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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. I wonder if the camera location hardcoded or is it bound to something like the KSC PQSCity? For the mods that move KSC to another planet, I wonder how they get the space center camera to focus. @Galileo You can launch to a different base from the KK button in the VAB / SPH.
  2. Have you tested what happens with this installed? You still get the full range of throttle, but 0 throttle is 20% thrust, or whatever the config has for the engines minimum throttle. Not sure how it will interact with DavonTC yet, but its on my list to test.
  3. So does anyone have a working set of configs to share? For all of the KerbinSide locations with a 3.2 rescale
  4. Is anyone using the B9 wings with FAR in 1.3.1? It seems to work fine, I built a little P-51 replica and flew around for a while, but I get lots of NRE errors in the editor.
  5. From looking at the configs with the mod is it safe to say most mod added parts will be fine and not require a special config?
  6. Ohh, care to share? The sounding rockets are the last engines on my list to do. I can also add it to my pull request if you want?
  7. Been trying to find an example of a MM patch that will target a specific module if the part has multiple copies of the same module. I want to reduce the gimbal on a part that has this. MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = EngineGimbal_L gimbalRange = 20 useGimbalResponseSpeed = true gimbalResponseSpeed = 6 } MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = EngineGimbal_R gimbalRange = 20 useGimbalResponseSpeed = true gimbalResponseSpeed = 6 } I tried a few things, but all I can get is the first one to change.
  8. I copied the configs you had and used them for some other mods, here is an example from RLA. It seems to work fine, I started a science mode game, researched up to the node that unlocked this engine, took the first pic. Then maxed out the research and took the second pic. I also tested the engine without launch clamps and it ignites and consumes an ignition. The only weird thing is the upgrade version is missing a title for the module segment, i dunno about that. Ultimately, I probably wont play with upgrades enabled since I'm planning on using KRnD instead. I did the pull request and double checked on all the upgrades to make sure the upgrade tier was higher than the base tier.
  9. We are of one mind. Take the 3.2 rescale, this and throttle limiter and you are getting a much more challenging playthrough and still using stock parts.
  10. Its a neat feature to put on early engines, but why make it dependent on using PartOverhauls?
  11. Im working on a pull request with some configs for the mod engines Im using, I can add it to that.
  12. My bad, Just coming back to kerbal and forgot there were two logs, or rather I hoped they had changed it in one of the updates since I was last playing. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ab0oXywey2yT6Buq4DdfqQhxqrU6EoPv At least they are easy to find in windows and I don't have to dual boot to linux just to play with 64 bit support. I changed the launch clamp range from 2.0 to 10.0 and it works.
  13. I ran the same test in a stock install with only EngineIgnitor Same result. That log file is here. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jvlBd_jjN5_1K7iixds8WqSiKq-X4vdG
  14. That does not work, this vessel is 3 parts wth some launch clamps directly attached to the Mainsail engine. Staging the engine or hitting the activate button causes a puff of smoke and a message saying 'no avaliable ignitors' log file here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VGkZJcSaG10stXgzpYcXXIFK5z8bGbrE Possibly this is a mod conflict...
  15. I am using these with no problems. Kopernicus Outer Planets Mod Sigma Binary Sigma Dimensions Rescale! 3.2 Kronometer Custom Asteroids
  16. I made about a dozen configs no problem, but I have two specific engines that just wont work. I've tripple checked the part name to make sure its right. What other common things would cause it to not work? In-game the engine has no plume at all, and smokescreen shows no particle effects. log file... https://drive.google.com/open?id=16YvH1eo6W-WP996_9-1RZctljnzSzg5u This is the config I'm trying. @PART[FTT_Engine_375_01]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] { PLUME { name = Hypergolic-Upper transformName = thrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition =0,0,5 fixedScale = 1.5 energy = 1 speed = 1 } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %powerEffectName = Hypergolic-Upper !runningEffectName = DELETE } } The part even says "Plume configured by Real Plume" on it. EDIT: I put in a pull request for all the other configs I did.
