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Everything posted by Hypercosmic

  1. 3/10. The rocket is too fat, and I can't read the words in it except 'tech'.
  2. It won't break the game, right? Also, I strongly suggest you to put all of your stuffs above my first comment into a spoiler. Preferably, separate each object into each box as well.
  3. I decided to ask Kerbol Origins' thread directly about the possibilities to move stock planets back to their original orbits. I guess you should just delete the Eeloo file.
  4. Is it possible to add an option to move stock objects back to their original orbits (like Eeloo back to its original orbit)? I guess some people don't like it. Also, the start menu texts appear behind Sarvin's rings.
  5. Wonder why people treat Outer Planets Mod as a part of the stock system. I personally don't like how it sticks far too much to the Solar System. P.S. The etymology is random, right?
  6. I performed the first docking in this savefile, and the first dual reentry and landing, simultaneously. (The docking is boring, so I proceeded to the dual reentry) Reentry Descending (the another ship is at the left of the selected ship, near the horizon)
  7. Instead of jumping Jool scenario, this is probably why there's no super-Kerbin in the orbit... I'm curious about the stability of the system. In real Solar System, the fifth planet was ejected out of the Solar System after subsequent encounters with Jupiter and Saturn. However, I am not sure if gas giant Vulcan-style planet would allow the stability of the inner Kerbol system. The note is that this planet can potentially eject Moho in the 4 billion years' time, and can cause chaos on Kerbin by changing its eccentricity, potentially killing everything before Kerbals could ever get a foothold.
  8. Didn't bring enough food for Val on her trip to Minmus.
  9. Oh, so it's just like one-manned capsule missions? Good. I'm not expecting myself to perform that kind of stunt anyways.
  10. I will try this when I unlocked stuffs I required later. But what's wrong with all three down?
  11. That dev's name is NovaSilisko, and yes, they left.
  12. That looks like cluster missile launching vehicle. So funny, looking for more
  13. Try activating both three engines simultaneously. Transferred fuel should make it to some amount.
  14. It is. Look closely at the bottom of the Kerbal Engineer box. See? TWR = 1, means weight = lifting force. With that, it won't go anywhere.
  15. I see. The mods will get very angry. Good luck.
  16. Are these arts related to KSP? Cause it doesn't look like it is KSP fan art.
  17. Thanks. Anyways, I wonder how much time each chapter's production takes?
  18. TWR is significant because this is the launch vehicle. Currently this rocket cannot even lift itself from the groupd because the TWR is exactly 1.00.
  19. The current conventional new year is more or less this one. I myself celebrate the winter equinox solstice (lol) and not the conventional new year.
  20. I celebrate the new year by the day the space program founded.
  21. Is it possible to just delete the alcubierre drive from the rest of the engines? I don't like it.
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