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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. Just a heads up. FAR isn't released yet but loading this and the dev version throws a number of errors about missing modules. [LOG 05:16:03.851] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Command/K-10/K-10/quizTechMk1K10Cockpit' [ERR 05:16:03.854] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARControlSys' [LOG 05:16:03.873] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Command/K-10/K-10/quizTechMk1K10Cockpit' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:03.881] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'quizTechMk1K10Cockpit' [LOG 05:16:03.900] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Command/Mk1_Eagle/eagle/quizTechMk1EagleCockpit' [ERR 05:16:03.904] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARControlSys' [ERR 05:16:03.907] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARBasicDragModel' [LOG 05:16:03.925] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Command/Mk1_Eagle/eagle/quizTechMk1EagleCockpit' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:03.933] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'quizTechMk1EagleCockpit' [LOG 05:16:03.951] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Command/Mk2ProbeNose/Mk2NoseProbe/mk2ProbeNose' [ERR 05:16:03.956] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARControlSys' [LOG 05:16:03.969] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Command/Mk2ProbeNose/Mk2NoseProbe/mk2ProbeNose' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:03.974] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'mk2ProbeNose' [LOG 05:16:03.996] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Command/Mk2_Thunderbolt/thunderbolt/quizTechMk2ThunderboltCockpit' [ERR 05:16:04.000] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARControlSys' [ERR 05:16:04.002] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARBasicDragModel' [LOG 05:16:04.020] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Command/Mk2_Thunderbolt/thunderbolt/quizTechMk2ThunderboltCockpit' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:04.028] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'quizTechMk2ThunderboltCockpit' [LOG 05:16:04.049] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2TwinTurboJet/Mk2TwinTurboJet/Mk2TwinTurboJet' [LOG 05:16:04.073] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2TwinTurboJet/Mk2TwinTurboJet/Mk2TwinTurboJet' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:04.081] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'Mk2TwinTurboJet' [LOG 05:16:04.106] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2TwinTurboJet/Mk2TwinTurboJetAB/Mk2TwinTurboJetAB' [LOG 05:16:04.130] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2TwinTurboJet/Mk2TwinTurboJetAB/Mk2TwinTurboJetAB' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:04.140] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'Mk2TwinTurboJetAB' [LOG 05:16:04.178] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2vtol/cyclone/cyclone' [ERR 05:16:04.188] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARBasicDragModel' [LOG 05:16:04.202] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2vtol/cyclone/cyclone' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:04.209] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'cyclone' [LOG 05:16:04.238] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2vtol/k35B/K-35B' [LOG 05:16:04.259] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2vtol/k35B/K-35B' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:04.266] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'K-35B' [LOG 05:16:04.307] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2vtol/KFAN/KFAN' [ERR 05:16:04.317] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARBasicDragModel' [LOG 05:16:04.332] PartLoader: Part 'QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Engine/Mk2vtol/KFAN/KFAN' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 05:16:04.339] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KFAN'
  2. I've had planes and rockets break up before, that's not what I mean. Like I decouple my first stage of 35km and the first stage engine poofs out of existence while the rest of the first stage acts normal. .
  3. I'm getting duplicated resources on the resource containers, there are two separate configure buttons and double the normal resource amounts.
  4. I love that last part where you think it can get sorted out. I've always loved the idea behind this mod, its just never worked great when I've tried it out.
  5. First, I've only played in the stock solar system in the past. I played around a little with Sigma Dimensions with a 6.4 system and I really liked the increased challenge. I want to do a career game but it all seems a little piecemeal with alot of outdated information to sort through. I'm wondering if there are any things I'm missing trying to set this up to play. I've seen some people talk about changing the physics config? Or patching contracts to still work? Adjusting heat scale? Alot of mods seem made for either Stock or RO. This is my working modlist. I found a number of updated mods with Real Fuel support. Kerbalism radiation fields scale with the planets. I adjusted the RO config to scale antenna ranges. The cloud layers scale thanks to a SD update. Is there anything I should look at that I'm not thinking of? Any suggestions for things to drop or add to my mod list? EDIT: I did a return from the Mun and targeted 40km, I hit atmo at 8km/s, burned through 300 of 800 ablator so I feel like heat should be tweaked some, not sure if I should try Real Heat & Deadly Reentry, neither have a release but both have a 1.2 compile on github, or maybe just try turning up the stock reentry heat to 200%. I did the same test with Real Heat and Deadly Reentry and burned up 750 ablator.
