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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. Thanks for this, I was starting to go crazy, turns out I was just calculating the scaled mass wrong.
  2. My local copy matched what was on github, which matched with smokescreen in-game, so I did a pull request to fix it. https://github.com/Raptor831/RFStockalike/pull/83/commits/1af9b293b873903353be5d8fe66472f03ad1bcda Every time I build something I seem to run across an engine with a bad plume, small bugs like this really get on my nerves, but this is in the realm that I can fix on my own. What I've committed to is building a spreadsheet of all the engines I have installed (just about everything that has been updated to 1.2) as part of my career logbook, and I'm going to use it as a checklist to test every plume one by one and see what ones need fixed. Only worked on it a couple hours so far, but here is where it will be. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JTfMDEn7UeBsPZoiL_CGK77bNoDUOTTpWvKRCWDN3gw/edit#gid=1469871694
  3. I haven't actually tried it but it loads with no errors. I'm planning on checking it out and making any configs it needs to cooperate with Kerbalism. Got something else I've started on first though.
  4. Rebalance only looking at Near Future, or will it also include Cryo Engines etc?
  5. Before I start going through and adjusting the plume offset on a bunch of engines can someone confirm that they see this too with Vens Stock Revamp installed? For example the Coxwain engine using Kerolox, the other two fuel configs are fine.
  6. As it turns out, VSR is actually the culprit with this. +PART[commDish] { @name = commDishVSR @title = Communotron 88-88-V @mass = 0.08 @cost = 1400
  7. I do have the JX2-Antenna installed already, and the 88-88 was getting a stock transmitter module on loading the game, even though Kerbalism had a config to change that.
  8. I also did a config for Home Grown Rockets, and a few other things. I tried to do a pull request on Github with the changes, hopefully I did it correctly.
  9. There is a file named range_StockAntenna.cfg that modifies the stock "commDish" part, but this conflicts with Kerbalism's signal feature, which uses a completely different module. I;m guessing this is needed because there are some planets farther than the stock signal system can reach. I would suggest just using the model for the 88-88 and creating an entirely new part that is scaled up a bit and call it an 88-88-X Also, on the subject of antenna ranges, I don't see anything in the 6.4x config about it. I'm just throwing in a couple other things I've seen used in RSS/64x games, but not sure if they are all needed honestly, not sure if you want to include them in the packaged rescale configs. Worth talking about though. I'm new to the whole rescale thing, and playing around with my own configs is new too. So I'm probably way off base here anyhow. @Contracts { @Survey { @TrivialHomeNearbyRange *= 6.4 @SignificantHomeNearbyRange *= 6.4 @ExceptionalHomeNearbyRange *= 6.4 } } @RadiationModel[heliopause]:NEEDS[SigmaDimensions] { @pause_radius = 10240.0 @pause_quality = 0.02 } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[Antenna]]:NEEDS[SigmaDimensions,FeatureSignal]:FINAL { @MODULE[Antenna] { @dist *= 10.25 } }
  10. On the default settings I get an occasional failure. Which it shows as 0%. If I turn it up to 5% then I get a failure virtually every launch. Its got to be a logic error, not a syntax error cause it does not throw any errors or exceptions that I've seen.
