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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. There is a timer part in the Smart Parts mod, you can stage it along with your decoupler, and then it can trigger another staging event on the separate craft a few seconds later.
  2. That doesn't make sense, because it certainly doesn't burn for 100 seconds. Try putting them both on a decoupler and firing them at the same time and see if there is a difference?
  3. Indeed, I have done some testing and can confirm that I can not get the game to load with this mod without FAR installed. A real bummer, always loved the procedural wings.
  4. @NerteaWilling to make a recommendation on a life support mod to use alongside your suite of part mods?
  5. imagine what could be done if the number of parts didn't effect performance. Amazing build.
  6. I probably launched 20 rockets before I figured out that you could actually control them with WSAD
  7. First time I ever did a rideshare with some cubesats.
  8. So I have Kerbalism installed and that means living space is important, but Kerbalism only really adds a single part, the rotating inflatable crew module, to help with that. I would like to have a couple more inflatable modules, I know there are some in SSPX, but I didn't want to add a big mod with a lot of parts. What else is out there that will still work in 1.10.1 with Kerbalism?
  9. I mean, it doesn't say no. You know what would be super handy? Structural Tubes in the 0.625 size.
  10. There is a minor nitpick/bug with how the vessel displays channels when using the master freq to change them all. I made a video of what I am seeing.
  11. Anyone ever seen anything like this? I've been playing for days without changing mods or anything, and now any time I launch something the RCS just goes bananas and cant steer. The physics dont even look right with the way its spinning around vs where the RCS is firing at. EDIT: Figured it out, had FAR flight assist toggled on still from when I was making a plane earlier.
  12. I just want to say, this is such a great looking planet pack. All the devs that worked on it did a supurb job.
  13. You are right, my EVE works fine, but my Eve don't look right. lol. Its only noticeable at low altitude, this was 150km
  14. Same result as before. https://youtu.be/V03Rh5sh6W4 You can see the temps from hot spot and the pod skin temp just steadily goes up until it explodes. I restored the stock heat shields and recorded a video with it. https://youtu.be/hzXWVM35Yh4 And just for kicks, here are logs from using the stock shields to compare with the failure logs posted before. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vio2So61ISYfwZD3KagQsAp-Tmd4lJsv/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BpHq0mbAt_dayZGFtdh4ODQo6jSiZNBs/view?usp=sharing I'm starting to think this may be something weird with my install since its not more widespread, lots of people use JNSQ and Restock. The way to really figure this out is to start with a clean install and find the bare minimum mods required to cause this issue, I just don't know if I have the energy for that. Too busy spending my time playing this new sandbox science playthrough.
  15. I am running this currently without any issues. KSP 1.10.1 JNSQ 0.9.0 Kopernicus BE r50 Scatterer 0.0632 EVE Redux
  16. I made my first FAR plane in a long time last night. Figured I should do a kerbalized X-1
  17. what game version are you running and can we see a shot of your gamedata folder? I'm thinking this may be a conflict with a 3rd mod.
  18. Did I read something somewhere that the power low/high auto triggers are going away in a future version? Maybe its a side effect of the science system having a larger power drain, but I feel like there should maybe be a battery patch for when you play in an upscaled system? For a relatively tame experiment that draws 1.5/s EC, one solar panel array would do it nicely. But in high orbit of something like Jool in JNSQ (1h 18m dark time) that is 6480 EC to make an orbit. You end up with probes that are mainly batteries. Just high orbit of Minmus is 38m, which still equates to a crap ton of batteries. I'm thinking the best bet would be to just not run experiments in shadow? Which takes me back to my initial question.
  19. https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/914 https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/577 There is 100% definitely an issue with the Restock + FAR + JNSQ. Maybe its a new issue in 1.10.1, I dunno. But here is my testing info. After restoring the stock heat shields I have no issues anymore. I will post on github too. EDIT: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/923
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