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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. @DennyTX If its creating lists on startup it could simply be overload. I have OPM which would add alot of biomes and several mods that add experiments. DMagic Orbital Science, Cacteye Telescopes, SCANsat, Surface Experiment Package, Science Revisited, IFI Life Support, may be others
  2. I started my new science mode playthrough and after a while I just couldn't deal with the terrible performance. So I went through checked every mod with a simple test to see if it have a performance impact and looked at my graphics settings and got things optimized by dropping some mods and tweaking some stuff. Currently I can launch a rocket with 45+ FPS the entire flight, thanks to the Hangar mod the complexity of the payload doesn't hit performance anymore. Once in orbit things are great and running at 55-60 most of the time. I built a little remote lander that could transmit science and put 4 of them on a hauler and sent several to the mun and minmus, At about 150 parts those hit my FPS to about 30ish. I now have a small station in orbit of the mun which is 3 vessels docked together. Probably less than 100 parts total. FPS is about 12 anytime I'm looking at it. Just can't deal with it. I went into a completely stock install and stuck together several of the stock vessels and cheated it into orbit. At least 300 parts. 60 FPS. So clearly some of the mods I'm using are killing my performance. I'm going to revisit my mod list again and trim things down to only the bare essentials and do some more testing to see what mods are the culprits. I need a good reliable way to benchmark performance as I switch mods around, what are your suggestions? What mods in general will drag down performance? I am almost tempted to just go back to a completely stock install.
  3. I'm not sure if your making or joke or just haven't seen the new post.
  4. The other SXT nerta is called LV-NX4 "Fat Mun" Atomic Rocket Motor with the part name SXTNERVAB and has this config, @PART[SXTNERVAB]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] // LV-NX4 "Fat Mun" Atomic Rocket Motor { PLUME { name = Hydrogen-NTR transformName = thrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-2.3 fixedScale = 1.2 energy = 1 speed = 1.5 } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %powerEffectName = Hydrogen-NTR } } It seems to work fine.
  5. It is definitely this mod. When loading to the pad I get a good 5 seconds of 15ish FPS and then it jumps back to 60. Also seems to do the same thing when changing SOI.
  6. I'm confused by the science experiments. The Garden in a Can GreenHouse says "Plant Respiration Study" must be completed in the biome before use. OK, so there are two experiments unlocked. The Biosphere Containment Unit has an experiment called "Observe Plant Life" The BSS-G has an experiment called "Perform Experiments" but the description specifically says this will need to be done to use the MicroBiome, BioReactor and Aquatic Greenhouse. I went back and checked the OP, and it says this. Which doesn't really help that much, maybe I just need more parts unlocked.
  7. I used the default settings for Dang It and have run probably a hundred or so missions at this point. I'd say about 30% have had malfunctions, but most of the time they are harmless. I think I have seen a bug, but have not tried to reproduce it yet. When you have a vessel with a rcs thruster failure and go to the tracking station and then back to the vessel the thruster appears to be firing full blast in every direction, but it produces no thrust and consumes no fuel. I've had it happen at least twice, so I think its just a visual glitch.
  8. That is actually exactly what I ended up doing. Right now I'm running For Science since I'm far enough along to always have a scientist on board, but adding the collect all to command pods is still useful since you can easily disable FS and move the data to whatever pod you need it in. And then still running [X]Science for the here and now window when I'm doing something unmanned. And the filterable list is handy to figure out where I need to go to collect science still.
  9. I get no plume at all on the LV-NX3 "Phoebus" Atomic Rocket Motor from SXT. The part name is SXTNERVA and a quick search shows it does have a config. @PART[SXTNERVA]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] // LV-NX3 "Phoebus" Atomic Rocket Motor { PLUME { name = Hydrogen-NTR-HighTemp transformName = thrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,0.5 fixedScale = 1 energy = 1.5 speed = 1.3 emissionMult = 1 } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %powerEffectName = Hydrogen-NTR-HighTemp } }
  10. I'm not sure you can add the bathymetry one since it has a shallow and deep biome. Would probably take custom support. BTW, is there deep water in any biome other than shore and water on kerbin?
