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Everything posted by Warro

  1. PartVariant switcher works like a charm - look carefully, there is reference to material name, not object, like in FS. About offset - your setting made CoM underground with rover+wheels setup. So imagine, what mill happen if wheel contact are above CoM in turn? CoM will tend outwards, making rover wheely on inwards wheels, not the outward, how should happen in real life.
  2. @ColdJ here I've made part variants module for KerbinRover, paste shis and get rid of Firespitter entry: Tried it in additions to your .cfg changes that you post, there are few issues: internal has the basic scale so don't match at all - there are duplicated mirrors and such. ComOffset is ridiculous - it drives more ore less only whith ore container on the roof :) Without it it tries to do 2-wheely or even 1-wheely
  3. I had found old texture pack on my harddrive, which lead to GIMP and this: that was quick and dirty work, just used texture filler option in Gimp, so there are issues, but I want to ask what do you ppl think about such theme? Upd: that's the list of textures I found, tested camo - wraps better, but booooring :)
  4. Just pack *.dds in archive and upload somewhere as a file. No need to handplace every texture to imgur just for people to handpick one-by-one to download.
  5. @ColdJ Quite impressive work. I'm not the fan of zebra painting, so can't rate them, but still impressive. Block camo looks much better IMHO, I think it looks even better then zebra cause the level of detail stay in both directions on any surfaces, but zebra has "along" and "across" directions that look strange at some surfaces (the roof for example) Couple of questions: any downloads for textures/cfg of what is complete? And another one - did you check ingame only the body of KerbinRover, or other parts load fine too? My first interest is in wheels. Too bad I've lost my edited versions of configs, which I did for an old version of KSP, that'd be nice reference to remember what changes needed. I remember to change CoM offset, made some changes to roobar cfg to make built-in KAS winch to work, added tweakscale for wheels, but exact details and values....
  6. Stains I mean zones, painted with not the base colour. Sorry for my bad english.
  7. @ColdJ I'd personally prefer the colour from stains as the base, but that's not a big deal, your variant looks "kerbal camo" enough UPD: looked at the KSC view now in game, the base grass under buildings looks like perfect pixel camo if look closely (lvl1 and 2 buildings). Will probably fit your olive paint like a charm
  8. The pic was from Coldwar Aerospace spacedock page. I have all 7 vehicles ingame with 0.3 version of mod.
  9. @coldj hmmhmm, I've forgotten about desert camo versions, but you don't. Looks nice, but may I ask to darken olive/green military version? Coldwar Aerospace ground vehicles for reference: For camo maybe something more chaotic/with lesser size colour zones like here: No need to be russian-alike exactly
  10. That pic reminds me of KerbinRover mod https://spacedock.info/mod/602/KerbinRover Off-Road Vehicles Too bad it's not updated It probably can work in new version with minor tweaks to configs, or maybe not. It looks like there was update in wheels module some versions ago?
  11. @ColdJ no rush. Thanks for your effort, that colours look pretty vivid.
  12. I like them all. Maybe only something military style (khaki/olive) is missing to make perfect set. UPD: I have that "should be in stock" feeling
  13. My creativity skills are so good, that i can create "something". Maybe that wil look like what was wanted... if seen in the dark and from far away. So I'd prefer something more baked to use...
  14. Couple of questions: @blackheart612 - is the mod "totally feachure complete" and adding something new is not planned at all or just no time/desire to do something for mod? To all who may know - are there public availiable textures/colour variants except the three in the mod itself?
  15. @Well I had installed KNES for first time and got a question about Minotaur cargo pod - do it use some kind of black hole compression technology? 12942.2 food in the initial variant with Pathfinder's omnistorage. It can explain the price of 50800(in part list) funds, but still looks buggy or cheaty maybe if that's intended. And it costs 800 full/-2291 emptied of food in editor. More weirdness if omnistorage switched to more expensive resources. UPD: brief look to the configs showed Pathfinder compartibility config to be quite strange, I'll personally fix part of this by deliting it. There are only 3 parts involved in it, there are enough omnistorage parts in Pathfinder itself.
