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Everything posted by Ozymandias_the_Goat

  1. I agree. You can survive by eyeballing it, but you will use more fuel. KER can help, but it really shines when landing something with a low TWR. The LV-909 you are using as your landing engine has a high TWR. I think you can easily eyeball it without losing too much fuel. About your craft, I don't think you need that heat shield. They are quite heavy, and a mk. 1 capsule can survive a reentry without one. That could help shed a lot of weight. The other piece of advice i have is quite timeless; that being "moar" boosters!
  2. As if 2016 was not bad enough already... When the new becomes commonplace, people become accustomed to it. That's a tribute to our sense of adventure. - John Glenn The most important thing we can do is inspire young minds to advance the kind of science, math, and technology education that will help youngsters take us to the next phase of space travel - John Glenn People keep talking about how we have to go to Mars. We may want to go to Mars sometime. -John Glenn
  3. Most impressive! The Detail is quite a bit better than the old ones. Instant download here.
  4. Illuminati Confirmed! Waiter, there's a Bill Murray in my soup!
  5. Were losing all our squad staff! SOS! (Save our Staff)
  6. I have often the same problem. Usually happens when I run the game for a long time, and because my computer is old, KSP gets buggy. Then, I usually transfer crew with EVA. If you are still intent on transferring crew without EVA, it sometimes helps to click the crew hatch of the module you want to transfer crew. Nice pic anyway.
  7. I would like to actually do science in sandbox mode. I think the "modes" should be still there, but once you start out, there would be more features so that the modes would blend as you augment your game more. I think this is the pretty common opinion of all the posters, so i'll curtail my essay here. I too only play sandbox...
  8. Probably it died because it tried the soup Waiter, my soup has been modded to the point at which it runs at 3 fps.
  9. Yeah Baby! This is (hopefully) gonna be great! Can't wait to try it out.
  10. @Bill Zarr also made this neat Enterprise: Nice!
  11. "These are the Voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: To explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life, and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no Little Green Man has gone before" As you may know, today is the 50th anniversary of the first airing of Star Trek. As a tribute, I made my very own, however slapped together, Starship Kenterprise! For warp, just use hyperedit! Live long and Prosper!
  12. I wish that people would follow the game rules and post a wish as well, not just a corruption.
  13. 8.5/10; Cool stuff but kind of cluttered. I do like "Explodey Explorations", though.
  14. Yes, welcome! Why have a dedicated game to blow stuff up when you can do the same stuff while learning rocket science? Your craft are pretty legit, too!
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