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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. I have a detailed mod list if you want to compare. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xb2GCvt8v5Q2b0VvmBA4fgapiO0B3hG-fQbrUIkEBJA/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Have you tested this lately, for me it seems to fill the destination tank completely regardless of whatever is typed in.
  3. I've tried multiple times and whenever I attach a plug to the Interior Heat Probe it explodes. Anyone else having this problem? KSP log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_CHU-gf12FStFj-NMSsxo5ykRWMk_U7X outlut log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DZZ5eTc3c8590Q_eipRgxuCeTZxEMTp-
  4. Lets say I have two fuel tanks, one empty and one full. How do I split the fuel evenly between them?
  5. I tried to get it to work in my heavily modded game and I can get the menu to show up that allows me to EVA from any part to the hatch i clicked on. That works well Entering the vessel does not work. I get the prompt that shows Shift+B and CTRL+B options, both just execute a normal board action. KSP Log : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L0xmKVkRmUJvGKQCUH6mQZ2DkN09KkN8 Output Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11jXnpDFpULRYJ6rUNfkz9Fk-Ly8qNr8T
  6. This only seems to happen when I'm using one of the fairings I added. The parts seems to function fine otherwise. //create a 1.875m fairing +PART[fairingSize1] { %name = fairingSize1_5 @MODEL { %scale = 1.5,1,1.5 } %title = AE-FF1B Airstream Protective Shell (1.875m) %description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel! %mass = 0.1 %bulkheadProfiles = size2 @MODULE[ModuleProceduralFairing] { %baseRadius = 0.9375 %maxRadius = 2.125 %xSectionHeightMax = 4 } }
  7. @Baleurion A couple pages back there is a replacement .dll posted for that issue. The OP has not been around. I've looked for a replacement for the here and now window and could not find one, for me that is the best way to do science, laggy or not.
  8. Its an interesting mod. I'm liking using it. I play with reverts and quickloads off so I have had a situation a few times where I launched a vessel and before actually doing anything, recovered the vessel for some reason. Which puts the crew on R&R. I don't know if there is an elegant solution that could cover this edge case. Its not that big a deal.
  9. Any chance of getting support for CactEye? When the telescope gui is open there is a pretty significant power drain not accounted for by Amp Year.
  10. How do you make it not use blizzys toolbar? Or rather, when toolbar is installed the stock bar app button is gone.
  11. I seem to be getting poor performance in the VAB lately and checked the debug console. I figured out that if I disable the auto preview its fine, and then I can just turn preview back on for taking a pic. Performance problem persists even if the KVV window is closed. KSP log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d3cuEq6DT-Y3eRtoowYuy69pTTCaaHbf Output Log https://drive.google.com/open?id=13odozQ60Jy9CXUX-rl-aQr4kd1l9vdBq
  12. I stand corrected. I figured launch clamps were just another vessel since I could go to the tracking center and "fly" them.
  13. I think recover all will take care of my problem. Thanks!
  14. So what am I doing wrong? Its my second trip around the Mun and I want to see what biomes I have crew reports for on the mun. Log file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QUuyLIb5PleDmrmX7pFTBb9Wnhd5TgCQ
  15. How does this interact with rescaled systems? The in flight menu said aprox 17 days of food, only lasted 3.
  16. I just want to say 3.2x with stock engines ain't no joke.
  17. Deployed a new station in a biome i've not done yet and it looks to work perfect. Thank you @DMagic
  18. Thats a good point, but I think they only time Stage Recovery triggers is when an unloaded vessel would normally be deleted. Not sure there is a way to force it to recover something. I will find out though.
  19. I don't know that much about how the game works yet but I'm pretty sure that internally everything is a vessel and debris is just one way to classify a vessel. Either way, still the same problem. There is a built in function to clean up the KSC launchpad, I wonder if there is a way to expand on that?
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