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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. The terminal is only active in-flight. You just have to put together something launch it, run your kos tests, revert and make changes, relaunch.
  2. I'm also getting a metric ton of log spam. I'm not sure if its coming from AGX or kOS? Is there a way to disable these messages? [LOG 06:00:39.813] AGX Call: group gtate 204 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.814] AGX Call: group state for 205 for vessel 2214072152 [LOG 06:00:39.815] AGX Call: group gtate 205 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.816] AGX Call: group state for 206 for vessel 2214072152 [LOG 06:00:39.817] AGX Call: group gtate 206 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.844] AGX Call: group state for 201 for vessel 2214072152 [LOG 06:00:39.845] AGX Call: group gtate 201 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.846] AGX Call: group state for 202 for vessel 2214072152 [LOG 06:00:39.847] AGX Call: group gtate 202 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.848] AGX Call: group state for 203 for vessel 2214072152 [LOG 06:00:39.849] AGX Call: group gtate 203 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.850] AGX Call: group state for 204 for vessel 2214072152 [LOG 06:00:39.851] AGX Call: group gtate 204 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.852] AGX Call: group state for 205 for vessel 2214072152 [LOG 06:00:39.853] AGX Call: group gtate 205 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.854] AGX Call: group state for 206 for vessel 2214072152 [LOG 06:00:39.855] AGX Call: group gtate 206 for active vessel [LOG 06:00:39.863] AGX Call: group state for 201 for vessel 2214072152
  3. first FAR plane in a long time, forgot how much fun i had flying around.
  4. It does indeed work PARAMETER CPUID IS -1. IF CPUID = 1 { LOCK AG_ID1 TO AG201. } IF CPUID = 1 { LOCK AG_ID2 TO AG202. } IF CPUID = 1 { LOCK AG_ID3 TO AG203. } IF CPUID = 1 { LOCK AG_ID4 TO AG204. } IF CPUID = 1 { LOCK AG_ID5 TO AG205. } IF CPUID = 1 { LOCK AG_ID6 TO AG206. } IF CPUID = 2 { LOCK AG_ID1 TO AG207. } IF CPUID = 2 { LOCK AG_ID2 TO AG208. } IF CPUID = 2 { LOCK AG_ID3 TO AG209. } IF CPUID = 2 { LOCK AG_ID4 TO AG210. } IF CPUID = 2 { LOCK AG_ID5 TO AG211. } IF CPUID = 2 { LOCK AG_ID6 TO AG212. } ON AG_ID1 { print "MFD " + CPUID + ":1". return true. } ON AG_ID2 { print "MFD " + CPUID + ":2". return true. } ON AG_ID3 { print "MFD " + CPUID + ":3". return true. } ON AG_ID4 { print "MFD " + CPUID + ":4". return true. } ON AG_ID5 { print "MFD " + CPUID + ":5". return true. } ON AG_ID6 { print "MFD " + CPUID + ":6". return true. } In the AHK GUI I can click a button (to later be replaced with a hardware controller) AHK then activates the KSP window and sends a keypress AGX responds to the keypress and actives an empty action group (201-218) kOS script sees the Action Group activation and can react I can run the same script on different CPUs and the script will be able to tell which set of MFD buttons it should react to.
  5. Let me ammend my question. Assume CPUID is a static value that will never change during the life of the program. Lets say I have the same program running on multiple kOSProcessors and each instance of the scrip has a different CPUID assigned. Is there a way to reduce the number of ON statements when we know the contents of some of the ON statements will never execute. For example, will something like this work? SET CPUID = 1. IF CPUID = 1 { SET AG_ID TO AG1. } IF CPUID = 2 { SET AG_ID TO AG2. } IF CPUID = 3 { SET AG_ID TO AG3. } ON AG_ID { print "Action group clicked!". return true. }
  6. How about a different question, is there any way to optimize this to use a single ON trigger? SET CPUID = 1. ON AG1 { IF CPUDID = 1 { print "Action group 1 clicked!". return true. } } ON AG2 { IF CPUDID = 2 { print "Action group 2 clicked!". return true. } } ON AG3 { IF CPUDID = 3 { print "Action group 3 clicked!". return true. } }
  7. Yeah the docs said that preserve keyword will eventually get removed and return true or false is the preferred. I'm also trying to increase the disk size and thats not working for me either, I don't think the mod likes me very much.