  6. I started getting parts exploding when decoupling at high speeds, anyone else experienced this?
  7. You can do this on the auto or config tab. Just in the tracking center, open the vessel list, click a vessel, and in there somewhere you can uncheck options that send notices.
  8. Any chance we could get a support patch for this mod?
  9. I'm not too worried about the heavy payload vs high altitude vs standard, i elected to just save the standard version. My main concern is if Tweakscale is going to scale the lifting force or not, been so caught up in doing other stuff, still haven't tried it yet. Right now I dont have many use-cases for the balloons, but they are so cool I don't want to get rid of them altogether.
  10. My bad, I always read the changelogs, but I've been looking at and testing so many mods lately I forgot. Real Fuels - Stockalike has configs for 3 engines and I was just trying to figure out why I wasn't seeing that in-game. Are the new engines close enough to the old engines that those configs would still be usable with a rename? Or are the new engines dramatically different? I went back and looked at the most recent changelog and it wasn't mentioned there, so the new engines must have been added farther back.
  11. Near future spacecraft includes two engine folders with a total of seven different engine names, but in-game there are only 4 engines. Trying to figure out why none of the NFSpacecraft engines have Real Fuel support on my install.
  12. When I run across an engine that does not have a config, should I just post here? Lets say I wanted to create configs for the SuperDraco engines in Kerbal Reusability Expansion, where would I start?
  13. So there isn't really any instructions for the layperson. I can see KSide buildings are defined like this. STATIC { mesh = ksidecontroltower4.mu module = Part category = Airbases author = AlphaAsh static = true cost = 0 title = Control Tower Type 4 manufacturer = KashCorp description = Helps planes. pointername = ksidecontroltower4 name = KSideBases_GreenBasin_ksidecontroltower4 Instances { CelestialBody = Kerbin RadialPosition = -597423.3,-67159.97,-14281.13 Orientation = 0,1,0 RadiusOffset = 1472.91 RotationAngle = 140 RefLatitude = -6.412221 RefLongitude = 181.3694 VisibilityRange = 25000 Group = GreenBasin LaunchSiteDescription = No description available Category = Other FacilityType = None CustomInstance = True LaunchSiteName = } } My best guess is to do something like this... PQSCity_Groups { Group { name = KSide_GreenBasin_PCG body = Kerbin CentralPQSCity = KSideBases_GreenBasin_ksidemountainvabsmall CentralPosition = -597407.5,-67276.01,-13882.11 CentralLAT = -6.423476 CentralLON = 181.3312 PQSCity = KSideBases_GreenBasin_ksidecontroltower4 PQSCity = KSideBases_GreenBasin_ksidekashcorp PQSCity = KSideBases_GreenBasin_ksidevabsph2 PQSCity = KSideBases_GreenBasin_ksidecawler1 } } But that just made my rocket spawn way underground, and did nothing to put the buildings back at a correct relative distance.
  14. I can't seem to find a tweakscale config for these engines, is there some issue with them not working right with tweakscale?
  15. I read everything from that point forward and didn't see any other talk, so I'm guessing noone has made groups for Kerbin Side yet?
  16. So Kerbal Konstructs does seem to work alongside Sigma Dimensions fine, but the relative position of added buildings to one another is wrong, is there a way to fix that? You can see all the added structures from Kerbinside in the distance And the KSC floodlights are pushed way back Its the same with other launch sites, the launch pads work, but nearby buildings are far off. I'm using the recently posted 6.4 settings, is there perhaps something I'm missing or is there just no fix? SigmaDimensions { // Base Settings Resize = 6.4 Rescale = 6.4 Atmosphere = 1.2 dayLengthMultiplier = 1 // Advanced Settings landscape = 1 geeASLmultiplier = 1 resizeScatter = 1 resizeBuildings = 0 CustomSoISize = 0 CustomRingSize = 0 atmoASL = 1 tempASL = 1 atmoTopLayer = 1.3333333 atmoVisualEffect = 1.2 scanAltitude = 1 }
  17. Just an FYI, I've been using KVV with Kerbalism and having no problems.
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