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Everything posted by Drakenred65

  1. My problem was that you (sometimes) had to balance science parts, and antennas, and I often went with symmetrically paired units.
  2. It’s a redundant building, I built a pseudo crawler/transporter a while back to see if I could carry a rocket cross country off the runway and over to the monolith. To be honest, to me there were minor nits about KSC upgrading was kind of eh? Mission control and administration? To be fair upgrading them was, at least to me, odd, it often felt more meh than oh getting something useful this time amd more your clicking a button to be clicking a button... But then I found contracts oddly lacking or annoying at times, Also Runway/spaceplane hanger, and launch pad VAB. It may have been me, but why were those 2 upgrades not linked. I guess they wanted 2 more sets of biospheres I guess . . . Which is why I’m wondering if the reason they are going with upgrades happening because of achievements. that, and let’s be honest , currently it seems the Contract control building, admin, and Plane hanger are kind of redundant right now.
  3. It certainly a better choice than Post Alpha Capture.
  4. Gostii best postii, . . Hmmmm need to work on that
  5. It’s not me, no parachutes lol. Yes I always try to conventionally land. But hey sometimes you just want to land the #&*)@%= plane and eat.
  6. Could be just a fairing being test launched. Or something they wanted hidden as a tease. Or it could be a test to see if whatever is in the fairing can actualy be shipped that way.
  7. Are thoes engines diferent diameters or is it a weird perspective thing
  8. I wonder if I should start calling it planet ???O? Since that seems to be what was in the tutorial, I think
  9. I can easily see where there is a situation where… Kerbin is resource depleted, mun and minmus slightly less so, Eve having more of certain chemicals but Gravitytax Moho home to more heavy metal and elements, Duna is where I’m ??? . . . maybe a source of nukes? Jool Can you say Hydrogen? Protium? Deuterium? Tritium? He3? Oh my! And it’s currently the outermost major planet.,. Apart from Eeloo….maybe let’s you find planet ???O? If it’s out there. Dres, unless they change their minds and decide it’s like 16 Psyche or something… the problem is that if the ksp2 player version of Rover dude turns up in a multiplayer competitive match vs the average newbi (or worse, someone like me and my ideas about a Konsumerism mod . . Yah I was dumb .) money or no he’s going to power through everything unless he’s unlucky. granted…that may be an extreme example.
  10. I think your confusing cause and effect. an experienced player is always going to have an advantage over newer players, even if the resource seed is more randomized thane a Minecraft world generator. That’s just the way reality is. a player who has more time to spend in a world will have an edge over one who is new to it all. Again that’s just the way it is. If people think they need a form of money to function in a multiplayer game with resource trading, THEY WILL MAKE IT. The ONLY way you can avoid this is to never have a tradable resource, or at most have a resource that is trade once and it’s character bound regardless of what it is.( for example if you have a team you can assign/share team resources around.
  11. This is the base problem. Let’s say we have yo mine the Mun for resources. If player AAAis mining the only 100 rated node on the mun, and everyone has at best 75. Then he’s got an advantage. He can get to Duna faster, then Jool then off to ??? Faster. because Thoes resources ARE MONEY. He has no need for some of them compared to others, so he can spend them in trade on whatever, or use it for more of what he can make with it, or just throw it into the back of a storage bin someplace, maybee he can smelt it into a rediculous statue to him or her self. Now if they set it up so that everyone gets one node per body, every node produces resource A! B? C!. And so on, but in diferent rations because whatever, then we’ll perhaps they can balance it that way. I doubt it though.
  12. I’m not sure how you can somehow have money and not earn it in game. It’s not like some of us are randomly going to turn into Bernard L Madoff after all and start randomly claiming unearned money that does not exist. well yah, a number of online games have had players pull similar scams . I’m just not sure how they could pull something like that off.
  13. Seriously it could be as simple as popping an orbital science lab, command pod, habitat can, an extra docking port, storage can, maybe a workshop can, and enough solar panels. Maybe do a few contracts or missions, get an achievement or 2, and you will just start click upgrading like you do in At KSC.
  14. Hopefully the fact that if science ing the hell out of KSP is still a thing that we will at least be able to build Kevin capable Jee er Keeps from the start of the tech tree.
  15. Well Resources are a thing so they may represent resource storage? Or fuel tankage?
  16. Sorry I updated my post just as you posted, I found that article, now I’m lookin for island airfield 2. never mind, I think they confused a different KSC for the airport. I wonder if we will need to build up KSC in KSP 2 or if we have the option of building new ones elsewhere
  17. No one realy knows how there going to implement multiplayer at this point. we know there’s going to be competitive and cooperative multiplayer, and each player can aparently cooperate with a team of players and thoes teams can compete.I think. ok I’m going vid diving. ok on KSP 1 there’s one actual KSP, plus all the odd locations and airbases scattered on the map, with none of the others being on the equator, and most are launch complexes with no runways., but there is no reason besides the island airfield for them to replicate most of them because supposedly it already turned up in a video? However where your launch pad is can function as a difficulty modifier. I think they can put a full KSP base at 6 locations that is on the equator on the east coast, but who knows what the plan is, you may be able to pick a point on the planet and poof
  18. One that has life though is going to have volcanoes, it may also have one or more moons (earth having a moon and having a second core delaying cooling is also a factor) that seem to be part of the reason why Earths crust did not solidify the way Venus crust did. Granted there’s the possibility that Venus may have originally been a sub Neptunan gas or water planet that was moved from a higher orbit, or just had the water/ gas cooked off.
  19. Soooo basicaly the FAA’s OAI only as a Religious order like the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, only for. Rockets?
  20. And the reality is that the Devs have already decided what they are going to do.
  21. Oh I know. For example pixlriffs has a 1 yo tutorial. It’s bairly gotten 355 k reviews since a year ago, and Minecraft s sold over 4,5000,000 copy’s in the last report I heard about it. And a lot of thoes were people like me who played for years. I suspect that like me a lot of people only got to the mun due to thoes tutorials
  22. Given that space X specifically leased former Atlas pads for landing boosters at the Cape, I would say it’s likely.
  23. When I was trying to balance the Konsumerism mod I was tinkering with. I realise do that it would have just been easyer to just instal snaks + any life support mod, and getting money was ridiculously easy anyway.
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