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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. Being able to scale a part to any size is one of the fundamental problems I have with Tweakscale, it kind of breaks the need for having more than one part. I typically end up just grabbing the highest Isp engine and scaling it to whatever size I need and ignoring the other engines. Restricting scaling by tech would help preserve the part progression, but it doesn't help to fix the problem where having different size parts becomes largely pointless, that is why I like the idea of each part getting a restricted scaling range, you still get much of the flexibility with not being restricted, but it requires you to unlock the the tech tree to get the bigger stuff.
  2. The dragon heat shield and fuel tank use different types of configs for tweakscale, the fuel tank needs to be changed to the following. //Fuel Tank @PART[DragonFuelTank]:NEEDS[TweakScale]:FOR[KerbalReusabilityExpansion] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = stack defaultScale = 2.5 } }
  3. You would need multiple antenna on a single craft, a high-gain to comm back to homeworld, and a low gain set to relay to comm to other nearby vessels that have low-gain antenna. It works.
  4. All low gain antennas can be relays, but you have to switch them to relay mode in-flight.
  5. I don't use Interstellar Extended mod, but I use this since it is a prerequisite of the MK2 and Mk3 Expansion mods. I see all the different fuel types on the IFS tanks even though I have nothing that would use those resources. Is something wrong with my install, or is this intentional?
  6. You can't see them, but I drove a rover around the island and every so often I would hit a nasty bump that would fling me into the air, and I was only going 5m/s
  7. That makes sense. I finished going through all the Squad and Vens Stock Revamp parts and did another pull request. Going to go through the other mods I have soon.
  8. I see these are all commented out in the config file? //@PART[HighGainAntenna5] // HG-5 High Gain Antenna //{ // %MODULE[TweakScale] // { // type = free_square // } //} //@PART[RelayAntenna5] // RA-2 Relay Antenna //{ // %MODULE[TweakScale] // { // type = free_square // } //} //@PART[RelayAntenna50] // RA-15 Relay Antenna //{ // %MODULE[TweakScale] // { // type = free_square // } //} //@PART[RelayAntenna100] // RA-100 Relay Antenna //{ // %MODULE[TweakScale] // { // type = free_square // } //}
  9. Sorry, I'm not familiar enough with KSP coding to be of any help. Maybe @sarbian could offer advice? I see he has commits on SmokeScreen from just a couple weeks ago.
  10. Yes, and I am using Real Plume. I can adjust the particle effect in real time with the SmokeScreen interface, so I would assume there is some way that Tweakscale could be made to scale those values too. The fixedScale value even lets you adjust the overall size of the particle effect. I know one of the things that turns off alot of people is the particle effects on rescaled engines not matching up, it would be truly awesome if it could be made to work. I don't mind going through all the engines one by one and writing the configs to make the plume scale properly, I just need to get 1 to work first. Currently an tweakscale engine config looks like this. @PART[liquidEngine3] // LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine { #@TWEAKSCALEBEHAVIOR[Engine]/MODULE[TweakScale] { } %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = stack defaultScale = 1.25 } } I need to be able to add something like this and have it do what I want it to do... @PART[liquidEngine2] // LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine { #@TWEAKSCALEBEHAVIOR[Engine]/MODULE[TweakScale] { } %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = stack defaultScale = 1.25 } PLUME { TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { localPosition = 2 } TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { flarePosition = 2 } TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { plumePosition = 2 } TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { fixedScale = 2 } } }
  11. Thanks for the update, I'm going to be doing some more updates for parts that are missing a config. Have you tried tackling the problem with plumes getting out of whack when engines are scaled. Lets look at the Terrier, its a good example because it uses separate positions for the flare and plume, and one is a zero. Here is the RP config. @PART[liquidEngine3]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] //LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine { PLUME { name = Hypergolic-OMS-White transformName = thrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 flarePosition = 0,0,-0.35 plumePosition = 0,0,0 fixedScale = 0.3 energy = 1 speed = 1.44 } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesFX %powerEffectName = Hypergolic-OMS-White } } And here is the engine at stock size and 0.625 size. Its hard to see in the screenshot, but the plume is still in a good position on the rescaled version, only the flare is not. Since the flare is already a negative number I'm assuming it just needs to be a bigger negative number. I tried adding this to the configs, but to no effect. TWEAKSCALEBEHAVIOR { name = Engine MODULE { name = TweakScale TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { mass = 2.5 } } PLUME { TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { flarePosition = 2 } } } I'm assuming that because the value is a vector and not a single number it doesn't work, or maybe because its in a PLUME node and not a MODULE node. We need a way to define exponents that could adjust the flarePosition, plumePosition and localPosition values, and then be able to assign those exponents on a per engine basis. We may also need to be able to assign a flat offset to each position on a per engine basis, because I can picture a problem where I could get the plume position to scale correctly, but its always too close or too far away.
