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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @Scooty.

    Xt007 is talking about creating an in game modification for space based radiators (which sounds cool to me - especially if they got dirtier over time). You may have more luck getting the information you need asking in a mechanical or brand specific forum.

  2. 21 hours ago, bootsam said:

    occasionally a blue or purple offshoot will appear with what appears to be a rotate sign on the end, what does this mean?

    It's a little hard to understand your comment and in this case a picture really would say a lot about what you are seeing but here's my guess.

    I think what you are seeing is the effect of your interaction with the Mun, known as an 'assist'. As you enter the Mun's sphere of influence (SOI) it exerts its gravity on your vessel. If you pass behind the Mun (relative to it's prograde orbit) you get a slingshot effect, gaining velocity. If you pass in front of the Mun (once again relative to prograde orbit) it tugs you the other way and slows you down a little. I'm guessing the rotate signs you are seeing is your vessel's exit point for whatever body's sphere of influence you are in. Hover your cursor over it and it should say and give you a time.

    Some orbits can have multiple encounters with the same body over consecutive orbits. In this case you would see the projected effects of each assist in map view as different colored trajectories. In the case below I will first enter the Mun's SOI at a low orbit (the purple bit). If I wish to enter orbit I would burn at the periapsis (Pe) of that purple bit. If I do nothing I will get an assist from the Mun by passing behind it resulting in the green orbit which will then pass behind the Mun again (the red bit) and I will then be flung into solar orbit (the path of the blue bit).


  3. Welcome to the forum @Sammakko78.

    The great members who understand and assist with mods and technical support already know magic. The link @DrLicor posted contains the required information for effective support and as mentioned it is extremely difficult to identify an issue with a modded KSP install when the only information given is 'it does not work". If you would like assistance please be respectful and provide the information requested.

  4. 1 hour ago, RanDumbKerb said:

    i hope to build something half as nice as you guys one day! 

    Welcome to the forum @RanDumbKerb. There wouldn't be too many players who haven't forgotten batteries, parachutes or ladders at one time or another so you are well on the way to building great stuff.

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