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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. I spent quite a bit of time looking through the different settings. There's one for not needing equipment to *reconfigure* parts, but I didn't see one (for WBI) that allowed me to *deploy* without resources.
  2. Just wanted to echo that I'm seeing this as well. CRP mode for me. I'm currently wishing I could turn off resources for deploying parts, as I have no way to make Koncrete without drills...
  3. I added the line to an existing save just fine. No worries. The one thing to look out for is that there's no guarantee that the new features won't spawn below/through existing rovers and bases. But they are somewhat rare...
  4. For the park a distance away - it's really only a surprise the first time. (Might be worth a warning in the window when you click 'target'.) My normal solution is to truncate the position to about 2/3 decimal places, it's usually enough to have you miss. (Either that or aim for a sacrificial flag.)
  5. I'll admit I haven't tried using it to send to a ship where the only science receiver is a MOLE part - there may be an incompatibility there, as the switchable labs obviously do something different with science than Stock.
  6. I'll admit the last time I tried it I found the Guppy cab absurdly buoyant for a submarine part. (I had to attach lead weights to the top to get it to sink at all.) That was sometime in 1.6.x however, as I don't use subs much, and I didn't look into it further to see if there was an actual problem once I got the bit of science I was looking for.
  7. Science Relay is working fine for me (1.7.2). Note that it doesn't transfer the science to the lab - it transfers it to the *last* storage science storage container added to the vessel, as far as I can tell. Check all possible command pods/etc. on the space station - I often find the science in some out of the way probe core or something. (Especially on a station, where it's usually on something that's docked in.)
  8. I've seen that from varying heights. My general conclusion is that MechJeb needs to be able to move the ship to point towards the burn within a certain amount of time to be accurate - I typically see it with ships with low amounts of control torque on SAS. The other situation I see for it is if the TWR significantly drops during the landing process.
  9. I know the manual installs work. Typically that warning just means the version file hasn't been updated - you can often use mods from recent versions in the current version. (Not always - but often enough that's it's usually worth a try. Especially on parts mods.)
  10. Looking at the site where the pic on of the navball is from - no. They have a pic of the Shuttle's navball, and the '3' is very rounded. (The Shuttle's could well be a variant of Courier.) Interesting to me is that they have the Shuttle navball next to a short ruler - which uses the font from the Apollo navball. It wouldn't surprise me if it's some font designed for inscribing into items.
  11. One quick comment: Those engines have a built-in hover mode as well. You might want to try that mode instead of TCA, just to compare. (Their hover mode is very nice and quite slick - but it's a 'hovercraft' mode, in that they only hover a couple meters off the surface, and that's it. TCA is a lot more versatile. But if you're just driving over the surface while hovering, you might prefer their mode. Just note that you'll either want to turn it on and then activate the engines, or have it linked to an action group.)
  12. There appears to be a problem with one of the textures. It's a bit... Transparent. I haven't done an exhaustive test, but I only really notice it on one side (though some of the hinges are missing as well) on the 2.5m 2x shroud, in the one color variant. Opening the bay it's solid from the other side, but remains invisible from the 'outside'.
  13. Having played a bit with the DLC and not having this, what I'm going to miss isn't so much the experiments (which were fun, but fairly one-off for me) but the KIS parts: The lockers and cardboard box. They're useful all over the place.
  14. Konstruction also has some magnetic grapplers, if you're interested in looking at other grapplers. And if you're doing demo-blocks, MKS has one that recycles the ship into usable resources, which might be nice for a shipyard.
  15. The other long progressive scan mod, just to make sure it's been mentioned (as it's probably got the larger install base...)
  16. The winch would still work with sockets, either placed by hand or by a Kerbal on EVA - and there are plans for those parts to come back at some point. I'm just not sure you should tie yourself in knots trying to support parts which are already depreciated and removed. (Do they even work in 1.7, if you have them?)
  17. Or just only support the versions of KAS for 1.6+. (That is, the new KAS.)
  18. I started right around 1.0 IIRC. Loaded up, started a new sandbox game, had no idea what anything was, backed out and started a new science save. Built a few rockets that went straight up to varying heights until I got a couple into space (including one that left Kerbin SOI...), then decided to look into how to actually get into orbit. Also I wanted some mods for more colonization and system building, so I shut down and got some mods. Came back, tried to get into orbit a few times with MechJeb, realized that MechJeb was really lousy at launching rockets but at least it gave me some ideas on how to do it, and finally got into orbit - and promptly lithobraked my first reentry at extreme speed. Tweaked a bit learn how to enter the atmosphere, and have been playing since. (I do also remember that my first Mun lander was a Karibou rover, which I hand-landed despite not even thinking about thrust balance until much later, though I ran out of fuel a few hundred meters up...)
  19. If you don't like TU, the current version works just fine under 1.7.2 with the old models as well. Just download the current version and replace all the model-related files with the files from the last pre-TU version.
  20. Someone's already mentioned docking ports - I'm going to point out that you're attempting to transfer across a decoupler.
  21. First off: Welcome to modded KSP! Soon you'll have more parts than you know what do to with. For the landing legs - the legs you're showing are designed to be surface-attached to the *bottom* of the parts. There are other landing legs which are designed to attach to the sides, but they're designed to node-attach. Personally, where I build these depends a lot on what I'm trying to build - I've used both, and even switched between the VAB and the SPH on occasion. This isn't a problem, and in fact is Module Manager doing what it's supposed to be doing. And yes, those lines mean that Module Manager is not applying the patches in question, because you don't have the mods needed for them. (That applying could be add, remove, or change a part. In these particular cases, it would be moving the part to a different node on the modded tech tree.)
  22. I could have belly-landed it and used zero robotic parts. The main goal was to play with the robotics system, as much as anything else. Hmm. A vertical ramp could have worked, but it would have still taken several robotic parts, and been harder to get the rover off of. (Side note: *all* of the fuel tanks on this are mounted at the top - there was a secondary mission requiring KIS storage bundled into this trip, and the lower round tank therefore needs to be within Kerbal height of the ground for access.)
  23. From my understanding, that would be essentially the same as how I used Quantum Struts. I just didn't need a decoupler, and I did need EC. But the actual strut connection should be the same I believe. I didn't watch to closely where they were connecting, so it's possible they were anchoring on a surface-attached part however. (Which is warned against.)
  24. This was a large experiment I *won't* be repeating, as it killed performance entirely. (2 second pauses every 2 seconds the craft was in scene...), but it worked in the end. Trying out the new robotics parts for deploying an automated science rover to the Mun: Yes, every one of those robotic parts moved during the deployment, and the rover was rotated 180 between storage and release. The robotics parts on their own didn't kill performance - but they didn't hold the rover inside the cargo bay either. To fix the latter I used Quantum Struts from the bay to the sides of the rover (you can see one in it's deactivated state as that small dot on the inside of the cargo bay), but that was what caused the performance to drop.
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