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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. Is there a mod that can recover a local but not active vessel? My issue is when I launch from somewhere other than KSP with Kerbal Konstructs I end up with the launch clamps as debris that I have to go into the tracking station and recover one by one. @linuxgurugamer has the mod Smart Parts, and I was thinking about attaching a timer with a 10 second delay or so to each clamp that would trigger a recover action, but I can't find a mod that exposes vessel recovery as a part action. Is that even possible?
  2. I seem to be getting occasional NREs, might be caused by another mod I have doing something that ARP doesn't like. Doesnt' seem to be a big deal. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KSPAlternateResourcePanel.KSPAlternateResourcePanel.SetAppButtonToTrue () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSPAlternateResourcePanel.KSPAlternateResourcePanel.RepeatingWorker () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSPPluginFramework.MonoBehaviourExtended.RepeatingWorkerWrapper () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Output Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12Pixf8TXB14LFZYZHJR1ly6yRpJB7c8c
  3. I am having the same problems as the last page or so are reporting. Setup a station, go do other stuff, come back and all the experiments are calibrated to the same level and the central station only transmits the first science report. Output Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EDbfHmzfFzF2ggvX5YyGHelUyC-Y0Vqx
  4. Has anyone ever tried to setup the thrust plate / tankbutt parts as their own pieces so you can build with them wherever? Is that even possible, I have no idea how the models are done.
  5. Using the alternate launch pads leave behind the launch clamps. Is there a trick to auto recovering them?
  6. Started a new career after finally deciding on what mods to use.
  7. Sounds like something that OSE Workshop could do maybe.
  8. I'm considering doing the structural parts differently so they do have a larger range, but I want to figure out a way to do it without doing them one by one. As for the sizing, that is working as intended. I inserted a new size between all the current sizes so that if your scaling a tank you can bump it up a bit to hold more fuel, but you cant use a smaller tank to replace a larger tank. Adapters should have free scaling, meaning you can click the bar to weak the scale to exactly the size you need. I added an example image to the OP. v4.1 Fixed some issues Allowed SRBs to scale Special case for 0.625 SRBs to scale down very small.
  9. But my goal is to leave tweakscale on SRBs and remove it from all other engines. I have been working on another issue and I think I finally figured it out. some parts have defaultScale = 0.625 other parts have defaultScale = .625 HAS[#defaultScale[0.625] does not catch them both.
  10. Trying to remove tweakscale from all engines, except SRBs, just not getting it. I anyone could tweak this to make it work I would be grateful. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]]:HAS[!RESOURCE[SolidFuel]]:FINAL { !MODULE[TweakScale] {} }
  11. Let me know if you have problems and I'll try to fix if I can.
  12. Is it possible to do a combo filter? Like showing every part with crew capacity, that does not have a connected living space module? That would be a useful one to check on. You know what would be really cool is being able to do a complex search like that in the search field at run time. Like if I type +CREW -CLS into seach it would just magically show me all those parts.
  13. Worked on a new update. If a moderator could move this to Add-On Releases I would appreciate it.
  14. Thanks, yeah I'm updating my tweakscale limited mod to eliminate tweakscale from everything but simple parts (tanks, structural, etc), That way all the complex parts will be able to be upgraded with KRnD.
  15. So, it looks like TweakScale does not add anything to the right click menu in the vessel editor, which is probably why this is not picking it up to make a module category.
  16. Is the filter by module list auto generated? TweakScale module is not listed and would be handy to see a list of every part with tweakscale active for updating my tweakscale limited mod. I looked through the configs and could not find anything about that defined filter by modules.
  17. The stock parts were all from 1-10 EC based on the overall size of the engine, I kind of stuck with that on the balance for the other mods I've done. What i need is a small mod that adds some ullage motors early in the tech tree.
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