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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. I think this is the 5th mod I've seen that does ballast tanks. How many parts does this add? Are the engines just EC powered or take liquid fuel? Definitely going to check it out when I get home.
  2. It adds functional telescopes. You build the telescope put it in orbit and then you have an interface and viewfinder that you use to look at a distant planet, and there is a button to click once you get the planet in the viewfinder that will give you science points.
  3. At the bottom of the spreadsheet are the mods that I ended up removing because of performance problems with notes on the performance I observed. But this is all dependent on my hardware and my system/game settings. So I'm reluctant to post a list of mods and say these mods are bad, avoid them.
  4. I always maintain a mod list when I play games. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iznWcub3iGpN_Xvd-UFHVwMrxjvcaKQiGOZvAUsWwRs/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Thats an interesting idea, I have never seen a mod that implements that.
  6. I have one small request. The mod displays the max battery and the drain per second, so I can estimate how long it can run on battery on the dark side of a planet, but it would be nice if the mod did the math for me. The mod displays 4 fields, would it be possible to add a 5th that gives that estimate.
  7. Any plans on unifying that or making it configurable in the future?
  8. I have blizzys toolbar installed just to put all the mechjeb buttons on for easy access. I would prefer if everything else used the stock toolbar. The USI Kolony button only shows up on blizzys toolbar and the life support status only shows up on the stock toolbar. I see no options for changing either of them.
  9. This is kind of where my line of thinking has gone on the subject. My new mod list is real short and only has mods that add new features or expand on what you can do, no mods that add new restrictions or limitations. Still looking for any more mods that fit this mold.
  10. I think I have things setup, here is how it played out. I did some thinking about exactly what I wanted from the playthrough and drastically shortened my mod list by dropping off alot of stuff that makes the game harder and more complicated. I'm really just interested in building bases this time around. I then setup a save with a 350 part vessel in orbit of the mun. One by one I added a mod loaded up the save and waited a bit to let the performance stabilize and the recorded the results. Stock would give me 55 FPS, now I have 55 mods installed at its dropped to 45 FPS which I am happy with. My initial test with my full list was giving me 10 FPS. I discovered several mods that hit performance pretty hard in that situation that I always use.
  11. Should be easy to check, go to the orbiting craft and look at the inclination, its is around 0 then its going the right direction, if its around 180 then thats the problem. And I agree, I recently did a number of launches from the mun with a reusable lander using ascent guidance and it worked great.
  12. So new install is going super lite on mods, I checked and a regular transfer takes 800 years. So is there a small mod that adds an engine that would make transfers possible while not at the same time invalidating all the other engines. What would your suggestion be?
  13. yep, i always look up some kind of plane pics before attempting to build one, i'm terrible at original plane designs.
  14. I've been using the kerbo katz utilites to watch FPS and Sim Speed. The vessel was just several stock craft all docked together in the editor and cheated into orbit, I dont still have the save I was testing with. I've sense swapped over to a different install and reevaluated my mod list again. I did not test the difference between crew parts and just parts. I don't think my test craft had more than a few crew parts. I will see if I can reproduce easily and set something up to send you.
  15. Redid my mod list again and started a new career, so new early game science plane design.
  16. I'm happy to report that I redid my mod list once again, trimming out alot of mods and its working now.
  17. I did not have USI Tools installed. My mistake. Is that only needed for the legs? The other parts seem to work fine without it.
  18. I had to disable the Distant Object flares when looking at planets with several moons. It seems flares are disabled for any object in the viewfinder, but they get enabled when just outside of the rendered area and at high magnification they wash over the visible area and obscure whatever else is there, I think the disabled range just needs to be expanded, personally id be fine with just having flares off in the viewfinder alltogether.
  19. I've been doing some tests on my mod install and there seems to be a pretty big overhead that is worse with a vessel with more parts. With a 200 part ship I get about 55 FPS in the stock game, adding the mod gives me a steady 40FPS. With a small vessel I don't notice a performance impact.
  20. I cant get the spacedock website to load no matter how I go to it, probably my ISP having issues.
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