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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. Thank you to everyone that has put in work on this mod.
  2. You sure? I thought Kerbalism added the EVA fuel feature for jetpacks. I dunno, maybe it was added to stock at some point.
  3. Anyone tried to add airbags to the new Making History round pods?
  4. I just wanted to come by to say thank you for bringing back this mod. I've missed it.
  5. That indeed fixed it, thanks for taking a look.
  6. On the stock toolbar I get 2 icons added. The white box I can click to open and close the ui window, the icon directly above it does nothing.
  7. I'm missing all icons from the flight scene.
  8. holy crap, turning off the tidy up really does fix the bug. Been pulling my hair out the past few days trying ti figure out what breaks all the menus.
  9. Does anyone have inconsistencies between the planner and actual flight. In the planner it says I have 5 days of food. On the launchpad it says 10 days 4 hours. In the planner with a fiel cell on I have 6 days of hydrogen supply, on the launchpad its 2.
  10. This is pretty cool, I recently built a GPS constellation around kerbin just for fun to see what kind of planning it would take to put one around Duna. It would be cool if something like the mechjeb land at target feature didn't work without something like this.
  11. Its a cool model and good artwork IMO. It did get me thinking though. I know escape pods are pretty common in a sci-fi and video games, but does it really make sense? Something like this would really only be good for one planet, like earth where you need the heat shield to survive reentry and it has an atmosphere where a parachute would work. And its not like you can live in the pod for long, so you know you need to land somewhere that you can get out and still survive. So yeah, if you want to build a spacecraft that never leaves earth, then these would be a great safety measure to have. Also thinking about life boats? Say you have a disaster scenario where the main reactor that powers the ship is going to explode. Everyone gets to the life boat and escapes the destruction. You have cramped quarters and limited supplies to wait for a rescue, but your still in orbit so rescue would be easier, there is always that. What if it happens in orbit of mars vs in orbit of jupiter. Each situation would need dramatically different capabilities from the life boat for the crew to have a reasonable chance of it being useful, meaning every emergency situation would require a different type of escape vehicle. Soon you are devoting as much weight to escape systems as you are to the main mission. So, I ask, do escape systems from spacecraft in general make sense? Like in our exploding reactor scenario, the escape pod weight could have been used to make the ship segmented and able to ditch the reactor and save the main crew areas, at least then they may survive long enough for a rescue. Or if you do have a life boat escape system do you also need multiple redundant and independent supply caches that are pre-deployed to ensure the crews ability to survive disaster scenarios?
  12. My mun lander flipped over after a save/reload. So I'm going to install it and see if I have any issues still. Will report back.
  13. Is there any way to hide vessels in the list? I built a GPS Constellation around kerbin just for fun and now I have 24 relays clogging up the list. I know how to use the filters and groups, but that just lets you show something specific, I'm looking for kind of the reverse, to hide a group and show everything else instead of show only that group.
  14. Also hoping someone is able to figure out how to do that.
  15. Really? No more than the game costs and the number of hours we all put into it, you don't feel its a good value? I'll probably end up buying 3-4 copies of everything and I've got no issue with that because its a great game.
  16. So I was trying to make a robot arm to deploy the seismic probes so I could pick them up and carry to another biome, then I was thinking about just having a set of three rovers, one with the hammer and two with probes. But that sounds like alot of driving around remote rovers to pull it off for every biome. So I decided I wanted to make a small rover I could send with a crewed lander so one of the crew could go deploy the seismic probes accurately. After alot of googling for ideas I decided on making a Mun bike.
  17. Mod is great, I've been using it in my current game and it solves so many problems and lets me just focus on building stuff. Thanks for the work!
  18. Testing a plane that can transport equipment to build a polar base on kerbin.
  19. I wanted to use this mod for the persistent rotation feature, so when I returned to visit my station it would be facing a proper direction, but it seems to have a conflict with Mechjeb. Landing Guidance works perfectly, but with the persistent rotation feature active MJ cannot successfully timewarp without going off course.
  20. In the tracking station I would love to be able to open the overlay controller without having to open the big map.
  21. I flew my new spaceship for the first time.
  22. I have a cacteye in orbit with a wide field and asteroid cam, when I switch to the asteroid cam I get a horrible stutter caused by trash collecting happening every half second or so.
  23. I've been sending tiny remote landers to all the mun biomes to grab easy science.
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