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Everything posted by Ozymandias_the_Goat

  1. That hat...its my hair!...And ME WANTS IT BACK!
  2. Obviously, by not clicking itself. How do get max TWR with a potato?
  3. Yeah, but there were some limitations. First of all, the largest stock part that is black is the 2.5 m storage unit. The part count on this was over 300, and it is pretty short and wobbly. At first, I made a taller one with some 800 parts, but despite a large amount of struts, it fell exploded on the pad. So I cut it down and used some 3.75 m fuel tanks to elevate it, despite the fact that those are white. If I had used mods to obtain a large, black fuel tank, I could have made it taller. And, because I could not make it too tall, this does resemble the very top part of the tower, but yes, most of it is missing. This is a taller version of the Tower in the VAB. as it was too laggy and exploded when launched. The VAB is probably still not tall enough to make it proportional, but this does come relatively close.
  4. Hello all, just showing another little project I made. As you may have guessed, the is a stock recreation of Sauron's Eye from Lord of the Rings. Isengard pending. Daytime shot. The mountains in the back look a bit better than open ground or the KSC, so they are also included. A more impressive and realistic shot at night. The lights on the tower are set at 100% Red, 50% Green, 0% Blue to get the orange color, in case you were wondering. And of course, the tower's destruction. This inadvertently happened when I time-warped on it, and found it was not resilient. So I re-created the scenario and took a screenshot. Thank You!
  5. That's a good one to live by... As for a legitimate opinion, it is likely, probably certain that there is unintelligent life, and some form of complex life as well. As for a sentient life form, how do you even define "sentient"? My opinion is that it is difficult to differentiate complex life from sentient life. Tool use and industry are some hints, but most likely if intelligent life exists or will exist, it will never have the means to contact us, and vice versa, will just be too far away, and if it ever does come to Earth will consider humans too stupid to communicate with.
  6. I mean, seriously, what could go wrong with this stuff?
  7. It will doubtlessly be that +2 bonus points question on the 2024 science final. Of course, there is no guarantee that will happen, as making the definition of "planet" so broad would make the term meaningless. There is an immense difference between these planetoids, and "real" planets.
  8. This surely gives "redundant systems" a whole new meaning. And that crash landing at the end; that mist have taken many attempts to destroy only the right parts.
  9. For my two cents: (Ha ha, very funny @LetsGoToMars!) I agree that rescue contracts are an easy way to acquire new kerbals early in the game, perhaps too easy. Perhaps kerbals could be rescued, and then be taken down to the KSC and be up for hire at a discount price, or something of the sort. For my opinions on the aforementioned space race multiplayer mode, I agree it is a good idea. It would be interesting for the game to be linked to a server where playthroughs by previous player are stored, and then you could compete against anyone who has ever uploaded a game. To make it more realistic, I think there should be some grounds for random failure, but it would decrease as say, the experience of the pilot goes up or something. But I like the idea, and it could be actually worth it to upgrade KSP to v2.0 to accommodate this gameplay mechanic.
  10. Probably not. Too much work, and I just don't want to invest the time. Besides, there are so many great packs out there representing countless hours of work that I just don't want to put in. That's exactly how it felt!
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