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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. What would be cool is a 'live' delta v map, where you could go to a website or something and plug in your rescale factor and it would show you something like this, but with updated numbers.
  2. What should I do if I want to use this without scatterer? It seems to work ok as is, but are there any config changes I should make?
  3. I was having this same bug last time I was building something. Things with rigid connect on a radial decoupler, even with autostruts, were not strong enough to hold and required lots of extra struts. My issues was with SpaceY SRBs though.
  4. I've seen some bug reports on tweakscaled parts on the git, so it should be supported in the end. Not sure where it stands with the current dev version.
  5. Love the way you used the rotating ring
  6. It does not seem to work with Real Fuels? I don't see any of the new options on any engines after adding the part to a vessel and opening the control panel.
  7. You can open the vessel info page, there are tabs across the bottom. I think its the Auto one, whichever one it is, there are check marks for each of the conditions that can stop time warp, just uncheck the ones you dont want.
  8. @AG5BPilot It has to do with how the Kerbalism science system works. @ShotgunNinja recently went into detail on it, just read back a few pages on the Kerbalism thread.
  9. I've been playing around with my own layouts and resolved any input lag concerns. I however cann't get camera feeds to work. Do they have another dependency? I have hullcam VDS installed.
  10. My understanding is that Kerbalism strives to change this by using a resource cache and a new warp helper module. @ShotgunNinja talks about it here. https://github.com/ShotgunNinja/Kerbalism/issues/96
  11. @Crimeo There is a config file where you can toggle off the features. Check out the github wiki, it has details.
  12. My concern with making the default scale something other than 1 is that installing tweakscale will make those parts bigger than normal without actually doing anything. I did configs for 30 or so mods literally every part was consistent in that simply installing tweakscale didn't change anything about the parts you were used to using, and this was the only mod that had surface parts with defaultScale of something other than 1. I had assumed it was a typo when the config was originally created, but I could see reverting that change to keep backwards compatibility. Its a delicate balance.
  13. To piggy back on that, it would be nice if when you were put into orbit you were always put on the daylight side of the planet.
  14. I just redownloaded from the link in the OP and this is what I see... ***AERO*** @PART[stubbytinynose] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } @PART[smallwingConnector5] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } @PART[smallwingConnector4] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } @PART[smallwingConnector3] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } @PART[smallwingConnector2] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } }
  15. I use about 40 part mods that support tweakscale, this is literally the only one that requires a separate download. Every other one has a config that comes bundled with the mod or with tweakscale. I would suggest just adding a :NEEDS[TweakScale] to all the parts in the config and bundling it with the mod, will harm nothing and make it easier on everyone.
  16. The nosecone is part name SXTProtonlikeNoseCone and that is one of the parts that did not have tweakscale. I would say that it is loading the part and looking for a tweakscale value, but not finding one so not telling what it is doing. One would hope that it would assign a default value based on the config type, but looks like it doesn't? You could either delete that part from the tweakscale config, that should let you load it back up, or try making a backup of the vessel file and edit it by hand to add in the tweakscale node with its default scaling size. @pellinor what is your take?
  17. What you describe reminds me alot of MOLE, it has parts that can take two experiments from the choice of several, requires you to put the part in orbit for a long duration while scientists in a lab generate lab time to complete the experiments, then you have to finalize them and return them to the surface. Now he has added a new LDEF system to do those experiments too.
  18. No need to double post. That sounds like a bug I encountered when changing the scaling type of parts to something that used a different set of relative numbers. Like surface uses 1.0 as a default and free uses 100. If you take a part that was surface and make it free the load a vessel that used it, the part would vanish, its technically still there, just scaled to 1% because it was saved with a scale factor of 1.0, but its now expecting a 100 to be that size part. I made sure not to change any scale types. I looked at the commit and I did change the default scale of surface attach parts, they were all set to 1.25 and I made them 1.0. Its seems like having the default scale set to 1.25 would have made the part a different base size depending on if you had tweakscale installed or not, which seemed like a bad idea. If you want to perform an experiment, try editing the config and replace every instance of type = surface defaultScale = 1.0 with type = surface defaultScale = 1.25 and load the vessel again. Other than that I don't see how anything I changed could be causing problems.
  19. I follow that too. Thanks for the help. While I know that a program in a loop can be setup to react to vessel status changes, that is the whole point of making an autopilot right? It is still not user input. I'm afraid the GUI would not apply for me, in my situation I'm not going to have a mouse to use. So I think I'm back to my original statement more or less. Once a program is in a loop, there is no way to send user input to it, outside of using action groups, which is still just a reaction to a vessel status change, not truly user input. My workaround is to use the TELNET feature, setup a putty window on a second screen, use an AutoHotKey script that is setup to respond to keyboard and joystick button presses and send corresponding commands to the terminal Each of those is setup to first send a ctrl+c firs to stop the running program, then a run script command with any new parameters that I'm looking to utilize. I think it will work no problem, and at the end of the day, will make coding simpler since each section is going to be a different program, as opposed to having everything in a single state machine design style program.
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