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Everything posted by Warro

  1. Have anyone else got weird behavior if craft have wheels or legs and the first IR detail is rotatron? My testing craft slides by phantom force on 3.4 m/s when I try to rotate first rotatron (doking washer type from legacy pack on screen). Further rotating can even destroy craft. But if there is any IR part between rotatron and wheels or legs - it rotates normally (example is rework rotatron on screen ). Pivotrons and extendatrons work normal even when are first IR part from wheels/legs. KSP 1.2, IR 2.0.7
  2. I've tried both this mod and FASA Props on 1.2 version of KSP(FS 7.4.1), had endless animation (maybe not endless, but it keeps rotating after the prop stops) of "mast" part on counter rotating rotor plus couple of NRE's on starting/stopping the prop, but it flies No blur, of course.
  3. I haven't seen any suggestions for category for marine-related stuff: floats, ballast tanks, ship hulls, engines that work only in/on water surface, etc. All of them have very limited use if you are making something that should be used in flights. For engines maybe only separation of atmosphere_dependant (turbines, propellers are no good when you design probe, rocket or orbital station and SRB are not so useful in planes as main propulsion, for example) is needed. Electrical - maybe only separate storage from generating parts. Don't get the idea of separating RTG or reactors from solar panels, all of them have the same function of electrical income. For separate life support - totally agree. Mining, rovers sounds good too.
  4. Settings in main menu->Input->Game, bottom of left column ->"Editor" section, you will see 2 bindings with "none" key assigned.
  5. IFS don't work in my install, here is part of .log file: I guess it's related to
  6. Is it intended for mini-Hull8 to be the same mass of 280.75 tons as the big one?
  7. All in Firespitter\Parts\biPlane\ folder if CKAN version is the same as normal DL. You can search the files for *LEGACY* string to be sure, I've done this via Notepad++ search_in_files function.
  8. This is static too? I'm cryin'.... I'm not the fan of BDArmory, so for me - more civil vessels - the better.... Thanks for reply anyway.
  9. I don't get the idea, why we need 4 buttons instead of one. We press button to get "action" from the mod - really just signal for the mod - "do something". Is it possible to build internal logic so that press the same button but get "something" related to the current scene(press "X" in KSC - get "menu1", press "X" in VAB - get "menu2", etc, not press "X" in KSC, "Y" in VAB)?
  10. Can we somehow download this ships from your screen? I mean tugs, container ships and catamaran. I've seen more screens of them in your SM_marine topic, but they is nothing similar in current download sadly... I tried last compiled .dll from this repository - it works even worse than my recompile: same duplicated buttons, but menu doesn't open, no icons in the map view at all. I don't want to compile another half-working .dll It seems there are much more work to update this mod to 1.2ver. reality than just recompile. I hope that maintainers will not abandon it and we will see new, shining release :). Why other mods don't have duplicating buttons in 1.2? Strange idea to have pack of buttons, if all except one should be hidden... Why not have one with different functionality on each game screen? Who knows...
  11. I have done "plain recompile" of existing sources from https://github.com/ozraven/Kerbal-Konstructs_DEV , but ... it got issues. Maybe I've done something wrong (I'm not programmer, nor modder), maybe it needs changes in sources for 1.2. What I've got - statics are present in-game (I use Kerbin-side full pack to test), but somehow Kk icon is duplicated in toolbar, menu is little weird, icons on the map screen behave weird too.
  12. Not at all, there is one "trust me, I'm an engineer" as you can see, he doesn't play ghost
  13. Now working in-game. When I exit to menu from the savegame with static reflections - there are visors too. If I load&exit game with real reflections set - still no visors in menu. Any ideas why this works like this? I dont remember what tipe of reflections were in menu in the past (real or always static, regardless of settings). And I got textureless-head scientists in VAB/SPH, dont know if this is connected. Will try test copy of the game with TR only from mods to check if it interfere with other mods. UPD. Checked - the same with TR only... But first I (by mistake) unpacked 1.2-pre (1500build) version of the game - there all works as intended - static visors in the main menu even when in-game is set to real reflections. And here is the pic of white-headed kerbals. Is it bug or feature?
  14. This is limitation of current TR version or what? If I remember correctly, there were visors in the past versions... This textures? Or do I need others?
  15. With ver.2.5.0 of TR (game ver.1.2) I've got no or totally transparent visors on starting screen: And when I press "Static" button in TR config window, it switches to "NONE". Am I doing something wrong (I use pack of textures from my old 1.0.5 install) or something wrong with mod itself? Real reflections in the game themself work fine...
  16. I think inline Goo canister of the same size of the stock one would fit nicely in .65 rocket.
  17. Proof-of-concept video: https://youtu.be/qJPTaVt9cF8 I'm not 3d-modeller, so it may look not so good, but I hope the idea is clear.
  18. Is it possible to make player activated animation to statics with KK? I may suggest to make spawning platform with ability to lower it into water with spawned craft on it? To emulate something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSkXCUJHjY
  19. There are two lines with concaveColliders = all in that config. Should be one, I guess. In the config from first post, step 3 - only one line.
  20. Looks like Retrofuture models for Procedural wings are broken. If I add any of them to the craft, it will tear it apart on the runaway as soon as craft starts moving. Wings from Procedural mod itself acts normal. Cargobays also are eyecandy for now, no inner nodes, no cargobay module in the config.
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