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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. I'm not sure what skybox it was, don't see a link in the OP. He split the planet textures into a different mod so he wouldn't have to reupload them every time an update was needed. Stock Visual Terrain
  2. I did not change any settings, I would love for someone to put SVE and Kopernicus on a clean install and take some pics to confirm it is just my system. When starting a new sandbox game I can always see the seam over the northern hemisphere before doing any time warping.
  3. I have always had this when using EVE + Kopernicus. I took these two shots on my unmodded game, It's one of those things where its easy to miss, but is hard to unsee once you have noticed it. I'm windows 10 64bit, playing the 64 bit version of the game, I have a decent gaming rig with a GTX 970 and 16 GB of ram.
  4. I see this with the new version, same thing I was seeing when using Kopernicus with the previous version.
  5. It was there last version. I caught it before I overwrote mine too, not a big fan of having everything bundled together honestly, would rather just have links to recommend mods that go with this. I actually didn't use anything from the texture replacer folder because I already have endraxial textures, my own skybox and a bunch of suit/head textures I didn't want to mess with First thing I had to do was dig through all the folders and see what mods were there. Like the reentry particle effects mod is there, but hidden in a different folder, and the planetshine mod is there too, but in its normal folder. So its a little confusing.
  6. Awesome, is there an easy way to make it so I can take multiple crew reports without going EVA?
  7. I remember reading a mod page that just did some tweaks to science collecting, swapping the biome situations between EVA and Crew Reports, and letting you take multiple crew reports without going EVA to remove and store data. Can not find it again, can someone point me in the right direction?
  8. Yes, but in game there is a clear edge where the two halves of the cloud layer meet where the cloud textures do not match, this is only happens when Kopernicus is installed
  9. When I use a stock fairing, after ditching the shell, if I mouse over the ring part that is still on the vessel I get an exception thrown that has to do with the highlighting and the ring does not highlight properly. I believe this is a stock bug, anyone else see this behavior?
  10. If I install the most recent Kopernicus alongside this I get glitched cloud textures on Kerbin, either only half the planet has a cloud layer or you can see a visible seam between the two halves. Is there a fix or is this a EVE bug?
  11. Love the update. If I play on something other than 100% science the numbers in the new UI do not match up with what I actually get. I can also repeat the same science task over and over by opening and closing the window, it just gives a little less each time. EDIT: Ok, did some testing and I see whats going on. One pic is from a game at 100% science rewards, the other is a game at 50% science rewards. In the 100% game the EVA report is worth 36 science and gives 36 science, in the 50% game I only get 9, because its giving me half of the actual value at this difficulty setting while reporting its still worth the full value.
  12. OMG, this may be the best mod ever. Does it work retroactively if I add it in the middle of a game?
  13. Are weather effects possible, like rain & thunderstorms on kerbin, would be interesting to fly in.
  14. In-game at the space center view check the options window and see what it is set to.
  15. Yeah part highlighting is really in annoying the VAB, that's really the only reason I do not use it anymore.
  16. I have ran across this once. @linuxgurugamer How about an planet intercept simulation? Lets say I want to test a aerobraking design for a rover sent from Kerbin to Duna, would be nice to be able to push simulate and be thrown instantly to the Duna SOI change with a velocity matching what I would have during an ideal transfer window from Kerbin. I would think a Kerbin->Destination setup would be good enough, no need to make combinations like Duna-> Jool, etc...
  17. I tested it and I can now recover using RealChutes, thanks so much. I did not seem to be able to get the VAB UI to do anything though, but I didn't get any exceptions thrown either.
  18. I like that idea, a new setting that only lets you dump if you have ejection ports installed, and if you put them on symmetrically it should be a zero sum thrust. And a new VFX showing your fuel or whatever getting shot out into space. Could probably rip off the part from the stock single port thruster and just make some tweaks to how it works.
  19. I don't see the debug menu anywhere in the keybinds page, am I just missing it? Is there a file somewhere that I can edit and change it?
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