  12. I just checked and I have no problems transmitting magnometer scans. Do you have any other mods that effect science? I know Science Revisited has some conflicts.
  13. @Cristi Not everything is supposed to be transmittable, the science lab is supposed to process science samples and turn them into science data that can be transmitted.
  14. Tweak Scale Limited I love the idea behind tweakscale and I really want to install it so I can scale infernal robotics parts, but it adds scaling to alot of things that I really dont want scaling on. I also love Kerbal Research and Development for upgrading parts, but it blacklists anything that has a tweakscale module, making using the two together fairly pointless. This is my attempt to build a set of configs that will solve these problems. The first feature I want to add is to limit what kind of parts can be scaled. I ended up putting all parts into a couple different categories as outlined below. Scaling Forbidden Scaling Allowed Crewed Parts Anything with crew capacity, connected living space, everything in the mk2/mk3 form factor, docking ports. Structural Parts fuel tanks, heat shields, wings, control surfaces, structural parts, adapters Complex Machinery Parts All engines, resource converters, drills Simple Mechanical Parts Landing Gear, wheels, landing legs, radiators, cargo bays, air intakes, decouplers, reaction wheels, RCS blisters, infernal robotics, SRBs Complex Electronics Parts science experiments, antenna, data transmitters, resource scanners, scansat parts, probe cores, smart parts Simple Electrical Parts solar panels, batteries The second feature I wanted to add is a limiter on the scaling so that parts can only be adjusted up and down in a small range around the their default size. I also love the 1.875 size parts in several mods and wanted to support that too. Ultimately I decided on adding a new intermediate size between each of the stock sizes, and then allowing any part to get scaled one size bigger and two sizes smaller. For example a 2.5m tank could get scaled down to 1.25m but not up to 5m, this way smaller parts will never supplant larger parts and all the stock sizes stay relevant instead of just becoming cosmetic choices. Compatibility Since this is just some module manager patches that key off the other modules on parts it should work with most mods. Its possible that tweakscale gets removed from something that should still have it, those situations have to be handled on a case by case basis. I have tested it with all the following part mods and will be using this in my future career games. Dependencies TweakScale ModuleManager DOWNLOAD - GitHub Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
  15. Yeah, but you can't be sure what the top size is though, SpaceY has parts up to 10m. EDIT: I've been playing around with it some, let me know what you think.
  16. I dont think that unlocking different scale sizes is not something that could be done with simple MM patches. But that gives me an idea, I could make it so parts could only be scaled a couple steps smaller from their default, but not any larger. You would still get alot of flexability, but it would require you to unlock a 2.5 tank in order to have a 2.5 tank, etc... I guess its the nature of the way the tech tree is setup.
  17. So when thinking about TweakScale in the context of career mode, what do you think could be done to make it balanced? Restricting how much you can scale parts would be good, and I'm fooling around with some configs for that. I don't feel that crew parts or science parts should be scalable either for a career game. Anything else?
  18. You can uncheck the alerts and it will, you have to do it for every vessel.
  19. Just pull up the vessel info page and look at the Auto tab.
  20. Is there a way for a filter to catch every part that has a module that has experimentID as one of the fields? MODULE { name = CouldBeAnything experimentID = CouldBeAnything
  21. I see what your getting at. Someone could make part specific configs with the current system, and implement those restricted size choices that way. Hmmm...
  22. What is the 'in space high' for 10x Gael going to be? Oops, 3000km it is.
  23. I have seen mods that respond to keypresses, like Kerbalism, you can press 'numpad 0' on the map view to toggle the radiation fields. But when mods do something like that there is typically no way to rebind the key, or make a joystick event operate that function.
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