7. Yeah, love these parts, and have been able to use them in 1.2.2, though I've had to tweak the heat production/radiator stats a bit to prevent unstoppable overheating on asteroids, I think due to the heat output scaling up with efficiency, and they're much more efficient at mining asteroids which overloads any radiators. Unfortunately I only edited the main part files as I couldn't get a MM patch to work, otherwise I'd post my fixes
  8. A small random idea - I've made the trixie have a max orbit scan height of 1000km instead of 500, as in OPM the gas giants have biomes, but often an atmosphere higher than 500kms. I made my own patch for the scan height just so I'll be able to map the gas giant biomes. Might be worth just adding to the base part though, maybe with a cost offset?
  9. Well I think just the USI-LS Nom-o-matics is fine for the experiment, but I guess the ranger/duna/tundra agriculture modules could have it too for the MKS parts. I don't know how possible it'd be to add it to the inflatable habitat/greenhouse parts only if they're set to greenhouse mode, but maybe those parts could have it too? probably don't need so many copies of the same experiment at a base though. Also the KPBS greenhouse doesn't have a greenhouse efficiency option by the looks of things.
  10. Well I changed the colour values in the biome definition to match the biome map, and tried to make it into a MM patch, but I couldn't get it to work as a patch. So I just edited the original Sarnus config at /OPM/KopernicusConfigs/OuterPlanets/Configs/Sarnus.cfg So @voicey99 and others, if you want somewhat fixed Sarnus biomes too, paste this into the corresponding part of that ^ config file: I'm not too sure on which biomes are meant to go where, so this is just my best guess, but you'll be able to actually get all the biomes now. I think the main issue will be the 'Polar Hexagon' biome, which seems like it should be the north pole, but both polar areas of the biome map are the same colour, and I didn't quite want to edit the biome map, so Polar Hexagon is now set to the border of the polar zones. I also play with @Poodmund's OPMVO, and there isn't an obvious Great White Spot with those textures, but the biome is at least there now!
  11. A bit late, but to add to the list of bugs, Sarnus' biomes are a bit wonky: I'd just come to post about it myself and saw voicey99 had already posted about it
  12. If you make a patch with this it should work: SCANSAT_SENSOR { name = GoldOre SCANtype = 536870912 //2^29 }
  13. Not sure if this is due to scansat or DmagicOS or something else, but there's some weirdness with an anomaly on Moho, I think what's meant to be the Mohole. Firstly the map marker shows up around the south pole instead of the north, though you get the 'Anomaly: Mohole' mouseover readout next to the co-ords when you mouse over the top edge of the map. But then when you travel to the mohole the DmagicOS anomaly scanner experiment doesn't see anything (even all the way down the bottom of the hole). The scanner also doesn't see anything at the south pole. (I successfully scanned the monolith anomaly scanner experiment too)
  14. Looking forward to the new trussless option! Another suggestion while you're on the cryo tanks would be another switchable option for trussless but with the 2.5m rings at the end of the 3.75/5m tanks (or 3.75 ring on the 5m), for stack use with the tanks being wider than the rest of the stack.
  15. Well both the big greenhouse and the small 2unit rack greenhouse in KPBS have the experiment, and I wanted it on the small cupola personally for a science rover. And the science defs for the experiment seem to be more about observing the plants than actually taking samples, I think it's fine for it to be on smaller parts.
  16. A small patch I made to add the KPBS plant growth experiment to the USI greenhouses, might be cool to add to this mod:
  17. Yeah, the MKS part file looks fine, so does seem to be something MM related for sure, but as far as I can see none of the KPBStoMKS patches change vanilla MKS parts.
  18. The Duna and both Tundra agriculture modules seem to have a problem with Cultivate(Dirt), it looks like the same resource converter as agroponics: http://imgur.com/KzhBMPz They also doesn't list Agriculture(Dirt) in the part info, though you can select it when you configure the bays in the VAB. The Ranger agricultural inflatable does have Cultivate(Dirt) working correctly though. I do have KPBStoMKS installed to add USI-LS to the KPBS parts, but I don't see how that could cause this. Any other ideas?
  19. Was just going to come here to say this too. Having to launch and revert each time the hammer position is adjusted is reeeeeeealy slow!
  20. Were there any config changes in 1.9.6, or just the version bump to 1.2.2?
  21. I think the Survey Scanner being squished was related to having an old version of IndicatorLights Community Extensions, maybe try updating that if you have it: Pretty sure that's how I fixed it while keeping Ven's model... but it was a while ago lol
  22. No problem! https://www.dropbox.com/s/5n7ez6fz25n357n/rc icon.png
  23. Maybe something like this? Feel free to use this however you want if you want https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjh2hc0lwpvckpo/RC button.jpg
  24. 1.3 works for me too And had an idea for a QOL feature - an EC/s/ton display for solar panels?
  25. OK, well maybe a description update is needed for it too then I was just hoping to use it to shuttle tourists to and from a station.
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