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Everything posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. Submit your times on the KCCR thread please, it'll be easier to keep it organized that way.
  2. @Baybrawler 1. Someone wanted to use the anti-gravity pads from the Kerbal Foundries mod to make a craft. I wasn't sure which category to put it in, so I just called it hovercraft. 2. The route you take is up to you, but make sure to keep track of your time. 3. Chutes are allowed. I'll add it to the rules. 4. You can submit stages separately, they don't all have to be submitted at the same time. But all stages need to be in by February 28th at the latest, as that's how long this challenge goes on for. Hope that helps.
  3. Nice! Where is its orbit? I'll be downloading this tomorrow, provided it's compatible with OPM.
  4. Reply on the KCCR thread as well! We're thinking that this first rally, the KCCR, will be from January 1st to February 28th.
  5. Good point, but we're planning to do a race everybody 2 months or so. Anyway, that's enough with the advertising, I'll be off now (I guess you could ask any more questions you have on the proper thread). Im looking forward to everyone's Dakar entries tomorrow though, even though I can't participate.
  6. Not sure why the pictures are stretched on the phone... I'll try to fix it tomorrow
  7. I've finished my rally! Check it out, and maybe participate :
  8. The Kerbin Cross-Continental Rally (KCCR) This is part of the Official Kerbal Racing Season rover race event, organized by myself and @Oliverm001x The KCCR is an off-road cross-continental rally consisting of 8 stages. The race starts off at the Stage 1 flag (next to the KSC runway), and heads north along the continent towards the finish flag. The 8 stages offer every type of terrain, from smooth ground to rocky mountains and sheer cliffs for the racer to navigate on and around. Each stage is roughly 60km, not too short and not too long. THE DURATION OF THIS CHALLENGE IS FROM 1ST JANUARY TO 28TH FEBRUARY. AFTER THAT A NEW RALLY/RACE WILL BE HELD. Save file for the rally: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/51esn08h184rtrh/AADEj35YVyqXYjqQT7YdDRf5a?dl=0 Screenshots (behold my amazing MS Paint skills! ) : Full track Stages 1-3 (Stage 1 starts at the KSC runway) Stages 3-4 Stages 4-5 Stages 5-6 Stages 6-8 Rules: Main categories are Modded and Stock, subcategories are Electric only (E), Fuel/Electric (F/E), Fuel only (F) and Hovercraft (H). Only one vehicle is allowed for the entire rally, the vehicle cannot be replaced. However, fixing the vehicle (things like repairing wheels) is allowed. Using KIS/KAS to replace parts of the vehicle is allowed, but will put you in the modded section. Chutes are allowed. Flying is not allowed. Jumping, however, is allowed. A jump is classified as a jump if the craft is in the air but is not being propelled by anything. It should follow a (rough) arc and hit the ground again. If the throttle is active while the craft is in the air (resulting in the engines, if any, producing thrust), this is considered flying. Boost flaps are allowed. These block the thrust of engines instantly, avoiding the dreaded spool-up and spool-down times of jet engines. Junos are the only jet engines this method can be used on effectively. If boost flaps are not being used, then cutting throttle (using the X key) when the craft is in the air is sufficient. Even though the jet engines will still be producing thrust due to their long spool-down time, this can be disregarded as there is really no way to get around this. The method for submitting an entry is as follows: A screenshot of the vehicle inside the SPH/VAB. A screenshot of the vehicle no more than 10 meters from the stage start flag, with a speed of 0.0 m/s. A screenshot of the vehicle no more than 10 meters from the stage finish flag, with a speed of 0.0 m/s. Screenshots while driving the stage are welcome. Videos are highly encouraged, but the screenshots listed above are the bare minimum. A suggested way of keeping track of your time for each stage: When you start the stage, make a note of the mission clock (at the top-left of the screen), for example 01 mins 00 secs. When you finish the stage, make a note of the mission clock again, for example 15 mins 57 secs. And then do the maths: the start time subtracted from the finish time. In this example, the stage was started at 01 mins 00 secs, and finished at 15 mins 57 secs. 15:57 - 01:00 = 14 mins 57 secs, and that’s your time. You will be placed on the leaderboards according to your total time from each stage. Obviously, a lower time is better. Leaderboards: Stock Electric Only (E) Fuel/Electric (F/E) Fuel Only (F) Hovercraft (H) Modded Electric Only (E) Fuel/Electric (F/E) Fuel Only (F) Hovercraft (H) This is part of the Official KSP Racing Season, so any participants will get points, contributing to their season finish position (kind of how the F1 driver championship works). It's a WIP, check out that thread for more info. Good luck! Please tell me if I missed anything, I'm sure I did.
  9. Point. In the KCCR, the exact same vehicle must start and finish the rally (no using a fresh vehicle for each stage). I'm working on an exclusive thread for it now, more info will be there. EDIT: KCCR thread has been published!
  10. Using other versions are fine, but I'm not sure if the save file would be compatible. You can try it if you want. Hovercrafts are fine, I guess. I might have to make a different category for them, though. The way you recharge doesn't matter. the E, F/E and F categories are only for the propulsion mechanism. Hoever, I'll add Hovercrafts, (H) to the list, since I'm not sure which one hovercrafts would be myself. @Oliverm001x, you should probably add it to the general rules as well.
  11. Alterations are allowed, and multiple entries are definitely allowed. I'm looking forward to this too!
  12. For the cross-continental rally, same vehicle throughout. I'll ask @Oliverm001x to add that to the general rules.
  13. I guess if people wanted to use landing gear, that would go into the fuel only category. I don't think many people will make a craft for that category, but we have it just in case. Oh, and the exclusive thread for the cross-continental rally will be created tomorrow.
  14. I'm working on a cross-continental rally at the moment, and I'll make a new thread for it as well as post it here when I'm done. EDIT: Here's the save file, the thread for it will be created tomorrow thread has been created: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/51esn08h184rtrh/AADEj35YVyqXYjqQT7YdDRf5a?dl=0
  15. Everything in the save, unfortunately. And with just a day left to rebuild and test my rover, I've lost interest. EDIT: However, I'm making my own rally at the moment, and I'm almost done. I just have to make a dropbox account and upload the save file, make a thread, and I'm done. I'll announce it here (if that's ok with you @Triop) and on the Official Kerbal Racing Season thread, by myself and @Oliverm001x.
  16. Unfortunately, I will have to pull out of this race, due to a random corruption in the save file. I went into it and found that all my craft had been deleted, I couldn't launch anything, and when I restarted KSP the save file had deleted itself.
  17. Yup, progress has been slow on my part, as I've been caught up in the Dakar challenge. However, I've got the screenshots done, so chapter 24 should be out by Monday
  18. I'm thinking of starting my own rally. Not from KSC2 to the pyramids (I'll leave that to whoever is doing that), but from the KSC to some other place.
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