  17. Did a pull request with some config files for the mods I'm using that add engines.
  18. I have this same problem with all of the engines that are listed as 0 ignitions External Launch Clamps. I set up a rocket with launch clamps. Fire the engine, there is a puff of smoke and nothing happens. EDIT: I made myself an engine spreadsheet to compare everything. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xb2GCvt8v5Q2b0VvmBA4fgapiO0B3hG-fQbrUIkEBJA/edit?usp=sharing All of the stock engines are either type Internal or External. Mod added engines are all over the map, but don't use the External or Internal tags? I'm thinking about switching them over locally to match up with the stock parts. Want me to do a PR with those changes?
  19. I'm gettting some kind of error related to UI icons, looks like filter extensions isn't happy with something NRAP is doing. This log is just me launching the game and loading into the VAB. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eyWaAU5cvr93w21XABUOzjnnfAevawin [LOG 06:59:59.656] [Filter Extensions 3.0.1]: Starting on general categories [WRN 06:59:59.748] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.749] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.750] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.751] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.752] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.753] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.754] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.755] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.756] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.758] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.759] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.760] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.761] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.762] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.763] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.764] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.765] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.766] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.767] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.768] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.769] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.770] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.771] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [WRN 06:59:59.772] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove. [ERR 06:59:59.776] Exception handling event onGUIEditorToolbarReady in class NRAPIconManager:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at NRAP.NRAPIconManager.CorrectIcon () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [EXC 06:59:59.779] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object NRAP.NRAPIconManager.CorrectIcon () EventVoid.Fire () UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) EventVoid:Fire() KSP.UI.Screens.<SetInitialState>c__Iterator129:MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer:Setup() EventVoid:Fire() KSP.UI.Screens.EditorPanels:ShowPartsList(Action) EditorLogic:SelectPanelParts(Boolean) EditorLogic:StartEditor(Boolean) <Start>c__Iterator32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) [LOG 06:59:59.787] *****Adding icon for KAX [ERR 06:59:59.789] Exception handling event onGUIEditorToolbarReady in class GCFilterManager:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer.AddCustomSubcategoryFilter (KSP.UI.Screens.Category mainFilter, System.String subFilterName, System.String subFilterdisplayName, RUI.Icons.Selectable.Icon icon, System.Func`2 exclusionFilter) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AT_Utils.SimplePartFilter.add_filter () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [EXC 06:59:59.794] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer.AddCustomSubcategoryFilter (KSP.UI.Screens.Category mainFilter, System.String subFilterName, System.String subFilterdisplayName, RUI.Icons.Selectable.Icon icon, System.Func`2 exclusionFilter) AT_Utils.SimplePartFilter.add_filter () EventVoid.Fire () UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) EventVoid:Fire() KSP.UI.Screens.<SetInitialState>c__Iterator129:MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer:Setup() EventVoid:Fire() KSP.UI.Screens.EditorPanels:ShowPartsList(Action) EditorLogic:SelectPanelParts(Boolean) EditorLogic:StartEditor(Boolean) <Start>c__Iterator32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) [LOG 06:59:59.807] *****Adding icon for Kolonization [LOG 06:59:59.809] *****Adding icon for Construction [LOG 06:59:59.811] *****Adding icon for Logistics [LOG 06:59:59.813] *****Adding icon for Manufacturing
  20. I'm getting this exact same behavior. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FT2TA-T2f_FTcU5ZTV93agCSqoBxuMlk EDIT: HMMM, the log says my KSPWheel version is Its the one that was bundled with Kerbal Foundries... Going to swap that out and try again. EDIT2: That fixed it, critter crawler is crawling again. And the update fixed the funky particle effect.
  21. You are too awesome man. That does give a new category that pulls in alot of the jet engines, but they also still appear in the nuclear engine category. It does not catch things like KAX props that have AJE configs, those still only show in Nuclear Engines.
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