  11. I made a config for SXT covers the antennas, nuclear engines and puts a treadmill on that gigantic duna-class crew module @PART[SXT*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureSignal]:FOR[Kerbalism] { !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} } @PART[SXT*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna]]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureSignal]:FOR[Kerbalism] { !MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] {} } @PART[SXTTubeAntenna]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureSignal]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Antenna type = low_gain cost = 0.12 dist = 2e8 rate = 0.008 } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimationGroup deployAnimationName = extendAntenna moduleType = Antenna } MODULE:NEEDS[FeatureReliability] { name = Reliability type = Antenna title = Antenna redundancy = Communication repair = Engineer mtbf = 72576000 // 8y extra_cost = 2.0 extra_mass = 0.25 } } @PART[SXTAntenna]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureSignal]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Antenna type = low_gain cost = 0.12 dist = 5e6 rate = 0.012 } MODULE:NEEDS[FeatureReliability] { name = Reliability type = Antenna title = Antenna redundancy = Communication repair = Engineer mtbf = 72576000 // 8y extra_cost = 2.0 extra_mass = 0.25 } } @PART[LprobeFoil]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureSignal]:FOR[Kerbalism] { !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} MODULE { name = Antenna type = low_gain cost = 0.12 dist = 5e8 rate = 0.02 } MODULE:NEEDS[FeatureReliability] { name = Reliability type = Antenna title = Antenna redundancy = Communication repair = Engineer mtbf = 72576000 // 8y extra_cost = 2.0 extra_mass = 0.25 } } @PART[SXTAlouetteI]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureSignal]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Antenna type = low_gain cost = 0.12 dist = 5e5 rate = 0.012 } MODULE:NEEDS[FeatureReliability] { name = Reliability type = Antenna title = Antenna redundancy = Communication repair = Engineer mtbf = 72576000 // 8y extra_cost = 2.0 extra_mass = 0.25 } } @PART[SXTsciencenosecone]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureSignal]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Antenna type = low_gain cost = 0.12 dist = 5e6 rate = 0.012 } MODULE:NEEDS[FeatureReliability] { name = Reliability type = Antenna title = Antenna redundancy = Communication repair = Engineer mtbf = 72576000 // 8y extra_cost = 2.0 extra_mass = 0.25 } } @PART[SXTDLK83EHabitat]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureComfort]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Comfort bonus = exercise desc = A treadmill designed to permit exercise in zero-g is included. The crew will love it. } MODULE:NEEDS[FeatureReliability] { name = Reliability type = Comfort title = Treadmill repair = Engineer mtbf = 36288000 // 4y extra_cost = 0.25 extra_mass = 0.05 } @tags ^= :$: comfort: } @PART[SXTNERVAB]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureRadiation]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Emitter radiation = 0.0000052221 } } @PART[SXTNERVA]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureRadiation]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Emitter radiation = 0.0000041666 } } @PART[SXTnuclearramjet]:NEEDS[SXT,FeatureRadiation]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Emitter radiation = 0.0000083331 } }
  12. posted a github issue, exceptions on loading from the service bays.
  13. I'm assuming these contracts are body specific, IE. wont work with a planet mod like GPP that removes the stock planets? EDIT: turns out there are not many errors from Rover Missions or Unmanned Contracts, so I created a github issue on one of them.
  14. There are two superdraco engines that are surface mount for using on the side of the mk 1-2 pod. One of them also has RCS built in. Is there another engine that I can look at that is setup that same way?
  15. That is how Kerbalism signal feature works. It does not support ground stations at all. A couple people have asked for it in the Kerbalism thread, but @ShotgunNinja is opposed, and I see his point, functionally, all of Kerbin has signal coverage without needed to dot around multiple ground stations as the other options do. And generally if you have a high-gain antenna and LOS to Kerbin you are good.
  16. Yeah, its a bummer because the parts are great. Although for a Real Fuels 6.4 scale playthrough I'm still going to give it a shot and see how things are.
  17. You got me curious. If I pull everything out of my game data directory but Squad, I do get a couple KSPUtil errors on loading. I went to my steam folder, deleted everything and refreshed the game cache to download a new copy. And bam, no errors on load.... Best I can say is if you are working with a patched copy of the game then there must be something somewhere that didn't get removed properly with the update.
  18. I'm thinking of adding a page to my spreadsheet and doing a checklist of all the engines I'm using and making any plume adjustments that are needed. I only need to adjust the local offset in one spot, even it an engine has multiple plume configs right?
  19. With a very lite mod install I have a number of stock engines that do this type of thing. known issue? or did I screw up something somewhere?
  20. That is so awesome, I've been trying to decide on what exactly to do for a new career, having so many problems with being mod heavy. I think the winner is GPP and going mod lite.
  21. I just setup 6.4 GPP last night and I can confirm, if I have the B window open in map view and click the buttons to toggle radiation fields it flashes green for one frame and then flips back to hide mode.
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