  8. Thats what the Until 1=2 does, puts it into an endless loop., I am an certain the script is running because I have to CTRL C to break out of it.
  9. I know its late and all, but I can't figure out why this doesn't work. I've read through the page on flow control a couple times and im not getting it.
  10. Is there any way to assign a modifier+key to an action group. I have 18 action groups I need to assign keybinds and I was wanting to use 1-6 on the numpad modified with shift+, ctrl+, alt+
  11. I just test both career and science mode on my install I'm using to setup my 3.2 rescale. I was unable to reproduce the issue you describe. Yes when you return the editor and first click the KK button it says Launch Site Selected Dull Spot, but you can simply click the KK button again and pick whatever launch site you want. I just launched a rocket from the SPH at Mount Snowey, returned and launched again from a carrier, returned and launched again from the KSC helipad. EDIT: Actually I was able to do it. Trying to select KSC Runway instead selects Dull Spot. Output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SvixYJDMUDoOVVWP15fJoiNoEZbBxrS4 I was able to launch from the runway again after disabling the cheat option.
  12. Getting spammed with these during flight using the latest version of toolbar control [EXC 06:16:08.517] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object EngineIgnitor.Control.OnGUI () https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MgkWjbVV1fFbKvDOXJbzbtwP19gVt0a9
  13. I've been working on setting up a modded game for a new playthrough using stock engines and 3.2x rescale. I ran across the KKtoSD mod that lets you use kerbal konstructs with a rescaled system by making configs. That's what you have here, a set of configs that let you play KerbinSide with 3.2x Rescale!. Looking for some people to test and look for floating buildings so I can fix them. I think I've gotten them all, but there are alot of launch sites and alot of statics. The only problem I've encountered is getting spawned below a launch pad, which you can revert and move the vessel up and it will usually work, I'm pretty sure this is a stock issue. The basic install to test would be these mods. Kopernicus Sigma Dimensions Rescale! 3.2 Kerbal Konstructs KerbinSide KKtoSD Environmental Visual Effects Stock Visual Enhancements Download from Github https://github.com/eberkain/KerbinSide32x/releases Know issues Probably some floating buildings, its alot of configs and I learned alot during the process of making them. Still need configs for the groups that have no launch points. THANK YOU TO @Sigma88 Without him helping me figure out problems I would not have made it this far.
  14. There is an in-game button, like a green cube.
  15. I had to go look up what you were talking about, and yeah, EPL was dropped in favor of GC, and I totally get the reason. That happened months ago from the look up it, but the wiki still lists EPL as a recommended mod. https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Helpful-Mods
  16. You should only have 1 copy of module manager in your root GameData folder. You should have something like this once you start installing mods.
  17. I wonder if you could make it add a launch site to Kerbal Konstructs after parking?
  18. I've been testing all the launch sites and tweaking positions for 3.2x rescale. I think im missing the artwork to a static at KSC2, its called Flat Pad. I downloaded the KerbinSide Complete from the OP. EDIT: I figured it out.
  19. I dont understand why this works... GROUP { name = KSCUpgrades2 body = Kerbin MODS { PQSCity = KSCUpgrades_ksideradar3_0 } } and this does not work.... GROUP { name = DeadkerbalPit2 body = Kerbin MODS { PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidecontroltower4_0 } } I have triple checked all the names, KSCUpgrades2 doesn't exist until here. The name of the old group is right, the name of the part is right, and im assuming the _0 at the end is the index, well there is only one of this part in this group... I've been fooling with these configs for a couple hours and it just does not make any sense why one works and the other does nothing.
  20. Love to see this mod back and working good. I am getting this on occasion in the VAB, but it seems harmless. [EXC 19:58:16.955] ArgumentException: Getting control 22's position in a group with only 22 controls when doing Repaint Aborting UnityEngine.GUILayoutGroup.GetNext () UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.BeginLayoutGroup (UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options, System.Type layoutType) UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) KerbalKonstructs.UI.BaseManager.drawBaseManagerWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=16ysrG3L77OPZJcmiCjd_Rm10zbc82MVI EDIT: This does not happen with a minimum install, so its caused by the presence of one my my other mods.
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