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Everything posted by Hypercosmic

  1. Ban for having a o_o on the profile pic
  2. Drew Ex Machina's Habitable Planet Reality Check: Update on Kepler’s K2-72 From now, i decided to took the job of sharing exoplanet analysis news.
  3. Even if Heidon's orbit's inclination is just 0.8 degrees, it will cause considerable changes on Kerbin due to its proximity. Also, by its mere existence, it will guarantee chaos of the Kerbin climate. I'm not sure if the Kerbals could ever evolve on such planet where eccentricity swings wildly.
  4. I wonder why KO engines are made by Ionic... In the wiki, it is mentioned that GP2 might be larger than Jool (9,000km). What are your ideas?
  5. Yep, and I got 13 km/s from my own probe. Jool is near. Adding science stuffs, it went down to 12 km/s.
  6. How is magnetoplasmadynamic thruster not ion engines?
  7. I'd love to see my favorite mod Kerbol Origins getting its own version of Encyclopedia. It's far more original (consider how it is basically a continuation of NovaSilisko's original plans) and creative (unlike the most popular Kopernicus mod, which I personally hate).
  8. Here is the Sudarsky gas giant classification. Making the planet believable is as important as aesthetic purposes. Have fun. Note: A hot neptune in an inclined orbit will drag the much less massive inner planets along with it, and in this system, Kerbin would potentially have chaotic climate due to both frequent transit events and orbital disturbance, driving Kerbals out of their world. Also, like IceGiant said earlier, consider removing Moho. That poor planet won't stand a chance.
  9. That's right, I always get this thing WRONG. Haha. In my novel project, the new year is set in the winter equinox solstice in the year 11800 HE, importance unknown.
  10. Try KER. Stuck on Minmus? Use your jetback to boost yourself into the orbit! Also, I never bring ladders on Mun landers. Jetpack as always.
  11. Well, this contract is extremely easy. Ion propulsion is very, very efficient and provides a lot of delta-v. Just let me mod my favorite MPD and nuclear reactor from Children of a Dead Earth, and I can go anywhere in the Kerbol system without problem.
  12. A junkyard nearby the road which the government owns. The government then sells stuffs to the space program.
  13. Space Shuttle (NASA project running from 1981-2011)
  14. Kerbal (term): Something which fails laughably, often spectacularly.
  15. 7/10 Jool! Artisitic concept of TRAPPIST-1g!
  16. The early phase of the current career (currently), I named stuffs after their function. When I got interplanetary, however, I'm expecting more creative names.
  17. In the Kerbol Origins thread, a user replied to me that they successfully removed Eeloo's changes and everything works normally.
  18. Having fun reading this! I am also hunting planets in the Planet Hunters website, but it seems I had no luck. I guess I'll try again. Awaiting for the discovery announcement!
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