  11. I'll have to check the parts but I know I was getting weird plumes with the RLA micro blocks when they were scaled down to like 50% size.
  12. Is there a mod that just has just the weldable docking ports? Or adds that function to stock ports.
  13. Can this be applied to RCS blocks? I find that I scale those up and down a good bit, but the gfx look goofy sometimes when you scale them small. Is there a sutible plume to use for RCS?
  14. I updated Kopernicus, Kronometer, Sigma Dimensions, Sigma Binary and Outer Planets Mod. I believe these are all the mods that I use that rely on Kopernicus and they all had updates to 1.3.1-6. I sent a remote probe to land on minmus and as soon as I got into the SOI my FPS tanked. I saw alot of errors on the console and checked the log and its all to do with biome. I open SCANsat in game to look at the biome map, it does not work. I try every other body/map type I have unlocked and they are all fine, just specifically the minmus biome map is broken. I rolled back to the previous version of the listed mods and all is fine. [EXC 03:18:15.951] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. CBAttributeMapSO.GetAtt (Double lat, Double lon) SCANsat.SCANUtil.getBiomeIndex (.CelestialBody body, Double lon, Double lat) SCANsat.SCANUtil.getBiome (.CelestialBody body, Double lon, Double lat) SCANsat.SCAN_Map.SCANmap.getPartialMap (Boolean apply) SCANsat.SCAN_Unity.SCAN_UI_BigMap.Update () SCANsat.Unity.Unity.SCAN_BigMap.Update () [EXC 03:18:15.965] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. CBAttributeMapSO.GetAtt (double,double) <0x000d9> ScienceUtil.GetExperimentBiome (CelestialBody,double,double) <0x0007f> MuMech.MechJebModuleInfoItems.CurrentRawBiome () <0x0009f> (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope.lambda_method (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope,object) <0x00042> MuMech.ValueInfoItem/<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<.ctor>b__0 () <0x00024> MuMech.ValueInfoItem.DrawItem () <0x00045> MuMech.MechJebModuleCustomInfoWindow.WindowGUI (int) <0x00124> MuMech.DisplayModule.ProfiledWindowGUI (int) <0x0001f> UnityEngine.GUILayout/LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (int) <0x000e4> UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,int,UnityEngine.GUISkin,int,single,single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle) <0x001b4> ksp log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fpwy0weulVCoQheCuKf65wxMT142PIYN output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Xctn15D0xlJMmIj37F3AE2CNIEUIjUop
  15. This is beyond awesome, such an elegant solution to a problem.
  16. When saving a NRAP as part of a subassembly it does not retain the sizing.
  17. I was trying to do it on Kerbin, when I do a mun landing I will take one but I was never able to get it to work, all the rest of the experiments work fine.
  18. I had been holding off on updating until all the mods that use Kopernicus were updated.
  19. Trying to add this to my modded install, it hangs on loading SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/eFan/SXTeFan I tried deleting the MM cache files and also tried the previous version of SXT, neither worked. ksp log https://drive.google.com/open?id=10YMM44-qQYtZNzHL6lJfa6-xgCtfUnHN output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jVfAcY0efoZlg6LvpFaEce6ZGl8DGwJc
  20. @Sigma88 Is this an easter egg? I've spent the last couple hours trying to figure out how textures got jacked up in my install.
  21. Ever seen this before? Foreground is kerbin. I've not changed or messed with any of my mods that have to do with planets and its been fine for weeks, it was just like this when I launched the game today. Seems to only be an issue with the map view. I did drop USI life support and add the IFI life support mod, but i played a good bit since then and didn't notice it. ksp log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bHb8xRV2n8Bl1zc7DP_8rOPNBUmuoQIi output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Hig-7DfZEHWTXKB1u77BUS8VvKqFE-Pf
  22. yes it works unmodded just fine. I can go through my mod list and figure out what it is conflicting with.
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