  16. Yes, WaitWhat was an anomaly, true, but proper reports for anomalies also used to be in mod, but now they're either gone or hard to achieve. I can remember how I've made Ltech reports for KerbinCity's airport and the city itself. Yes, it was when it was not abandoned yet, pretty far in the past...
  17. Both mods have personal categories with Filter Extensions+CCK installed.
  18. @Angel-125 are you making front part from cilinder? Try to cut a bit of central portion like it's done in this video It's from Planet explorer, but should explain the idea. This will make the shape sharper and more boat-like overall
  19. Plane building is simple - CoL behind CoM, but not too far, we don't need dart. The trick is to check this setup at +-AoA, I usually pick whole craft via shift+click and then rotate 1 step to each AoA (pitch) setting. If CoL jumps forward, so even lift CoM behind - trust me, that will not fly good. It should jump up/down with only small shift forward. Oh, nearly forget second important trick - try to keep CoM with full and empty tanks if not the same, than with minimal shift. RCSBuidAid greatly helps to control this.
  20. For this mission USI Sounding rockets mod is your best friend here. Auto-drop feature is awesome. Look at this craft from Caerfinon - it's built for this mission special: https://kerbalx.com/Caerfinon/Wing-Walker I can also suggest using Atmospheric autopilot mod - it helps a lot when flying planes.
  21. @linuxgurugamer May I suggest to add the ability to make science foto without entering cam view, directly from PAW, and without screenshot this way too. So that both actions will be possible - raw "quickshot" if we don't care about exact content of what's in view plus option to take carefully prepared shot through cam view, both result in the same science report. Sorry if I'm asking too much, I know there is quite a pile of mods that you maintain, and Ltech is not top priority, I guess.
  22. @linuxgurugamer may I ask you a question? Was item (IIRC any statics, inkluding KK bases were generating own report from foto) detection wiped completely or it just became tricky? I recieve only empty/standart situation reports from camera. Saw in an old post: I'm not sure that was a bug, maybe only imbalanced amount of science. But for now camera is cosplaying cheap standart experiment with burden from camera switch and screenshots spam. I hoped to get something like Tarsier, but for statics, not planets. Am i missing something in the process of foto-shoot or this aspect was removed? BTW - there used to be patch which adds Ltech foto-shoot to HullCamVDS cameras, now it's gone too...
  23. @LisiasThanks for the support, I've already found, than nothing wrong is with recovery, just confusing moment of recovery inventory content via refund resource. So my install maybe have problems, but unrelated to refunding. Funny thing - you did just the same trick with screwdriver and KIS container, that I've done. Screenshot made me stuck for a second (how there can be screen what I was doing if I didn't make one?) but then I saw the difference - my pad is still lvl. 1 and Jeb had helmet off. Thanks again for help finding the truth, that is "out there"
  24. @Lisias Did a quick and dirty check - I guessed right - probably one of VAB staff is stealing KIS equipment. If I remove items from KIS inventory, all costs are ok, 588 launched, 588 recovered. BUT: when Jeb was launched with untouched inventory and recovered, items from inventory were not in recovery list. And misterious disappearance of equipment should be KIS problem, BUT(yes, again) the overall sum was still 1488 funds, cause KSPR adds missing 900 fund in "Refund" resource way, which leads to possible abuse, I guess. If the items will be transferred to other place, but the KSPR still add funds.... You can imagine. That probably should not work that way. Will do more test and then update the post. UPD: false alarm - if items were "lost" during flight - no reward, but when I launched pod+kis inventory container and moved items to it and then recover - items were not in list, but there was refunds for them. I even took item from KIS inventory, dropped on ground and than store to stock - still no item in recovery list, but that time price for pod increased by price of item in stock inventory. Good news - our funds are safe, bad news - VAB staff continues to steal items from recovered craft's inventories. You should name that part of mod "insurance"
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