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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. Gratz, you discovered rocket science. Its a delicate balance, take as little payload weight as you truly need, fly efficiently. I generally go for a 1.4+ on my launch stage, I like for my my other stages to get to orbit to be around 1, less is ok though. Transfer stages and the like, im good with them being pretty low, 0.25+ It just means longer burn times, also means smaller engine with less weight, so less rocket mass needed to get it into orbit. .
  2. So, the tank butt meshes are part of the models? I guess I had just assumed they were separate meshes.
  3. Could the patch be generic enough that It could be applied to non-VSR engines?
  4. Thanks for the example, I follow everything. I'm not too worried about best practices or the like, just experimenting to see if what I want to do is even possible. Is there a way to respond to something other than an action group? Lets say I have a state variable called display_mode. If it is a 1 the program displays one set of info, if it is a 2 the program displays something else. That I can do. What are the possible ways that I can respond to user input to change the value of display_mode? I don't want to tie it to action groups though, I'm going to need all the action groups for other things. So I was asking if there was a way to type a command into the console while in a loop. My current plan is to put the output for each display_mode into a different script, and when I want to change modes I send a CTRL+C command to the terminal and then a new run command to launch a different display script.
  5. What I'm looking to do is have a program clear the screen and print info to the terminal every cycle of the loop. All the basic loops seemed to bog down the computer or just lock up the program. This seems to work perfect for what I want to do even though the documentation says to avoid waits inside when loops, but when its running I can't type into the terminal anymore until I stop the program. DECLARE run IS TRUE. //is the program loop running DECLARE runstep IS 0. //count the loops for displaying //main program loop, run while the program is in run mode WHEN run = TRUE THEN { clearscreen. print "NavCom Status" at(1,1). print "Runstep : " + runstep. SET runstep TO runstep + 1. WAIT 1. RETURN TRUE. } WAIT UNTIL run = FALSE. I've read through both those pages in the documentation, and most everything else at this point, the term userinput does not match anything I did see a page about how to read the terminal, but nowhere have I seen talk about how to still type into the terminal while a loop is executing. Perhaps there is a wait for input command, but for my application I don't want to stop the loop to look for user input. A working example for what I'm looking for would be great.
  6. So, once in a loop, there is no way to send new commands to the program?
  7. I've tried several of the different layouts in the newest version and they all have a pretty noticeable input lag. I think the quickest is the navball from Houston, it just barely lags behind game actions. Is it possible to build a layout that runs with virtually no lag, or is that just a byproduct of how the system works? Yes, I am pulling up the layouts on the same system that is running the game using chrome.
  8. Better yet, how about putting the drive wheels on the outside. Basically build a cradle that would hold the sphere in place with surface bearings, and then have a drive wheel on each axis, but those would have to engage and disengage, but they would interrupt each other... So, how about a single drive wheel on the back center. If the drive wheel could rotate the sphere one direction, and then the drive wheel its self could be turned to change its relative angle on the sphere, then it should be able to move the sphere any direction, it would just be a matter of doing the math and figuring out a way to calibrate, and keep it calibrated.
  9. Could you build kind of like a BB8? Have the drive system inside the sphere and force it to stay in place via magnets.
  10. I am interested in writing a couple scripts, but I'm having a hard time following the way things execute. I am a C++ programmer with alot of experience in Java and C#. One of the most fundamental things is that each piece of code executes in order and each instruction is run only once barring any loops or function calls. I just can't follow how the scripts are executing, I've read through much of the documentation at this point and I haven't seen anything that explains what I'm looking for.
  11. I feel its safe on Nerta's mods because he has a quite strict naming convention, and it might also catch future parts he adds.
  12. Hes planning on releasing it as a separate mod at some point. I tried KRASH when it was first released and wasn't a fan either. But these days I'm using it and actually quite prefer it.
  13. This is a feature I have wanted too. I will make a issue on github for it.
  14. Nerta has made so many parts what I ended up doing is having 3 configs... NFT_Tweakscale.cfg covers all the mods that are Near Future Nerta_Tweakscale.cfg covers Cyro Engines, Cyro Tanks, Heat Control, Kerbal Atomics, Station Parts MarkIVSystem_Tweakscale.cfg covers the Mk4 spaceplane parts only
  15. You can just submit it to pellinors fork on github via a pull request, I have been adding alot of configs lately, I'm sure he would include it in the next release.
  16. There is this mod, not sure if that will help you.
  17. Could you add the tweakscale config to tweakscale itself instead of it being a seperate download? Totally messed me up when updating to the new version.
  18. Why the change? I can't imagine IR ever getting dropped entirely and not updated for a new version?
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