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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. It sounds like a good application for a kOS script.
  2. I'm pretty versed in using GIMP and I did a couple textures for myself for the Hangar mod no problem, those are just .png files. I was thinking about retexturing a couple of the KW parts that I use so they fit in with VSR better, but those have .dds textures. Opening one gives an image that is almost completely transparent with just some little wispy bits here and there and layers as mipmaps. I see the same thing when looking at Vens textures. Is this just how dds textures are stored? Is it how the materials and textures are setup on the models? How should I go about working with these? Is there a tool to convert back and forth? Not really sure where to start.
  3. You have done the impossible, you have returned FPS to my game. Thank you so much for all the work that went into this mod.
  4. I think I put a .pdf in there that has all the stock engine stats to use as a guide.
  5. Has anyone ever worked on a texture pack to make KW tanks and tairings a little more stock-alike?
  6. I dont think my problem is with how much they eat. I have run a number of more manned missions with a pod that has 400 snacks and 2 crew. The estimator says it should last about 77 days. In reality they will always chew through half the supply in about 12 days. The estimator should be about 25-30, not 77, it might as well not even be there. I suspect this is happening because I'm playing with a 3.2x rescale and the Kronometer mod that effects how much time is in a day.
  7. At the end of the first burn on Asecent Guidance using the classic profile MJ seems to make one hard pull up putting the rocket into a flip. I'm thinking this is just a side effect of having the Mandatory RCS mod. Any way I can tweak that?
  8. Is there a way to add Disable Staging to the payload fairing? Mechjeb likes to deploy it at bad times.
  9. I'm not following? If you mean to use with the fold out wings I'd say just use regular aircraft landing gear.
  10. I tried it with and without. I'm not too far into rebuilding my mod list, so let do something. Its very anecdotal, but... I made a little imgur album of a very simple craft in very high orbit of kerbin. On the top right you can see my FPS and simulation speed from the KerboKatz utilities. https://imgur.com/a/TbAEc The only difference between those two sets of shots is I installed Kerbal Konstructs, Kerbinside, KKtoSD and my KerbinSide 32x configs. You would think that it should have no performance impact at that distance in the flight scene, but in reality I loose 15 fps. Maybe @Sigma88 has some insight? here are my logs that included those mods. ksp.log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v23R08xnes9DNa2jH3i7hM47dx8Wr_s5 output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XUU0oH_GZlV8WwMFx1u1pqVWY06JX3nh
  11. Been doing tests on my modded install to try and get better performance and I've found that having this and KerbinSide installed makes me drop about 15 FPS everywhere. Basic install in orbit of the mun with a small craft, I get 60 fps and 100% sim speed. Add these two and it drops to 45 fps and 100% sim speed.
  12. There are some of the groups that I just couldn't make look good because of the relative heights and ended up having to split them up. Some of the groups I don't think will look good regardless. I was mainly out to have nothing floating and for all the launch points to work. Just install the most recent version of everything. I ended up dropping SVT from my install for performance reasons.
  13. I worked on a set of configs for that very thing in 3.2x, they will probably work in 2.5x too, just have to try it out. Link in my sig.
  14. Thanks, I was able to get the formulas in my spreadsheet working with this.
  15. I used to use the Visual Remote Tech Planner which is a great source of info. I tried looking through the source of that to find my answer but didn't get anywhere with it. i want to be able to deploy a synchronized sattelite network of either 3 or 4 relays depending on the body. I've got the deployment mastered, but I need a way to calculate the proper height for using a resealed system. Take these for example. If I know the length of r1, what is the formula to solve for r2 in each situation? I have tried google searching also and not had any luck either.
  16. I only have blizzy installed to handle all the mechjeb buttons during the flight scene, its much easier than trying to use the drop down menu to get to everything. I would rather all other buttons be on the stock toolbar. I think Toolbar Control might be useful for you if you have not seen it.
  17. Anyone know why the Pila and Aerobee engines don't show an ASL thrust? I've looked through the configs and to me it seems fine. I was going to use the Pila and wanted to make sure there wasn't something wrong with it before I did.
  18. Davon Throttle Control allows you to throttle engines independently, I have not seen a mod that will automatically do what your talking about.
  19. sounds like the contract may need to be tweaked.
  20. the settings.cfg link is dead. Is it still applicable to 1.3.1 anyhow?
  21. yeah my bad. been taking care of the little one throwing up all night, i dunno where my brain is at.
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